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Episodes (40)

Sep 15, 2014
With the investigation conducted behind the incident, the person who placed the bomb inside the car is found and has confessed to the crime. Mahir, who is in no way satisfied with the answer he got and is not giving up from investigating, understands that he actually was the person targeted from that explosion - From now on, there are two paths in front of Mahir. Either he will live with the pain of his lost ones, accept his fate and support his family, or he will find the real felon and get his revenge.

Sep 22, 2014
Mahir, who said that he will not leave Safiye and Little Nazif's blood at their place left to dry is the only suspect. Upon Savci Adnan's request, Mahir is to be taken and brought to the police precinct. Feride is destroyed - Her fears has come reality. Mahir really has become someone else. Kerime, who is completely taken a back with what she has found out, and on the verge of telling Feride about everything, takes off. This time, it really seems difficult for Mehmet Saim to stop Kerime. Will Kerime be able to tell Feride that the real criminal is her father, Mehmet ...

Sep 29, 2014
Savci Adnan and Mehmet Saim have no intention at all to get off Mahir's trail. Dalyan tells Mahir that to be able to get in the kabadayi's world, for his notoriety, he needs to take down (overthrow) a gangster, and get a hold on of his territory. Mahir has found the gangster that he has been looking for, a kabadayi by the name of Boksör Hilmi, who does evil things to those under his control and uses children to get money through begging. Feride, who sees that Cüneyt is alive, tries to find out from Yasin what is Mahir's purpose but she proves unsuccessful.

Oct 06, 2014
Mahir, who takes firm steps forward on the way to become a Kabadayi, after having humiliated Boksör Hilmi, he also got hold of Hilmi's territory (area). Now he is forced to have his hand kissed and use extortion just like any gangster. Feride, who wanted Ayten's help in order to be able to control Mahir, succeeds in convincing her. They put a man to follow Mahir. Feride is determined to stop Mahir no matter what. For a last time she appears in front of him and talk but Mahir has no intention in giving up. Will Feride be able to prevent Mahir from getting harmed? ...

Oct 13, 2014
Mahir, whose only goal is to reach the Kabadayis and sit at the same table with them, cannot succeed in entering their lodge. Feride has turned upside down all of Mahir's plans unknowingly. Mahir needs another plan to enter that lodge and sit with the Kabadayis at the same table. What is Mahir's new plan? Will he be able to reach to his goal this time? Feride thinks that Mahir is growing distant further more from her with each passing day. For her not to lose hopes concerning her love, Feride waits from Mahir a sign, a step. Will Mahir make that step that Feride is ...

Oct 20, 2014
Feride, who has found out that Mahir came to the Çay Bahçe, has become certain that her love did not erase her from his heart. She goes to the house that they were supposed to live in after they get married. With Mahir's coming, the two lovers at last succumb to their love in the night that had started with an argument. That night, Mahir will regret a lot from the hope he has given to Feride. For Feride's own good, he has no intention to allow dreaming of a future with her. Mahir makes the decision to play a game, even if unwillingly (reluctantly), to push Feride away...

Oct 27, 2014
Feride breaks down the moment she sees Mahir and Belgin lip to lip (kissing). She thinks that Mahir has built himself a new life, and that she has no place in it. Mahir, because of Belgin's daring (bold) action, realizes that he opened a wound inside Feride that is irrecoverable. Him being unable to stop the pain Feride is living, in addition to being the reason of this because of the game devastates him. Meanwhile Mahir takes care of the people's troubles in his territory. He goes after a young girl who went missing from the neighborhood. He finds out that she ended ...

Nov 03, 2014
Mahir's testifying is needed for Belgin's release. Mahir goes before Feride to testify for Belgin. Feride, who is certain that Mahir and Belgin are lovers, will take an important decision regarding her life. What is the decision that Feride took? Mahir, who had made a deal with Sosyete Yusuf, has taken all risks in order to sit at the same table with the Kabadayis. No matter what, he will go take Mehmet Saim's merchandise from the Court, and bring it to them. Just when Sosyete Yusuf explains to the group his agreement he made with Mahir, he comes across an objection ...

