Episodes (51)

Jan 01, 2014
Kate is making a balloon buddy for Mim-Mim and needs a big balloon. In Mimiloo, Kate, Mim-Mim and their friends find a balloon tree, but all its balloons are flat and droopy. They must find a way to re-inflate the balloons for the Big Balloon Parade, where Kate has a big surprise for Mim-Mim!

Sep 01, 2014
Kate sees a falling star shoot across the sky and wonders where it landed. In Mimiloo, Kate, Mim-Mim and their friends find the fallen star in the Forever Forest. It's just a baby, so they must find a way to reunite it with its mama in the nighttime sky.

Sep 01, 2014
When Dad catches a cold, Kate wants to help him feel better. In Mimiloo, Gobble and Tack have caught a bug too...the giggle bugs. Kate and Mim-Mim must find the cure: merry berry bush berries. The bush will only release berries if they make it laugh, but Mim-Mim's jokes aren't funny. He'll have to tickle its funny bone another way.

Sep 01, 2014
A family camp-out in the backyard has Kate both excited and nervous-she's never slept outside before. In Mimiloo, she and Mim-Mim find Boomer with a case of the hiccups! The only cure is to scare the hiccups away with a journey to Happy Hollow-a place that's supposed to be full of spooky creatures! Will it work?

Sep 01, 2014
Kate and Dad are building derby cars to race on their homemade track. In Mimiloo, Kate, Mim-Mim and all their friends race their own cars in the Rip Roaring Race at the Rumbly Race Track. In everyone's haste to win, Mim-Mim is the only one who tested his car beforehand. Lucky for his friends, Mim-Mim added some special parts!

Sep 02, 2014
Kate doesn't understand why her flower is so much smaller than Mom's. In Mimiloo, Kate and Mim-Mim help their friends catch a surprise sapling seed-a speedy seed that sprouts in the most surprising way! The wiggly seed leads them on a wild underground pursuit in search of its ideal place to grow. But will it be worth the chase?

Sep 02, 2014
Kate is painting a masterpiece for Mom and Dad when she runs out of purple paint. In Mimiloo, Kate and Mim-Mim discover that all the colour been drained not only from the Crayon Cliffs, but also from Tack-including his colourful personality! Kate leads the gang on a quest to restore colour to the cliffs and their friend.

Jan 01, 2014
While Kate and Mom are looking after a box of kittens, the box tips and they run all over the house. In Mimiloo, a flurry of mitty kats have overtaken Lily and Boomer's house! Kate cleverly spots something they can use to round up the mitty kats and lead them home to the Winter Waterfalls.

Sep 12, 2014
Kate is playing with Mim-Mim when she realizes that his tail has come off! In Mimiloo, Mim-Mim frets over being tailless. Worse yet, none of his friends recognize him without it! Since Mim-Mim's tail moves in different ways depending on how he feels, Kate will have to pay special attention to Mim-Mim's feelings to get it back.

Sep 03, 2014
Kate and Mom are enjoying a picnic when a bird eats Kate's muffin! In Mimiloo, Gobble and Tack argue over how to stop gadzookie flies from eating Gobble's crops. Hurt, they each decide they need a new best friend. Kate and Mim-Mim work to get the best friends back together, but can they do it before the gadzookie flies return?

Jan 01, 2014
Kate's new leggings are too big for her. She wishes she didn't have to wait to grow bigger. In Mimiloo, Boomer also wishes he was bigger-so he could be faster in Tack's obstacle course! When he gets ahold of Tack's Sizerchanger invention, he becomes huge! It's up to Kate to convince Boomer that he's better off being Boomer-sized.

Sep 03, 2014
Kate wants to make friends with the man in the moon. In Mimiloo, Kate and Mim-Mim accidentally blast off in Tack's new rocket ship! When they land, they meet Rumbly, a little guy made of rocks-who must be the man in the moon! Kate and Mim-Mim must help him repair his house and find their way back to Mimiloo.

