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Episodes (8)

Jan 17, 2019
Tommy has gone AWOL immediately after the fight. Not only is Tucker after him, but so is Sylvia, who along with Lowly Jr., and Ginny and Chelsely indirectly, have also been affected by his actions in the ring. In his situation, Tommy begins to hallucinate. Through it all, he sees his survival much like that of something he discovered in his hiding place. Meanwhile, Ginny meets Cassius for the first time, as Pamela too has to deal with the aftermath of the fight with regard to Rico and her and Cassius' own financial security.

Jan 24, 2019
Especially considering Rico's condition, Tommy believes that he can figuratively just move in and be a father to Cassius. He hasn't really thought through what that really means since he hasn't had the best role model of a father. He may have other considerations as Tucker is still after him. Lowly Sr., who will be imminently paroled, wants too to go on the straight and narrow, which means staying clear of people like Tucker, something easier said than done. Sylvia and Ginny butt heads over who is the head of the household. Sylvia may stumble onto a better living ...

Jan 31, 2019
Tommy and Lowly Sr. have ended up back under Tucker's control. The only reason that Tucker has not yet done anything more drastic to them is that Tommy told the lie that he could pay Tucker back since he has a promotional contract with the wealthy Smallwoods. What Tommy doesn't know is that it is only a half lie as Kevin truly is contemplating investing in boxing promotion, if he can only convince Phyllis. Discovering that it is only a half truth, Tucker devises a way for it to become a reality - despite the long history the Tuckers and Smallwoods have with each other...

Feb 07, 2019
Despite being told that he died from a heart attack after the punch, Tommy is feeling guilty about Big Turk's death, it only the latest setback in his comeback, both physically and emotionally. Regardless, Tommy, in part wanting to be a good role model for Cassius, tries to make amends for Big Turk's death. His actions only make things worse, with Sylvia only fueling the flames. Meanwhile, Sylvia and Lowly Jr. start looking for new place to live, Sylvia stating that Devereux's proposal is something she would never consider. In the process, they may end up taking ...

Feb 14, 2019
Largely due to needing to pick himself up after being pummeled by L'il Turk in a proverbial street brawl, Tommy agrees to a series of boxing matches with opponents who would be in the same league as Big Turk, he agreeing to those matches despite what happened to Big Turk. Tommy had no idea that what Tucker had in mind was to get his stats up for what could be considered the high profile revenge match. Pamela, now partnered with Tommy as she has left Rico, and Kevin want in on the potentially lucrative action, although Phyllis may have some say if any Smallwood money ...

Feb 21, 2019
It's a few days after Sylvia and Devereaux's wedding. Tommy, Ginny, Pamela and a reluctant Lowly Jr. are planning an intervention to knock some sense of reality into Sylvia's head, that intervention in the guise of one of Ginny's seminars. How they plan to get Sylvia there is to tell her that it is an intervention for Tommy. Whoever the intervention is actually for, the seminar quickly devolves into a free for all, that devolution which speeds up as one truth after another comes to light. One person who initially is not at the seminar is Chesley, who heads over to the...

Feb 28, 2019
The discovery of the identities of Chesley and Cassius' respective biological fathers, in addition to Tommy learning the true nature of Smallwood's promotion of the fight with L'il Turk, leads to Smallwood being enemy number one for both Tommy and Chesley. In addition, Tommy has decided not to fight, he making the announcement in public forum. An accident may lead to Tommy having a change of heart out of necessity. Meanwhile, Sylvia has decided to return to Devereaux despite learning the issue concerning Chesley and Ginny. Sylvia may also have a change of heart when ...

Mar 07, 2019
It's a week before the fight, one that Tommy now has decided to partake in only to help hide the fact of what happened to Devereaux. It's been a week since Devereaux's death and the police have finally been alerted that he is missing. In the police questioning the family, they may have a difficult time keeping their respective stories straight. With the fight, many of the people involved are individually scheming to screw the Smallwoods, most specifically Tucker. The actions taken may have the consequence of giving Tommy a reason not to fight, which would be ...
Little Dog Season 2 (2019) is released on Jan 17, 2019 and the latest season 2 of Little Dog is released in 2019. Watch Little Dog online - the English Comedy TV series from Canada. Little Dog is directed by Molly McGlynn,Sherry White,Michelle Latimer,Jordan Canning and created by Joel Thomas Hynes with Joel Thomas Hynes and Ger Ryan. Little Dog is available online on fuboTV and The Roku Channel.
Five years after walking out on the championship welterweight boxing match with Rico "Havoc" St. George, Tommy "Little Dog" Ross, stemming from a specific incident, decides to mount a comeback. Tommy has to overcome many obstacles for this comeback, many of those obstacles being psychological, including his then girlfriend Pamela eventually changing camp in becoming Rico's wife, and members of his dysfunctional family focusing in their own individual issues which may be in direct competition with Tommy's goals. In the latter item is his father, Lowly Ross Sr., being charged and convicted for attempted manslaughter days before the bout five years ago, he still incarcerated. But there may be some who truly do provide their support that may fuel Tommy's drive to make a better life.