Episodes (12)

Jan 05, 2020
Midori Asakusa is a high school girl who has had a dream to create her own anime since she was a child. When she visits a screening event held by the anime club with her friend Sayaka Kanamori, a popular model Tsubame Mizusaki talks to them. She is in the same school as them, and wants to be an animator.

Jan 13, 2020
The three girls want to start a club activity together, but Mizusaki is forbidden to join the anime club by her parents. Kanamori finds that they can set up a new club if their club creates a live-action movie. So she suggests they'll call their club "Eizouken"(Film Club) to disguise their intention. She told them that if they'll create it someday, there's no problem now.

Jan 20, 2020
Eizouken get an old storehouse as their clubroom, repairing the building is a top priority. Asakusa and Mizusaki imagine that they fix a spaceship while they work on the repair. And then, they decide to create a new anime for the "budget deliberation meeting" to try getting higher budget.

Jan 27, 2020
Eizouken started working on a new anime, but it's delayed because Mizusaki is particular about the details of her art works. Asakusa helps her with a technique, Kanamori offers her a compromise plan. Will they be able to make it in time for the day?

Feb 03, 2020
Eizouken received a request from the Roboken (Robotics Club) to create a robot anime with the theme of "Robot v. Kaiju" for the annual festival in their school. The three girls head for the maintenance space under their school to get some inspiration.

Feb 10, 2020
Eizouken work on the robot anime project, the Art Club offers to help them as background art staff. Thanks to a deal made by Kanamori, the IT Research Club provides some PC for them and Doumeki, the only member of the Audiography Club, cooperates with them from now on.

Feb 17, 2020
The production of the robot anime isn't going well. Doumeki can't prepare the sound effects because the art work is delayed, but Mizusaki keeps a obsession for drawing the natural motion. Why?

Feb 24, 2020
The morning of the annual festival, they are finally ready to show the robot anime. Kanamori makes an attempt to attract many spectators using Mizusaki's fame, but the big promotion activities are marked by the student council. Besides, Mizusaki's parents come to the festival.

Mar 02, 2020
Eizouken made a success of the screening event, but their gains were small because the rights for the anime itself belong to the Roboken. Kanamori suggests that they should take part in Comet A, which focused on the sale of self-published works made by amateur creators. And then, she leads them into the deserted-looking underground shopping street.

Mar 09, 2020
Eizouken have devoted themselves to their new project for Comet A. However, they are called to the teachers' office by the school authorities because some teachers consider their activities as a serious problem of money-seeking.

Mar 16, 2020
The Manuscript Writing Club is forced to suspend their activities by the school authorities. Actually, Kanamori has asked them for help to mass-producing the new anime DVDs for Comet A. She plots her own strategy against the school authorities while they keep their eyes on Eizouken. Meanwhile, Asakusa finishes drawing a storyboard.

Mar 23, 2020
Eizouken realize a big problem that the soundtrack they ordered via SNS isn't suitable for the last scene. Asakusa suggests that they should change the last scene because she wonders if the ending is good or not through her experience with the school authorities.
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! (also know as Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!) Season 1 (2020) is released on Jan 05, 2020. Watch Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! online - the Japanese Animation TV series from Japan. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! is directed by Masaaki Yuasa,Atsuko Tonomizu,Fuga Yamashiro,Takuya Fujikura and created by Sumito Oowara with Sairi Itô and Mutsumi Tamura.