Sep 04, 2014
Kate assumes that it was Dad who played a funny April Fool's Day joke on her. In Mimiloo, a trickster plays funny gags on Kate and her friends, leading the gang into the spirit of silly tricks themselves. It takes everyone to figure out who the original jokester is-things aren't always what they seem!

Sep 04, 2014
Kate is building a sand castle, but the windchimes she places on top aren't working. In Mimiloo, after Mim-Mim accidentally ruins a one-of-a-kind music recording, Kate, Mim-Mim and their friends visit the Singing Seas where Callie, a giant octopus, keeps her Mega Music Maker. But it's broken! Kate leads the gang on a quest to fix the island-sized instrument.

Sep 04, 2014
Dad tells Kate about the toy pirate ship that he lost when he was a kid. In Mimiloo, when Boomer's pail and shovels disappear, Kate leads her friends on a pirate ship adventure to Lost Island, the place where lost items are brought for safekeeping. But it's easy to get lost on the way to Lost Island!

Sep 04, 2014
Kate's riding her bike for the first time without training wheels and she keeps falling. In Mimiloo, Kate and her friends must learn to fly giant wind flowers in order to surprise Lily at her Spring Thing party! But Mim-Mim has never flown a flower before, and Kate must help him gain his confidence to become a fully-fledged flower pilot.

Sep 19, 2014
While cloud-gazing with Mom and Dad, Kate points to a cloud that looks like Mim-Mim, but Dad can't see it. In Mimiloo, Kate, Mim-Mim and their friends pull clouds down from the sky to build a bouncy cloud castle. But problems arise when it starts floating away!

Sep 05, 2014
Kate wants to build a snow fort, but there isn't enough snow in the yard. In Mimiloo, Kate and her friends go snow bowling in the Winter Waterfalls. They use snowballs as bowling balls and snowmen for the pins. But when the gang slides down into an ice cave, Kate will have to think creatively to get them out!

Sep 05, 2014
It's Valentine's Day, and Kate wants to make the best valentine ever for Dad! Kate tells her friends in Mimiloo all about Valentine's Day, and everyone decides to make each other valentine's gifts. But they're so focused on making gifts, they spend all their time apart-which doesn't feel much like a celebration at all!

Sep 05, 2014
The storybook Mom is reading to Kate is missing its last page! In Mimiloo, Boomer can't sleep because he's lost his favorite book so Kate and Mim-Mim team up with their friends to act out the story. Mim-Mim doesn't like being the big bad boogideebear and creates a clever new ending to the story.

Sep 08, 2014
Kate loves banana pancakes, but Dad prefers carrot pancakes-yuck! In Mimiloo, Lily hosts a Snifferific Contest to see who has the best-smelling item. Boomer's entry, a stinky yuckabush, covers Boomer in a smelly cloud. It gets amplified by Tack's latest invention, which gives Boomer the ability to play smelly tag, making his friends stinky too!

Sep 08, 2014
Kate was looking forward to all her favorite stops on a road trip to the beach, so she's disappointed to learn they're taking a different route this time. In Mimiloo, Kate and her friends embark on a road trip to the Distant Dunes to go sand surfing, but a series of obstacles take them on some unexpected detours!

Sep 08, 2014
Kate is building a pretend farm with Dad's help-a lot of Dad's help. In Mimiloo, Kate and Mim-Mim's friends surprise them with a giant robotic Mim-Mim to help with all sorts of tasks! But the more the Mega Mim helps, the more they realize they actually like doing some work themselves.

Sep 08, 2014
Kate wants to use magic to make her broccoli disappear so she doesn't have to eat it. In Mimiloo, Kate becomes Kate the Great and puts on a magic show with her assistant Mim-Mim the Magnificent! But when Boomer uses Tack's gadget to make himself disappear, Kate needs to think of a clever way to get him back!

Sep 09, 2014
Kate is cleaning her room, but it's taking forever! In Mimiloo, the gang want to have a picnic, but their picnic basket is lost in a messy sea of Tack's inventions. Tack hurriedly shoves his inventions into a shed, but the shed's so full, it bursts, making an even bigger mess! The picnic fun is canceled... until Kate has an idea.

