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Episodes (20)

Jan 16, 2013
When Cragger the Crocodile is caught trying to steal CHI, the Lions call his parents, the King and Queen of the Crocodile tribe, resulting in misunderstandings that eventually develop into a full scale battle.

Jan 16, 2013
When Cragger disrupts the races during the CHI day festival and attacks the Lion City with the Wolves and the Ravens, the Lions call upon the Eagles and Gorillas - but learn that sometimes peace can be restored in the most unexpected ways.

Mar 27, 2013
Cragger tricks Laval into withholding CHI from the Crocodile tribe. This reignites the hostilities between the Lions and Crocodiles. Laval must escape the wrath of the Crocs and somehow get rid of the CHI before his father finds out.

Jul 17, 2013
Laval and Eris take a Lion tank for a ride around CHIMA. During their trip they discover that Cragger has employed a tribe of beavers in an elaborate plot to steal all of the CHI.

Jul 24, 2013
Each month there is a big market at the Speedor races. Laval and Eris go there, but Cragger has hired the Ravens to steal Laval's precious Speedor. And suddenly the prize of the races, the Golden CHI, has also disappeared.

Jul 31, 2013
The Crocodiles hire the Ravens to trick the Wolves into attacking the Eagle Spires. But it is all part of an elaborate plot to harm both the Lions, Eagles and Wolves. Laval and Eris must act quickly to save the day.

Aug 07, 2013
At the night of the Hundred Year Moon, the Wolves run wild and cause havoc. Crooler kidnaps a young gorilla girl to lure Laval, Eris and Gorzan the Gorilla out to rescue her. It is a dangerous night.

Aug 14, 2013
The race is on for the biggest orb of Golden CHI ever. Cragger has hired CHIMA's greatest Speedor Rider - Dom de la Woosh - to win the CHI for him. But another mysterious rider, ShadoWind, also enters the race.

Aug 28, 2013
Cragger angers the Gorilla tribe and they march to the Crocodile Swamp to teach him a lesson. But the Gorilla Mechs are not fit for the swampy water and the Lions and Eagles must come to the rescue. The only problem is that the Lions don't like water... at all!

Sep 04, 2013
With the aid of the Wolves, Crooler causes chaos at the Speedor races and tries to steal all of the CHI from the Lion Temple. The mysterious racer Shadowind shows up again - but whose side is he really on?

Sep 11, 2013
The Wolves have become strong because of the stolen CHI and keep stealing more. Soon, all the other tribes of Chima have none. And Laval and Eris must now find a new, clever and "wolf proof" way to get chi to the tribes.

Sep 18, 2013
The Wolves are still stealing CHI and everyone else has very little. When a load of CHI falls into the Gorge of Eternal Depth, Laval, Eris and Gorzan must try to retrieve it. But the Wolves are more powerful than ever before and even Cragger must act against them.

Sep 25, 2013
When Cragger and his Croc troops attempt to steal back some of the CHI the Wolves have stolen from the other tribes, they are captured and taken prisoner - but Laval is determined to help is old friend Cragger and attempts a daring rescue.

Oct 02, 2013
When Crooler loses control over Cragger, he reverts to his good, old self and is in high spirits, willing to help all animals of Chima - but as usual, Crooler has a trick up her sleeve and employs a Raven alchemist to produce fake CHI.

Oct 09, 2013
Laval and Cragger go on a joyful Speedor cruise. But the Ravens use the peace to move into Eagle Spires. The Eagles try to get rid of them, but the Ravens are very persistent. It will be up to Eris to trick them to leave.

Oct 16, 2013
The tribes try to agree on a lasting peace in CHIMA. But Crooler creates a strange fog that makes everyone become very powerful and angry, especially Cragger.

Oct 23, 2013
Laval's actions to break up the fighting at the peace talks force the Lion King Lagravis to exile his own son. Laval learns that Cragger has imprisoned his father in his absence. He must free him ... but how can he do that when he has been exiled?

Oct 30, 2013
A strange Black cloud has appeared around the floating Mt. Cavora, source of the CHI. Laval and Eris investigate but the cloud seems to fight back.

Nov 06, 2013
The CHI falls have run dry. Eris and the Beavers try to get to mount Cavora to learn why. The Crocodiles blame the Lions and are rallying the Wolves, Ravens and even Rhinos for a large scale attack to conquer the remaining CHI ... the greatest battle is imminent.

Dec 04, 2013
The CHI falls of Mt. Cavora are still not running. The Black Cloud still looms. The battle for the CHI is on. The Lion Temple is under attack and it is only a matter of time before is will be overrun by Crocodiles, Wolves, Ravens and Rhinos. Only Laval believes in a peaceful solution ... but it is a long shot.
LEGO Chima (also know as Legends of Chima) Season 1 (2013) is released on Jan 16, 2013 and the latest season 3 of LEGO Chima is released in 2014. Watch LEGO Chima online - the English Animation TV series from Denmark. LEGO Chima is directed by Thomas J. Mikkelsen,Erik C. Schmidt,Neil Graham,André Bergs and created by Tommy Andreasen with David Attar and Bethany Brown. LEGO Chima is available online on Tubi TV and Pluto TV.