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Episodes (29)

Jan 01, 1999
A young girl's instinct helps save a man involved in a car crash. Next, a family pet is seriously injured in a freak accident. During a routine operation a patient dies on the table, but a miracle occurs inside the O.R.

Jan 02, 1999
A woman applies to adopt a child, a young girl who would one day bring her a miraculous message. Next, a day spent racing radio-controlled power boats turns sour when a man disappears underwater, but an angel saves the day.

Jan 01, 1999
First, a miracle on horseback. Next, a woman misses a turn on a road, and her heart takes her on a direct course for a miracle. An athlete loses his legs in an accident and imagines his hopes and dreams have ended.

Jan 01, 1999
While searching the residence of a suspected drug dealer, a police officer makes a shocking discovery. Then, a story of one gang member whose life of crime led him to a place he never expected. Next, it only took a moment for a tragic accident to occur, and it took a miracle to save a young girl's life. Finally, an athlete learns he only has six months to live, until fate steps in to save him.

Jan 01, 1999
When a man was diagnosed with a rare lung disease, readies his estate to ensure his wife and daughter are taken care of after he is gone, he is greeted with a miracle of friendship and kindness. Then, Lyle's wife was reluctant to add the new member of the family but when the kitten senses something amiss, the new addition to the family ends up saving its owners lives.

Jan 01, 1999
When a man is struck with a heart attack about half a mile from his house, his two hunting dogs prove that dogs really are man's best friend and in some cases even his savior. Then, what looked like a turn for the worst for a man put on life support suddenly changes in an event that doctors have no explanation for. And more stories that will have you saying, "It's a Miracle."

Jan 01, 1999
19-year-old Cesar was accused of a murder he did not commit, but the odds were against him. Four eyewitnesses identified him as the man who stabbed a 21-year-old to death during a fight at a local restaurant. It's not until a miracle happens that Cesar can finally prove himself innocent. And many more stories that will have you saying "It's a Miracle."

Jan 01, 1999
Katherine believes that a Higher Power was behind a chain of events that ensured her rescued as she lay unconscious in her car twenty feet underwater after a horrendous car accident that nearly claimed her life. Then, Christina was nearly killed when her car ran off the road. Doctors didn't think she would ever recover, but when her father meets with a famous priest, something amazing happens.

Jan 01, 1999
Diana is well-known for her medical news reports on TV.Little did Diana know, but one viewer's letter would actually reverse the situation when a simple thank-you note ended up being a life-saver - not once, but twice. Then, the fragile life of a little girl is ignited as she sets off on a journey to beat the odds and lead her all the way to the Olympics.

Nov 11, 1999
Someone to Watch Over Me; Tooth Fairy; Torch Bearer; The Thank-You Note

Jan 01, 1999
A family is fast asleep when a fire breaks out. Joshua, has a dream of a deceased family member warning him about the fire and tells him to take action so that he might be able to save the whole family. Then, after a beloved family dog had gone missing for well over a year, the family had almost given up hope when something incredible happened.

Jan 01, 1999
A man with the best of intentions presents his daughters with a book written from the heart, and becomes a best-selling author because of it. Then when a young man attempted to conquer his fears of cliff jumping he learned that jumping was the easy part; it was getting back that almost cost him his life. And many more stories that will have you saying, "It's a Miracle."

Dec 31, 2023
Arnold Geier and his family boarded a train to take them to start a new life in the United States one chilly morning in December 1938. Little did they know that their journey on the train that day would prove to be one that Arnie and his family would never forget. Then, a medical house call becomes a boat call when a fisherman is struck with a deadly illness and cannot bring his boat to shore.

Jan 01, 1999
At four years old, Jenny started remembering the experiences of an Irish woman named Mary that had died. The Irish woman had eight children and when Jenny grew up she set out to find these children, giving them a death defying reunion. And many more stories that will have you saying, "It's a Miracle."

