Episodes (26)

May 08, 1992
A scruffy looking old doll falls off a dump truck and is rescued by Poss and Kim. Nipper won't go to the fancy dress party because he doesn't know what to wear but EC helps him solve the problem.

May 08, 1992
Paul gets fed up when his little sister Aku busts his kite. He objects to baby-sitting until Aku helps him out of an embarrassing and difficult situation. Paul realises that having a little sister might not be so bad after all.

May 15, 1992
Aku pretends she is a dinosaur with serious consequences for her friendships with Poss, Kim, Nipper and Max. In the end she realises that playing games can go too far. She apologises and is welcomed back into the group.

May 15, 1992
Turbo gets cross with Nipper and tells him to grow up. Nipper rejects EC but pines for his doll until Turbo realises the harm he has done and reassures Nipper that we all need a little magic in our lives.

May 22, 1992
Kim goes to stay with Poss who gets very jealous when Kim gets special treatment from her family. Kim understands Poss's feelings and tells her how lucky she is and that she, Kim, can only borrow her family for a while.

May 22, 1992
Kim and Poss make a video interviewing parents about why they have children. The experience helps Kim work out her own feelings for her adopted parents.

May 29, 1992
Nipper wants to play soccer with the other kids but bossy Snot says Nipper's a weed. Nipper is dejected but persists and when asked to join the team he kicks a goal.

May 29, 1992
Poss wants to win a pony through the Bonza eating competition. Ted and Jenny aren't enthusiastic. Poss fights with Kim and realises her hopes are unrealistic. She finds a solution that all the family enjoys together.

Jun 05, 1992
Nipper enjoys eating jelly with his hands but wants to grow up because then he'd have more fun doing things like camping. Unable to go away on a holiday, the children camp in the backyard. The feeling is great - until it rains.

Jun 05, 1992
Ted wakes the children up in an unusual manner. Aku and Nipper enjoy dancing. Max enjoys a scratch that leads to everyone scratching.

Jun 12, 1992
Max works at roller blading but he keeps having spills. At school he knocks over the caretaker and the art teacher's sculpture. Paul, Turbo and Max surprise the teacher by putting together something that works.

Jun 12, 1992
Harry and Stella take Kim and Poss on an overnight bushwalk. They get lost and camp out in a hut. Without Poss they would have been in more trouble.

Jun 19, 1992
Aku befriends a struggling plant. Lotis decides she would like a garden but it grows out of control and the children return the plant to the forest. Mr. Fish just wants to grow hair.

Jun 19, 1992
Kim is promoted to a higher level in the gym class but she is fearful. Encouraged by Kim and EC she overcomes her fears. Poss and Nipper argue about the use of the bathroom.

Jun 26, 1992
Max receives a letter and the news isn't good. Paul reads Max's letter and discovers that Max is worried about meeting his pen friend James who doesn't know that Max is deaf. James is more concerned about his roller blade skills.

Jun 26, 1992
Today is fathers' childcare day. Ted minds baby Annie but has to leave her with Mr. Fish for a short time. Annie leads Mr. Fish on a merry dance. Harry takes Kim to the office where Kim solves a major business problem.

Jul 03, 1992
Baby breaks Nipper's toy when Poss and Kim are baby-sitting. Poss decides to make a toy for Nipper all by herself - a handmade pinball machine.

Jul 03, 1992
The Burke family is planning on going camping. Ted puts on his fishing jacket and starts to sneeze. And what a sneeze it is.

Jul 10, 1992
Nipper loses EC in the rain, down a drain. Snap and Turbo come to the rescue and trace the drain to the beach where there is a very happy reconciliation.

Jul 10, 1992
Paul is careless and Aku gets hurt. The other kids reject Paul who goes to work as Mr. Fish's deputy. Aku misses Paul and the other children decide to forgive him, as they need him to help with the kite competition.

Jul 17, 1992
Aku is distressed to find that Mr. Fish is going to cut down their favourite tree. Initially Paul is too busy to listen, but Max helps Aku by organising a petition. The council says it's too late, but fortunately Mr. Fish's plans go wrong.

Jul 17, 1992
Aku is staying at Nipper's house. When they hear strange noises from upstairs, they decide an alien lives there.

Jul 24, 1992
Poss tries to dive but she is too scared. The others tease her and she gets most upset with her family and Kim. Lotis assures Poss she can do it and Poss finally plucks up courage for her first dive.

Jul 24, 1992
Turbo tells Nipper about his billycart record - all the way down the hill and past the special tree stump.

Jul 31, 1992
The Children want to give a surprise gift to the Anderetti's for their wedding anniversary.

Jul 31, 1992
The children plan a concert on the steps of the apartment building. Nipper wanders off and gets absorbed in daydreams. Paul and Poss find him just in time for the concert.
Lift Off Season 1 (1992) is released on May 08, 1992 and the latest season 3 of Lift Off is released in 1995. Watch Lift Off online - the English Comedy TV series from France. Lift Off is directed by Mario Andreacchio,Paul Nichola,Ray Boseley,Steve Jodrell and created by Jim Howes with Luke Carroll and Paul Cheyne.