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Episodes (12)

Oct 02, 2016
Young princess Fine, the daughter of the Archduke of a small alpine country, travels to the neutral land of Westria to seek help against the Germanian empire that is invading her kingdom, but her plans go awry when she's captured by the Germanians.

Oct 09, 2016
Fine and Izetta escape the wreckage of the plane on the back of a rifle, but a squad of Germanian pilots hear the transport's distress call and move to intercept them. Izetta is forced to use her magic to fight them, breaking her grandmother's rules.

Oct 16, 2016
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Oct 23, 2016
With Izetta's victory over the Germanian army fresh in people's minds, the army of the Dukedom decides to make her into a national icon and announce her to the world.

Oct 30, 2016
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Nov 06, 2016
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Nov 13, 2016
Izetta and the princess have come to the nation of Britannia to ask for help from the allied forces. In order to win their favor, Izetta is sent to destroy a Germanian aircraft carrier that's floating in the North Sea.

Nov 20, 2016
Rickert lands in the dukedom of Eylstad on a secret mission: to uncover the secrets of the witch. He's sent to infiltrate the old castle of Eylstad, but his mission takes an unexpected turn when he runs into the head of the Royal Guard...

Nov 27, 2016
All is quiet in the dukedom as the Germanian army redirects its forces to deal with a coastal invasion by the allied forces. But the silence is suddenly broken by a deadly attack, and Izetta is sent to save the day.

Dec 04, 2016
Izetta has been defeated by Sophie, the true White Witch. Sophie is out for revenge against the Dukedom for the crimes their ancestors committed, and she'll gladly work with Germania if they'll help her destroy it.

Dec 11, 2016
The capital of Landsbruck has fallen, and Izetta and the princess are chased into the mountains. As the imperial forces track them down, Seig makes Izetta an offer: he's willing to give her the other half of Sophie's magic stone.

Dec 18, 2016
Germania has loaded a massive bomb with magical energy that threatens to destroy the entire Dukedom. It will launchsoon, and the only way to stop it is to defeat Sophie. Using the magic stone, Izetta flies to Germania for one final battle.
Izetta: The Last Witch (also know as Shumatsu no Izetta) Season 1 (2016) is released on Oct 02, 2016. Watch Izetta: The Last Witch online - the Japanese Animation TV series from Japan. Izetta: The Last Witch is directed by Masaya Fujimori,Hiroki Negishi,Akira Katô,Yoshiki Kawasaki and created by Jeramey Kraatz with Amber Lee Connors and Saori Hayami. Izetta: The Last Witch is available online on Crunchyroll and Apple TV.