Episodes (4)

Sep 07, 2020
The SEAson opener of Season 4 makes quite a SPLASH. Join Legal Fox(TM) and The Mermaid Lawyer(TM) and discover why Disney was sued for an allegedly inappropriate scene in "The Little Mermaid." Dive into the enforceability of that fishy contract Ariel signed with Ursula and, most recently, learn why the hashtag #notmymermaid was FLOATING through social media.

Mar 17, 2021
The "manure continues to hit the fan" and citizens of all countries are putting up "quite a stink on behalf" of Indian Farmers. #standwithfarmers This video informs viewers - in a fun and easy -to-follow way, about laws the were passed during the pandemic in India taking away essential rights of farmers and allegedly promoting the greed of the country's upper echelon. It tracks the protests and how the farmers have endured in spite of the struggles. Timeline of the video: 0:00 Why is this a big deal? / Overview 2:32 The 3 laws and more 3:48 Protestors march to New ...

Sep 05, 2021
Why would 2 lawyers be wearing mermaid tails and coffee crowns? - To explain the trademark legal battles Starbucks' siren / mermaid logo stirred up with coffee competitors. Tune into our freshly brewed Legal Fox TV episode here with an es-steamed special guest co-host. Discover how the famous Starbucks' sexy siren logo faced much HEAT in foreign seas. Also, "sea" how competing coffee companies brewed up heated legal trademark battles using mermaids and mythological images.

Mar 29, 2022
Legal Fox(TM) and The Mermaid Lawyer® explain some very real legal issues that have involved mermaid entertainers and apparel. They caught up with Singapore's first professional mermaid, Mermaid Syrena, as well as Florida's viral Mermaid Elle, both of whom were the victim of unauthorized impersonation, copyright infringement and publicity rights violations. They also cover trademark issues involving one solo, woman-owed company "Blankie Tails" whose Mermaid-tail-shaped blanket was pirated by larger companies such as the "Snuggie" brand and others. Learn why these ...
Legal Fox TV Season 4 (2021) is released on Sep 07, 2020 and the latest season 4 of Legal Fox TV is released in 2021. Watch Legal Fox TV online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Legal Fox TV is directed by Minh Collins,Ken Lin,Curtis Ballard,Tony Lesesne and created by David Oscar Harvey with Shannon Harvey and Charlotte Towne.