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Episodes (8)

Apr 21, 2010
Celebrity tabloid journalist and Lowdown columnist Alex Burchill scores a highly coveted interview with the environmentalsit, Tantra-loving, Buddhist rock god, Wasp Warneke on one condition... he doesn't ask about Tantra.

Apr 28, 2010
Publicist to the starts, Hope van der Boom, briefs Alex before he interviews actor, sex-symbol and family man Oliver Barry. The interview is awkward and uncomfortable, despite the fact that Alex and Oliver share a birthday.

May 05, 2010
Temperamental tennis star Mitch 'Zirco' Zicopoulos has pulled out from a warm-up tournament citing a sore finger, leaving 20,000 fans out of pocket.

May 12, 2010
When plagiarising popstar Sofia Corelli is assaulted on the eve of her Melbourne tour, Alex suspects that the renowned torch singer Abi Hart has something to do with it. After all, Sofia has totally ripped-off Abi's sound and look.

May 19, 2010
It's late Friday night, and the editor is thrilled to hear via the police scanner that prominent businessman Jack Cooper has been busted drink driving.

May 26, 2010
Armed with video evidence of Lavish taking an alleged air-swing at the Australian Masters, Alex confronts Lavish at a press conference and is quickly ejected by a 'hormonal' Hope.

Jun 02, 2010
Alex is heavied into writing a puff piece on underworld crime boss Tony Marino and drags Bob along to take the pics. Blindfolded, they are taken to meet Tony at a seedy hotel.

Jun 09, 2010
Project Starsearch finalist Joss Miller has absconded from the show's compound, jeopardising the multi-million dollar TV final.
Lowdown Season 1 (2010) is released on Apr 21, 2010 and the latest season 2 of Lowdown is released in 2012. Watch Lowdown online - the English Comedy TV series from Australia. Lowdown is directed by Amanda Brotchie and created by Amanda Brotchie with Adam Zwar and Paul Denny.