Episodes (3)

Jun 30, 2016
The rise of Krupp steel group to world's leading arms manufacturer is told from the cardiac death bed of Bertha Krupp who believes a single firstborn Krupp should be its absolute chief; albeit for the general good of family and fatherland, and her son Alfried nor grandson Arndt are deemed good enough anymore. Her mother Margarethe's first husband Friedrich 'Fritz Krupp' inherited Ruhr iron works and rose as the emperor Wilhelm's trusted 'court supplier' of heavy arms, while building up a worldwide trade network. However her refusal to remain discrete about Fritz's ...

Jul 01, 2016
Even the mighty Krupp family suffers after the lost Great War, using most accumulated private capital to keep its staff employed while they seek new peacetime production, next must, after initial reluctance, commit to the Nazi rearming effort, despite Berta's disdain for the 'upstart' Hitler. Firstborn heir Alfried obtains a gymnasium instead of private education, while training to succeed as CEO, but is deemed 'unsuitable' when he insist to chose his own bride, commoner Anneliese Bahr, whom he met at Munich university and weds for -doomed- love. Anneliese, mother of ...

Jul 01, 2016
After Hitler's utter defeat, with Germany in bombed ruins, Alfried stubbornly commits to an impossible inheritance. After years in allied jail as assumed 'armament war criminal', father Gustav dying as invalid in a home, he finds a way out a rebuilds the industrial group, without military division, legally advised by brilliant insurance director Berthold Beitz, his brothers being discarded. Finally released and restored to the family fortune, he can meet his eccentric gay son Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach, who is disappointed to be shipped off to another, Swiss ...
Krupp: A Family Between War and Peace (also know as Krupp - Eine deutsche Familie) Season 1 (2016) is released on Jun 30, 2016. Watch Krupp: A Family Between War and Peace online - the German Biography TV series from Germany. Krupp: A Family Between War and Peace is directed by Carlo Rola and created by Christian Schnalke with Iris Berben and Benjamin Sadler.