Jan 01, 1999
When some weekend fisherman travel too close to the breaking surf in Newport, OR, their boat flips over, and the men find themselves dangerously close to the nearby rocks. It will take a miracle for rescue swimmers to be able to save the men among the eight feet swells. And more stories proving the existence of miracles.

Jan 01, 1999
For over forty years, Ernest thought he'd lost his brother in Auschwitz. But, after he appeared on a television show, a man from Brooklyn, noticed a resemblance between Ernest and a neighborhood friend back home in Serbia. He confirmed his suspicions, and the Brooklyn man became responsible for a very miraculous reunion between two families that were worlds apart.

Jan 01, 1999
Any kind of tragedy brings insurmountable pain. One tragedy that strikes a family is unthinkable, but when it strikes twice at the same time, all hope seems to be lost, until both a mother and a daughter defy the odds. And many more stories that will have you saying "It's a Miracle."

Jan 01, 1999
A once successful business executive loses everything, and becomes homeless because of his addiction to drugs. But one day, by pure chance, he found himself on a different path where he could learn to help others that were in a similar position. And many more stories that will have you saying "It's a Miracle."

Jan 01, 1999
Everything can change in a matter of moments and that's exactly what happened for one family living in California. After asking her dad to cross the street, Christina was hit by a car. Her body was tossed up in the air and rolled down the hood of the car and onto the ground. But at the hospital doctors discovered something amazing happen. And more stories that will have you saying It's a Miracle.

Jan 01, 1999
We let down our guard for just a moment and that's when things can, and often, go wrong. A young boy is kidnapped when his grandparents stepped out of their van for a couple of minutes. Lucky for this young boy and a couple who had witnessed the crime followed the van and would later be named his guardian angels for what they did. And many more stories that prove the existence of miracles.

Jan 01, 1999
It is hard to prepare for the unexpected and no one expected to be struck by lighting in their own home. But in the case of one former golfer, this lighting strike would provide a much needed miracle. And many more stories that will have you saying "It's a Miracle."

Jan 01, 1999
At age 82, Kurt is attempting the sail solo across the Pacific when disaster strikes. In a massive storm, he is tossed overboard and it will take a miracle to get back on the boat.

Jan 01, 1999
A young woman discovers a rose growing in the snow during the dead of winter. She brought that rose with her to the hospital and straight into a miracle. And more stories that will have you saying "It's a Miracle."

Apr 28, 2000
Driving home from work one evening, a woman goes into premature labor. She tries to keep driving until the pain is unbearable and finds a house will all the lights on.

Jan 01, 1999
A dog was trapped on a partially frozen creek. Unable to climb on top of the thin ice things did not look good for the dog. Lucky for him, God would send some real angels to his rescue. And more stories that will have you saying "It's a Miracle."

Jan 01, 1999
When two boys are separated in a swamp, only one was able to find his way back to safety. When night fell, the other child's chance of survival few dramatically as the temperature dropped. Then, the search party for the boy witnessed something miraculous. And many mores stories that will have you saying "It's a Miracle."

Jan 01, 1999
A mother accidentally locks her baby in her truck. She immediately called 911, but due to a clerical error, the response team was sent in the opposite direction. When no one showed up, her prayers would be answered in the most unexpected way. And many more stories that will have you saying "It's a Miracle."

Jan 01, 1999
After days of battling heavy winds on the open sea, two sailors retire for the night, leaving their boat to sail it's own course. When they awoke they realized that the boat had taken them could only be described as a miracle. And many more stories proving the existence of miracles.

Jan 01, 1999
Witness miracles that have happened all across the world in this special London edition of It's a Miracle.
It's a Miracle Season 2 (1999) is released on Jan 01, 1999 and the latest season 6 of It's a Miracle is released in 2003. Watch It's a Miracle online - the English Documentary TV series from United States. It's a Miracle is directed by Duane Tudahl,Patrick Taulère,Steve Albrezzi,Gabe Torres and created by Jule Gilfillan with Richard Thomas and Nia Peeples. It's a Miracle is available online on VUDU Free and Tubi TV.