Nov 10, 2014
Feride wants help from her father for the first time in her life, and tells her father to ensure that the procedures are speed up. Mehmet Saim gives his daughter a positive answer to her request. Will Feride be assigned to another Courthouse? As for Mahir, who is unaware of Feride's request to be transferred to another Courthouse, he attained his desire and has succeeded in sitting at the same table with the kabadayis. Mahir, who officially became partner with the kabadayis, now will secure the kabadayis' trust in him and will be friends with each and one of them. ...

Nov 17, 2014
For Feride, the day of departure has come at last. The tickets have been obtained to go to Ankara,and her mum and father have gone to Ankara in advance for the preparations. Feride, with pain, bids farewell in her own way to her love and the city she grew up and lived in. Mahir, who finds out about Feride leaving the city, breaks down. He is left once again in between his love and the path he has chosen... Will Mahir succeed in going after Feride and stopping her? An unexpected guest comes to Feride, who makes preparations for her departure... Vehbi talks about Belgin...

Nov 24, 2014
Belgin, by putting together what she has found out from Ilknur and Vehbi, figures out (solves) what is Mahir's real purpose. She comes before Mahir, and tells him that she understood that he is after the killer. While Mahir is left nonplussed, Belgin presents to him an unexpected offer. Will Mahir accept this offer...? Sosyete Yusuf offers to Mahir the mission to eliminate (kill off) Haydar who organizes the squatters. The Kabadayis accept the offer. It is required for Mahir, who is the newest member among them, to kill this man to prove himself and show his loyalty ...

Dec 01, 2014
Mahir, who is left no choice but to say yes to Belgin, knowingly of Feride's unrest, plans to find the dossier immediately and give it to Belgin. Feride, whose doubts are quite increasing about Belgin, offers Vehbi to go for dinner. She convinces Vehbi by saying that in this way she will be able to get clearer information about the incident from Belgin and that she will be able to help. Vehbi, who cannot say no to Feride, tells Belgin that they will have dinner together and that they need to be careful. Feride, who goes to meet with Vehbi and Belgin, comes across with...

Dec 08, 2014
Will Orhan succumb to his hatred and jealousy and squeal on his brother to them? Feride, at the dinner she was having with Vehbi and Belgin, has understood that there is a relationship between the two. Feride tries to stand strong in front of Belgin's provocative behavior throughout the dinner because she is sure that Mahir will keep the promise he gave to her and will stay away from Belgin. Feride, who leaves the restaurant with mixed feelings, is not left alone with feelings a woman has. Feride, who is jealous of her love, will go to Belgin's beauty salon for the ...

Dec 15, 2014
Mahir chooses to take the chance saving Haydar's life. This unexpected choice has the other leaders stunned and very curious as to what is going on in Mahir's mind. For them Mahir has become a huge mystery that keeps on growing. They start to investigate. Meanwhile Belgin realizes the seriousness of Mahir situation. The other leaders are about to break up their partnership with him. Will Mahir be able to convince the other leaders and stay around the same table with them? Belgin gives Mahir two days to retrieve the file and get it to her. Otherwise she is going to ...

Dec 22, 2014
Belgin wants to be able to benefit from the tight position that Mahir is currently in. She reminds him of their agreement and tells Mahir that he has until tomorrow night to bring her the file that she wants. In order to stop Belgin, Mahir must go to the house that Vehbi which is protected by the police and find that file. Feride as always is going to help the one that she loves. After his confrontation with Mahir, Nazif towards his home in pain, but he is cutoff by hoodlums. When they cannot find any money on him, they eye the wedding ring on his finger. Nazif fights...

Dec 29, 2014
Belgin tells Mahir that she did not sell him out and takes the file. Belgin in order to obtain the revenge that she seeks now has the address she needs in her hands. She makes her move to murder Nedime. Will Belgin be able to murder Nedim. Feride is somehow not convinced that Belgin was looking for her mother, so Feride and Mahir continue to investigate. Just like in the old days. Will Mahir and Feride learn what happened to Belgin while in the orphanage and what he ultimate goal really is? Meanwhile Sari has had enough of Mahir and he convinces the other leaders as ...