Sep 09, 2014
Kate is excited to play "Royal Family" with Mom and Dad, but when the doorbell rings, she worries Mom will spend too much time with their visitor. In Mimiloo, the bunniflies make Kate their princess! But Mim-Mim and their friends worry that when the bunniflies move to the Far-Off Woods, Kate will go with them, leaving her friends behind.

Sep 09, 2014
While playing catch in the backyard, Kate's ball goes over the hedge, and Kate is too small to climb over. In Mimiloo, Mim-Mim accidentally squishes one of Gobble's pumpkins, which makes him wish he was lighter. Using one of Tack's inventions, he becomes the weight of a balloon! But when the gang runs into trouble, only heavy Mim-Mim can help.

Sep 09, 2014
Kate and her parents are staging a talent show, but Mom is hesitant to perform. In Mimiloo, everyone is preparing for a dance party! While gathering crystals to make a disco ball, the gang gets trapped. Only Gobble's beautiful voice can save them-but he's too nervous to sing in public! Kate must show him there's nothing to fear.

Oct 09, 2014
It's a stormy Christmas Eve and Kate worries that Dad won't get home in time to put the star on the Christmas tree. In Mimiloo, Kate tells her friends all about Christmas, and everyone is excited to send a wish to Santa Claus. But when a blizzard stops their letters in their tracks, it looks like Christmas will be ruined!

Sep 10, 2014
Kate wonders what's wrong with her birdhouse- the birds aren't visiting it. In Mimiloo, Kate, Mim-Mim and their friends offer to babysit a shape-changing baby squoosh so its mama squoosh can focus on building a nest. But getting the squoosh to nap and eat is harder than it sounds!

Sep 10, 2014
Kate's sad because her snowman is melting! In Mimiloo, it's a sweltering hot day so Kate, Mim-Mim and their friends head to the Winter Waterfalls to cool down-only to find that all the ice is melting! To re-freeze the waterfalls, Kate will have to find Chilly, the snowman who keeps the Winter Waterfalls cold, snowy and frozen.

Sep 10, 2014
One of Kate's cookies goes missing when she's not looking! In Mimiloo, colourful things are mysteriously disappearing. Detectives Kate and Mim-Mim must follow the clues to discover the identity of the colour-loving culprit.

Sep 10, 2014
Kate's nightlight isn't working, and she's afraid to sleep in the dark. In Mimiloo, Kate and her friends go exploring in the furthest depths of the Singing Seas. But Mim-Mim is afraid of the dark waters and the scary creatures that must live underwater, so it's up to Kate and her friends to make him feel safe.

Sep 11, 2014
Moths are spoiling an outdoor dinner for Kate and her parents. In Mimiloo, all of Kate's friends are hiding from a dragon that's after Gobble's moon flowers! But when the dragon turns out to be more friendly than fearsome, Kate leads her friends on a quest to help the dragon find its way home.

Sep 11, 2014
Kate wants to fix her pop-up book without Mom's help. In Mimiloo, everyone's preparing to watch the butterfly flowers fly away after sunset. To get a good view, Tack tries to build a lighthouse all by himself-but loses his light bulb in the process! Kate must convince him that he needs his friends' help to get his lighthouse working.

Jan 01, 2014
When Kate's ant farm breaks, she wonders how to get the ants back in their home. In Mimiloo, Lily has found hatching humming turtle eggs! Cowgirl Kate must find a way to round up the baby humming turtles and lead them to their mama in the Singing Seas.

Sep 11, 2014
Kate gets frustrated playing mini golf in the back yard. In Mimiloo, it's Make-Up-A-Game Day, so Kate helps her friends combine the best parts of their favourite games to make up a brand new game! Mim-Mim really wants to win his very first trophy-but first, Kate will have to help him find his strengths to master the game.

Dec 15, 2014
Kate wants to make lemonade that both looks and tastes great. In Mimiloo, Lily has opened her dream café, and wants everything to be perfect for a visit from the Queen of the Bunniflies. But when some of her preparations fall apart, it's up to Kate to show her that things don't have to be perfect to be great.

