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Episodes (4)

Jul 06, 2016
Are NDE(Near-Death Experiences) and OBE(Out of Body Experiences real?

Jul 13, 2016
Watch some of the most baffling cases of people remembering their past lives from across the world. Researchers reveal that thousands of such cases offer us an explosive insight that memories, emotions, birthmarks & birth defects and unexplained phobias do pass over from one life to another. After exploring cases involving hypnotically induced past-life memories, focus on the most scientifically significant genre within past-life memories: spontaneous past-life memories among children. Researchers have found all over the world thousands of cases of children who spoke ...

Jul 20, 2016
Are we just a bag of chemicals, born out of some chemical reactions? Are we a result of some freak accident or are we just machines with an expiry date? Several eminent neuroscientists have pointed out the necessity of a non-material explanation for consciousness. The episode explores them all - with revealing conclusion!

Jul 27, 2016
Reincarnation in World History, culture and Religions - This episode explores the tenability that reincarnation has enjoyed throughout the world history. We trace the roots of this theory in Pre-Greek European, Ancient Greek, Chinese, Australian, American Indian civilizations and major religious traditions of the world including Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism. Science of the Soul - Further, we explore the most coherent and comprehensive understanding about the soul and its reincarnation. The episode illustrates subtle yet precise line between mind...
Life, Death and Reincarnation Season 1 (2016) is released on Jul 06, 2016. Watch Life, Death and Reincarnation online - the English Documentary TV series from India. Life, Death and Reincarnation is directed by Varun Sharma,Sanjay Sharma and created by Vineeta Kapoor with Mike Cooper and Dean Radin.