Jan 05, 2015
Sari Cemal's men start raining bullets on the house by thinking that the person inside the house is Mahir. Feride, who does not know what just happened, hides with fear under the bed. Even if she is saved from the bullets, the danger is still ongoing. Kandemir, who wants to be sure whether Mahir is dead or not, goes inside with his men and they start searching the house. Will Feride be able to get rid of Kandemir and his men? Will Mahir succeed in getting to their house in time? Sari Cemal, who understood that it is Mahir who is pounding at his door, manages to run ...

Jan 12, 2015
Vehbi realized that Belgin had someone take dossier from his house. He turns up pounding at her door. Belgin, who is done with Vehbi, has no intention to control him any longer. Belgin slyly prepares a game to get rid of Vehbi. In addition to this, there is Mehmet Saim as the game's leading role. Mahir has no intention to stop on going after Seyit. He finds out with Feride's help Seyit's address and goes to Seyit's home. Mahir comes across with a big surprise in Seyit's house. He finds Aliye, held captive by Seyit for years. Aliye is in a very bad condition and Mahir ...

Jan 19, 2015
As Mahir is trying to overcome this burden, the other leaders have learned that Seyit was murdered by Mahir, and they have now made a firm decision that they must get rid of him. Mahir is going to be caught all on his own. The way that Seyit was killed and Mahir's actions causes Feride to become suspicious. As she continues to pray that her suspicious do not become a reality, she tries to figure out if it really was Mahir who murdered Seyit. At an totally unexpected moments the notes and certain personal effects that come to Necdet remind him of only one person. ...

Jan 26, 2015
When Nazif and Dalyan learn that the other leaders are going to corner Mahir alone, and murder him they do not leave him there alone. Everyone who loves Mahir is their in his support. In the end Nazif has forgiven Mahir. With Mahir continuing to get stronger everyday the other leaders are going mad. They must eliminate Mahir, and they make the decision to use Orhan in order to accomplish this. They ask Orhan to murder Mahir. Necdet is over the initial shock of seeing Turgut before him. Turgut tells Necdet that he must pay for his betrayal. After meeting with Necdet, ...

Feb 02, 2015
Turgut who is in prison has everyone in shock. In spite of all the pressure Turgut, introduces himself Mahir and everyone else as Korkut Olmez. Mahir is determined to prove that Korkut Olmez and Turgut are one in the same and that he is lying. Feride, Yasin and Kemal also help. They start with finger printing but while Turgut was away he studied his lessons, and made his preparations for this meeting meticulously. Ilknur has learned that Seyis is a roughneck. How is this situation going to effect the relationship between Ilknur and Seyis? When Belgin hears that Mahir ...

Feb 09, 2015
Turgut walking out freely makes Mahir's blood boil. Whatever happens, he is determined to make Turgut admit the truth. He turns up at Turgut's door with a gun in his hand. Turgut knows Mahir very well and to be a step ahead, he made a fine plan. Belgin also will help him. Turgut, who is determined to corner Mahir from everywhere and attack him where he is most sensitive, has another different plan. He got Belgin to convince Kutuk Nail. Will Nail be able to carry out the plans concerning Nazif?

Feb 16, 2015
Behind bars Mahir learns that his father has been kidnapped and he goes mad. He has even thought of escaping. The moment Mahir is released he goes after Nail, and grabs the other hoodlums by the neck. As Seyis and Sosyete explain that they do not know anything he receives information from Nail. In return for his father, he has to break out Nail's son who is in prison. Mahir for his father is forced to break out a guilty man, he is going to commit a crime. As all of this is going on, Feride goes to meet with Turgut at his home to find out what he is really up too. She ...

