Episodes (10)

Mar 01, 1997
From now on, king Jozef trains Kulderzipken to succeed him, as Prieeltje's spouse, when he retires to devote himself to hunting and drinking beer. Queen Angina has a much harder time finding a fitting hobby- today carpentry proves painful and useless. The king orders the Grimm brothers help him fix the castle 'rinkling' (a bell-like sound), but is worried more by the arrival of his well-traveled, since a big row years ago never again mentioned brother Diederik, who only visits when he needs money, but the kings curiosity for the sea is great enough to hand over gold ...

Mar 08, 1997
The queens new hobby is sculpting. As the king feared, his sister St. Lutgardis asks for money- he tells Kulderzipken to test his ruling talent handling the request. She claims to reduce the number of sinners in the realm by threatening them with imprisonment in a mustard jar. The king intervenes when he grants 100 gold pieces, but is warned for the consequence of the sin of avarice. Prieel plays with the jars marked with the sins the evildoers were imprisoned for and frees the sorceress Serpentina, whose nose is as long as Pinocchios but magically mutilates everyone ...

Mar 15, 1997
The royal couple finally sets out for a trip to the sea, leaving Kulderzipken and Princess Prieeltje home to practice behaving like a royal couple- the Grimm brothers are in charge of supervising they do it in a dignified, stately and majestic way. King Jozef keeps trying to cheat at his diet, and Angina is no good at stopping him, but shortly after shaking a strange passer-by's hand he realizes who it was: the Wooden Man, sort of a walking tree, whose touch changes people into trees! While he starts shooting root and sprouting leafs and branches, the queen rushes ...

Mar 22, 1997
The kings lesson to his future successor Kulderzipken on royal speeching is rendered ridiculous by a side effect of his diet: the word pudding keeps creeping up in every sentence, as a majestic one guarded by a Viking does in his dreams every night. Then there is a visitor: Kulderzipkens Uncle, Oom Nonkel (hence the title; both words mean Uncle in Dutch), just after they both dreamed about meeting each-other. The king now decrees by law Kulderzipken must get that pudding of his dreams, and Oom Nonkel constructs for him the Droomenoom, a machine to enter a sleeper's ...

Mar 29, 1997
King Jozef is livid Prieel makes too little effort at his lessons on receiving high-placed visitors. Suddenly the Grimms report the Vidikooks are in the land again, an amusing sight as these tramps always agree (saying "vind ik ook", Dutch for 'I think so too') and carry out silly ideas one of them launches, but then they hear the bunch is charging the castle. Princess Prieel is fed up Kulderzipken allways kindly does as the king asks, and even tells queen Angina, who makes little progress on her trombone and assures her daughter she can act as she wants once she ...

May 05, 1997
King Jozef gives a lesson in royal greeting techniques and complains about his diet, so the Grimms brothers, who now hope to learn flying by setting in eggs, invent a slim-making potion; alas it makes the king's head drop off, however not fatal, while the other brother Grimm only thinks he's a bird fledgling. Just then the Kardigraaf (in Dutch a contamination of Cardinal and Count) makes his annual inspection, for he once won a hunting contest and may now succeed to the throne once the king is headless, so that must be hidden for him; alas he already knows from his ...

May 12, 1997
King Jozef is cranky during the royalty lessons (on cutting ribbons and kissing small children) because of a schizophrenic experience: cursing in a private capacity the taxes he tries to maximize in his official one. Queen Angina receives a school days friend, cigar-smoking Havanna, who drags her modest husband Bertje around like a lap dog and is so envious of all the royal family's trappings that Kulderzipken discovers sticking once's tongue out at her reveals for a moment the ugly head fitting her rotten soul. When Havanna's sanctimonious dribble finally makes ...

May 19, 1997
King Jozef teaches Kulderzipken and princess Prieel the constitutional articles by heart, even he's not flawless at them himself. Queen Angina's first composition "Come and eat" has the predictable effect on the kids. Then the king realizes the constitutional meaning of the facts a window was opened by the wind and a cock crowed thrice while pheasant is served, as the Grims did to prepare the constitutional exam: someone must go to Alsdanië (in Dutch 'If then-land') while throwing dice, so Kulderzipken is send off; Prieel may not come along, and nobody even knows ...

May 26, 1997
Prieel was happy after buying her new wedding gown, even keeps it on, but Kulderzipken soon notices the Grimm brothers are acting even weirder then usual, and so is the royal couple, filling the castle with things the names of which start (in Dutch) with a K, such as koper (copper), kist (chest), kip (chicken) and kaneel (cinamon), hence the episode title; alas the Grimms pick and cook the wrong mushrooms, so hallucinations render them useless. King Jozef feels too naked without his kroon (crown) to give Kulderzipken his scheduled kingship-lesson in manliness, for all...

Jun 03, 1997
Despite Kulderzipken's assurance he can continue to do as he pleases after ceding the throne as custom demands after princess Prieeltje's marriage the next day, king Jozef is suspicious enough to be actually relieved when he can send his future son-in-law and successor to the moon instead, because Frans Vanderschijnsel, the man in the moon, is on strike against his boredom there, which means the broken moon will fall onto the world and destroy humanity. The only way to get to the moon is a machine invented by the Grimms, but the voyager must jump off it so he can ...
Kulderzipken Season 2 (1997) is released on Mar 01, 1997 and the latest season 2 of Kulderzipken is released in 1997. Watch Kulderzipken online - the Dutch Adventure TV series from Belgium. Kulderzipken is directed by Raf Verpooten and created by Hugo Matthysen with Michael Pas and Ianka Fleerackers.