Nov 12, 2014
Kate wants to win at pin the tail on the donkey, but she misses. In Mimiloo, Kate and Mim-Mim want to race against their new friend, Auggie the Froggie, in a leapfrog race. Tack gives Kate a pair of Hoppy Socks so she can jump above Mim-Mim, but they give her an unfair advantage!

Nov 13, 2014
Kate's dad gives her a big empty box to play with! In Mimiloo, Tack can't think of any new inventions-his Big Idea Board and his Big Idea Box are empty. To help Tack get out of his inventing slump, Kate and Mim-Mim have to help him imagine all the things that his empty box can become.

Nov 13, 2014
Kate discovers that Mom finished sewing Mim-Mim on the day Kate was born, so they share a birthday! In Mimiloo, Kate and Mim-Mim secretly set out to throw each other surprise parties. They each try to make it the very best party for the other, which means altering their friends' party plans, disappointing their friends and making a gigantic mess!

Nov 12, 2014
When Kate can't jump high enough to retrieve a ball stuck in a tree, she wonders what it would be like to have superpowers. In Mimiloo, Tack's new Supercharger invention gives everyone superpowers! But their new abilities aren't enough to get Boomer out of a bouncy predicament.

Jan 01, 2014
Kate can't get the timing right to jump rope. In Mimiloo, Gobble has a case of the sneezy snorts and needs boom chicka bee honey tea to feel better. In order to get the honey, Kate must lead her friends to find the beat and make the most beautiful music the bees have ever heard.

Nov 14, 2014
Kate's family trip to the zoo is canceled when it starts raining. In Mimiloo, Kate and Mim-Mim help their pals make their own zoo animals out of bushes and hedges. But after a spritz, the animals come alive, and things quickly get a little too wild!

Nov 14, 2014
Kate needs to find four purple buttons for plushy Mim-Mim's new sweater, but there are so many to look through, it's going to take a long time. In Mimiloo, Gobble uses Tack's Copy-Zapper to duplicate popper peach trees so he can make the biggest batch of popper peach jam ever. But things get messy when Boomer duplicates himself!

Nov 14, 2014
Kate is looking for fireflies, but they keep flying away without lighting up. In Mimiloo, Kate, Mim-Mim and the Sniffer Finder, a rambunctious robot dog, help Lily look for her favourite magical animal, a unicorn, by tracking its favourite food-shimmer flowers! When every patch of flowers they find has already been eaten, it's up to Kate to discover why.

Nov 14, 2014
Kate's too small to carry flower pots and can't help her parents. In Mimiloo, Tack's shrinking violet petals fly all over Kate and Mim-Mim, shrinking them to insect-size! To return to regular size, they must traverse the vast jungle of Gobble's garden. It's a daunting journey, until they meet Tiny, a teeny little ant who can do big things!

Nov 17, 2014
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Nov 17, 2014
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Nov 17, 2014
A bird has flown into Kate's house, and Kate has an idea to get it out-but her parents can't hear her over the commotion. In Mimiloo, a group of lemmings are in trouble and decide that Mim-Mim is their leader. They ask him to find them a new home-but a soft-spoken little lemming has a great idea herself!

Nov 17, 2014
Dad gives Kate a puzzle that seems too hard to solve. In Mimiloo, Mim-Mim finds an enchanted ring that leads everyone on a quest to find the hidden treasure of King Tut-n-Bunny. It leads them to a sphinx which is full of obstacles and challenges that test the gang's abilities and Mim-Mim's courage.
Kate and Mim-Mim Season 1 (2014) is released on Jan 01, 2014 and the latest season 2 of Kate and Mim-Mim is released in 2015. Watch Kate and Mim-Mim online - the English Animation TV series from Canada. Kate and Mim-Mim is directed by Clint Butler,Rich Johnson,Sebastian Brodin,James Corrigall and created by Julie Stewart with Rob Foster and Matt Hill.