Feb 23, 2015
After seeing what has happened to Nail, Seyis and Sosyete realize that they cannot deal with Mahir on their won. They go to Mehmet Saim and explain to him what Mahir's ultimate goal is. Mehmet Saim has learned that Mahir is after him and that the circle around him continues to get smaller. He must stop Mahir immediately. What will Mehmet Saim's new plan be? Mahir learns that Feride has been threatened by the newspaper. He goes with Feride to meet with Tarik. He goal is to make this man talk, learn who is behind all of this; and to take away the photographs. Ilknur ...

Mar 02, 2015
The plan to eliminate Mahir that Mehmet Saim has planned meticulously has been executed without any problem. Mahir has been arrested for committing murder on journalist Tarik and Kutuk Nail. However, something that they did not count into the plan happened and Feride, who has been looking for Mahir, followed him secretly and came to the carpentry workshop. Feride, who knows that Mahir did not kill Nail, is obliged to testify in order to save her love. Mehmet Saim, who found out that Feride was witness to what went down, also does not allow this but Feride will risk ...

Mar 09, 2015
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Mar 16, 2015
Sosyete was unsuccessful in having Mahir murdered, and he goes to Mehmet Saim and threatens him. Sosyete and Mehmet Saim have a showdown. Turgut is still determined that Mahir will find Beyefendi. He has a huge plan. He arranges for a big meeting where all the knots will be unraveled so invites everyone on all sides to meet at a certain destination. Feride learns that she is pregnant. She sets out to give this news to Mahir. Meanwhile Belgin has been released from prison, and she too has learned that Feride is pregnant.

Mar 23, 2015
Mahir, who realized that the Beyefendi is Mehmet Saim, is very upset. He wants to be sure that Mehmet Saim is the Beyefendi. He goes to Turgut and asks him. While all of this is happening, Mehmet Saim made the decision to marry Feride off, who was unable to break off from Mahir at all. This way, the subject of Mahir will close forever for Feride. He prepares a marriage ceremony secretly from Feride. Feride, who continues to be treated at the hospital, is in pain for having lost her baby. She is very sad. Suddenly, she is taken into examination. After that examination,...

Mar 30, 2015
While Mehmet Saim is fighting for his life, Mahir tells to Nazif to leave. He will say that he shot Mehmet Saim himself. He will take on the blame of the crime. Nazif does not accept this but on top of Mahir's insistence, he find the solution is to go. Mahir is to wait by Mehmet Saim's side. Nazif, who left the office, goes straight home. His purpose is to explain to Feride what happened and to confess that he shot her father. Will Nazif be able to succeed in doing that? Feride, who found out that her father has been shot, goes to Mehmet Saim's side. Mehmet Saim is in...

Apr 06, 2015
Feride does not believe at all Mahir who said "I shot your father". Her world turned upside down. She wants to learn the reason but Mahir does not give an answer. Feride, to be certain, confronts Mahir one more time but she gets the same answer. When Mehmet Saim regains consciousness, he wants Feride's baby to be aborted. To him, to bring into this world a criminal kabadayi's out-of-wedlock baby is impossible. Kerime also concurs with him. Mahir will be jailed pending trial. He took all the blame on himself. Things are going the way Turgut wanted. But, Turgut will ...

Apr 13, 2015
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Apr 20, 2015
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Apr 27, 2015
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May 04, 2015
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May 11, 2015
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May 18, 2015
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Jun 01, 2015
Turgut kidnaps feride , who ties her up and gags her. Mahir, who learned that Feride was a prisoner at Turgut's hands, went mad. He will give him the prints he wants and save Feride, but his fingerprints are already handed to the police.

Jun 08, 2015
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Jun 15, 2015
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jun 22, 2015
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.
Karadayi Season 3 (2014) is released on Sep 15, 2014 and the latest season 3 of Karadayi is released in 2014. Watch Karadayi online - the Turkish Action TV series from Turkey. Karadayi is directed by Uluç Bayraktar,Cem Karci and created by Eylem Canpolat with Kenan Imirzalioglu and Bergüzar Korel.