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Episodes (22)

Jan 09, 2000
Michael discovers that Madeline had Nikita "adjusted" in order to eliminate her emotions and keep her under strict control. Fearing this process will be used on everyone in Section One, Michael attempts to find the man who created this brainwashing.

Jan 09, 2000
Madeline intructs Nikita to carry out Operation's order to kill the missing Michael. Nikita has a physical confrontation with Michael when he infiltrates Section One, and she ends up bound and gagged.

Jan 16, 2000
Determined to reverse the effects of Gelman's mind-control process on Nikita, Michael enlists Adrian's aid. Operations and Madeline send Nikita to kill Michael, but he kidnaps her instead.

Jan 23, 2000
Nikita continues to suffer the negative effects of Gelman's brain reprogramming, which becomes permanent in five days. With Birkoff and Walter's support, Michael kidnaps Nikita to deprogram her.

Feb 20, 2000
Nikita and Michael pose as heroin dealers to get close to a dashing, drug-using playboy and arms supplier with ties to Red Cell. When the weapons dealer proposes marriage to Nikita, Operations orders her to accept.

Feb 27, 2000
Nikita's new husband, Helmut, reveals that he is an Interpol agent. Kristoff, Helmut's younger brother, hires Red Cell to kill his newlywed sibling, but Section One kills Kristoff. After disobeying an Interpol directive, Helmut becomes a man on the run.

Mar 05, 2000
Operations sends Nikita and Michael on a personal mission to help Operations' hero-Willie Kane, a fellow Vietnam War veteran. Walter kills Willie to prevent Operations from learning the truth about his hero...

Mar 12, 2000
Chosen for a pilot program allowing her to leave Section One but have no contact with either her former or Section lives, Nikita wonders if she's about to be cancelled. George orders Nikita to kill Operations, who supposedly killed her father.

Mar 19, 2000
George sends a two-man bio-tech team into Section One when a mysterious gas enters the headquarters, causing symptoms of a viral infection. Rather than contain the virus, the bio-tech team performs neural scrapes on the Section's top members.

Apr 02, 2000
Oversight sends a telekinetic 10-year-old boy, who also has the ability to read minds, to help Section One recover a stolen package. But can the boy's powers be controlled?

Apr 16, 2000
When another Section gets destroyed, Operations sends Nikita and Michael to train a group of hostile, young recruits. Operations uses the team of recruits as bait to destroy a new terrorist group, Crystal Sky, and capture its leader.

Apr 23, 2000
Madeline falls in love with Leon, her Red Cell counterpart. Operations orders Madeline to kill Leon, but she shoots Operations instead. A tracking device implanted in Madeline leads Section One operatives to Leon's headquarters, where Operations kills him.

Jun 25, 2000
Michael discovers that his wife, Elena, is involved with a Section operative named Corliss. Stefan Vacek, Elena's uncle, heads a terrorist organization that tries to kill Elena and her son by Michael, Adam.

Jul 02, 2000
Birkoff uncovers the secret location of Red Cell's base camp, which harbors the leader of Red Cell--for whom Section has been searching for almost 20 years. When the mission to extract the Cardinal goes awry, Operations decides to kill Birkoff.

Jul 16, 2000
On his computer, Birkoff invents a form of artificial intelligence intended to maintain the system during his upcoming two-month vacation. The computer program develops an agenda of its own and kills Section operatives.

Jul 23, 2000
To locate a Section communications satellite that has crashed in the southern United States, Nikita and Michael visit a strange, rural town that turns out to be Black Storm's central base.

Jul 30, 2000
Section and Red Cell form an uneasy alliance to discover who's been destroying their installations. Madeline trades places with Satin Tate, a key Red Cell operative. Nikita worries about Satin's flirtatious behavior around Michael.

Aug 06, 2000
Injured during a mission, Nikita is taken prisoner by a demented junk collector and declared dead by Section One. Michael is ordered not to use Section One resources to find her.

Aug 13, 2000
In order to stop the sale of an anthrax-based weapon, Nikita infiltrates a mental institution, where the son of the weapon's creator is a patient.

Aug 20, 2000
A new Red Cell regime surfaces, and Operations sends Michael and his team to assassinate Maurice Grenet, the Cardinal's replacement. Nikita escapes Section One, and Michael discovers her connection to Section One's foremost enemy.

Aug 27, 2000
Facial prosthetics makes Nikita look like Kate Quinn. Michael and Nikita/Quinn escape from Section One, killing Davenport in the process. Operations orders Madeline to capture them or lose her position.

Aug 27, 2000
Section One captures Nikita and Michael and brings them back to headquarters. Operations and Madeline decide to kill Nikita. Mr. Jones wants Madeline cancelled, but she commits suicide by ingesting cyanide.
La Femme Nikita (also know as Nikita) Season 4 (2000) is released on Jan 09, 2000 and the latest season 5 of La Femme Nikita is released in 2001. Watch La Femme Nikita online - the English Action TV series from Canada. La Femme Nikita is directed by René Bonnière,Chris Gross,Jon Cassar,Brad Turner and created by Luc Besson with Peta Wilson and Don Francks. La Femme Nikita is available online on Apple iTunes and Amazon Video.
Section One, a clandestine anti-terrorist organization, fakes the death of a jailed, convicted murderer and, believing her twin assets of beauty and ability to kill will make her a valuable new operative, trains her in the fighting skills necessary to succeed in her new job. The new operative, code-named 'Josephine', proves to be somewhat less ruthless than planned, however, as she had been falsely convicted and never murdered anyone.