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Episodes (24)

Sep 20, 1977
The girls are happy to head out on their first plane trip ever, but their smiles are turned upside down when their pilot passes out. Leaving it up to one of them to take over the controls.

Sep 27, 1977
A lady driver argues with Laverne. Later, the girls take part in a charity wrestling match. To their horror, one of the opposing team is the gal Laverne met earlier and she wants revenge. Will the girls pin them down in the final round?

Oct 04, 1977
Shirley's new boyfriend asks Laverne out behind her back. This later leads to a fight between the two. Will they stop arguing long enough to see that their friendship is worth more than one man?

Oct 25, 1977
The girls shop in a toy store for a friend. Laverne sees a toy robot and plays with it. The robot blows a fuse though and attacks her. Leading the girls to sue the toy company - but the girls discover the law can be as unfeeling as that robot.

Nov 01, 1977
Frank, in old world style, arranges a match between Laverne and a rich cheese tycoon, whose also got a mob connection. Frank wants them to wed, but Laverne would sooner defy her father instead.

Nov 08, 1977
The girls work as temps to save for a cruise. They deal with a bratty boy, but they make it long enough to finally get aboard and say bon voyage. They discover Len and Squig have stowed away.

Nov 15, 1977
The girls warn the boys to stay away from them on the ship, since they are stowaways. Laverne meets and dates a handsome sailor. Shirley has a whirlwind romance with a man called Ensign Benson--but is that wind moving entirely too fast for her?

Nov 22, 1977
Rosie Greenbaum bets Laverne and Shirley they can't get into the hotel where singer Fabian is staying - as well as getting their picture taken with him. What plan of action will the girls "turn loose" to meet him and put Rosie in her place?

Nov 29, 1977
Two FBI agents use the girls' apartment to stake out criminal activity across the street. When the suspect appears outside their window, they are shocked to see Carmine with him. Has Carmine gone bad or is there another explanation?

Dec 06, 1977
Dressed as Alice in Wonderland for a local children's play, Shirley ends up going to the hospital instead to get her appendix out. Her fear causes her to run and hide, so the gang must find her before her appendix fails her for good.

Dec 13, 1977
The girls take up the odd job of selling house plants door to door, after getting laid off from Shotz. They run into an odd assortment of bizarre tenants who have varied reactions to their sales pitch.

Dec 27, 1977
It's New Years Eve 1959 and 1960 is shortly due. In the final hours, Laverne's date cancels, Shirley's sick and Lenny and Squiggy have a special plan for midnight outside the apartment building. Will Laverne leave the '50s in tears or cheers?

Jan 10, 1978
Laverne finds an unknown man attractive. Following him to his workplace she finds out he's a mortician. She tries to get close by having Shirley fake that she's doomed. Will he feel closer to Laverne for this or horribly offended?

Jan 17, 1978
Shirley rescues a white horse. The owner wants to send it to the glue factory, but Shirley seeks him a happy home. She gets Edna in trouble with a health inspector for having him in the apartment. Will it be greener pastures for Buttercup?

Jan 24, 1978
Laverne and Shirley get reacquainted with Ms. Babish's mentally challenged daughter, Amy, who's visiting from her special school. Lenny meets Amy and immediately comes to like her, despite people's protests about what's best for Amy.

Jan 31, 1978
The girls must book acts for the annual talent show for the brewery - but must also find 'something' for the seemingly untalented and clumsy son of Mr. Shotz to do. Will he make the Shotz spotlight or make a monkey out of himself?

Feb 07, 1978
Laverne busts a tooth but wont see a dentist. Shirley suggests her student dentist cousin Mikey. Laverne's hates the idea. Mikey has flunked before. Shirley gets her okay but once in the chair will Laverne truly feel safe in Mikey's hands?

Feb 14, 1978
Traveling to another city by bus for a blind date, the girls end up being ditched by two medical students who don't find them attractive. Leaving the girls stranded overnight with no way home for over 12 hours.

Feb 21, 1978
Laverne and Shirley try to help Squiggy study to ace his written exam for his driving test or else he'll lose his job as a Shotz truck driver.

Feb 28, 1978
Laverne's cop boyfriend is running an obstacle course for the Ladies Auxiliary Milwaukee Police program and Shirley signs up to try it despite a history of poor athletics.

May 09, 1978
Laverne attends a Debutante Ball with Lenny when it's found out he's 89th in line to be a duke on the Polish throne.

May 16, 1978
A dream episode about the girls as 80-year-old women in the year 2017. They are so desperate to be married at any cost, finally agree to marry Lenny and Squiggy - or will they?

May 23, 1978
Carmine wants to own the dance studio he works at by trying to get a financial backer. The girls - plus Lenny and Squiggy - try to help in their own way, but it may be out of step in helping his chances.

May 30, 1978
A jealous Frank doesn't like Edna's ex-husband showing up and spending time with her. This causes them to break up. Laverne and Shirley must patch things up between the two and show them how much they really love and need each other.
Laverne & Shirley Season 3 (1977) is released on Sep 20, 1977 and the latest season 8 of Laverne & Shirley is released in 1982. Watch Laverne & Shirley online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Laverne & Shirley is directed by Tom Trbovich,Joel Zwick,Alan Rafkin,Alan Myerson and created by Lowell Ganz with Penny Marshall and Cindy Williams.
Laverne DeFazio and Shirley Feeney were best friends and roommates coping with dates, neighbors, and each other During the late '50s and early '60s they worked as bottlecappers for Shotz Brewery in Milwaukee. They moved to Burbank, California in 1965 to start a new life when they got replaced at the brewery by an automated bottlecapper.