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Episodes (24)

Stop Gap
S17E01 · Stop Gap

Nov 11, 2007

With no village bobby in Aidensfield Tommy Unsworth and his motor biking friends seizes the opportunity to make a lot of trouble in the village. Even Aunt Peggy is upset that the bikers are trespassing on Lord Ashfordly's land upsetting the natural order of things by frightening the game away and leaving her traps empty. But when it will take a while to get at permanent replacement Miller organizes a stop gap. Thus PC Joe Mason moves to Aidensfield on a temporary basis while he awaits his transfer to the Met. Mason is very resourceful and a bit of a maverick, and his ...

Heirs Apparent
S17E02 · Heirs Apparent

Nov 18, 2007

PC Mason discovers that being a village bobby does not always have something to do with police work when he gives Nurse Cassidy a ride to a farm and the farmer asks him to help getting a cow out of the mud. But he also gets some real cases when somebody nicks 12 shillings from the collection in the village church and a photograph goes missing from Ashfordly Hall. Young Charlie Prentice asks for directions to Ashfordly Estate telling Oscar Blaketon that she is looking for her father and she is convinced he is Lord Ashfordly. David Stockwell decides to make a will ...

Night Mail
S17E03 · Night Mail

Nov 25, 2007

Masked robbers stop a train just outside Aidensfield and get away with several mail bags containing cash and securities. The train driver Brown tries to stop them, but is gunned down and killed. The case is assigned to DI Ludlow, who is none too pleased to see PC Mason again. Especially since Mason has a lot of suggestions on how to catch the robbers and Ludlow has already formed his opinion on who is behind it. Mason on the other hand only wants the robbers to be caught because Brown leaves a wife and two small children, and wins DS Dawson over on his side. Aunt ...

Love Story
S17E04 · Love Story

Dec 02, 2007

Sergeant Miller has a clash with three Australians when they graze his patrol car on their way to Grimedale Farm to do some sheep shearing for George Grigson. And Miller is not the only one having trouble with them. They are eating Gina out of house and home - or at least Aidensfield Arms - and Grigson's golden watch is missing when they have left the farm. Others also find their way to Aidensfield. Reverend Jamie Finn returns to collect his motor bike - and not the least to see Rosie again. Furthermore he has a suggestion that completely knocks her off her feet. Aunt...

Another Sleepy, Dusty, Delta Day
S17E05 · Another Sleepy, Dusty, Delta Day

Dec 16, 2007

Billy Hudson falls off the Scarsdale Bridge and PC Bellamy is very unsympathetic towards his girlfriend Nancy because some years previously Billy and Nancy may have been involved in the disappearance of baby Julie Summers. Others seem to share his feelings because it turns out that Hudson was murdered, and soon Nancy's son Peter is kidnapped as well. Ossie Floyd leaves his old Rolls Royce to Bernie Scripps. The car is in a bad shape, but it will not be repaired for quite some time since Rosie has to help the Australian sheep shearers. But there may be more to the old ...

Touch and Go
S17E06 · Touch and Go

Dec 23, 2007

Walker's permanent replacement PC Wetherby arrives and it is time for PC Mason's transfer to the Met, but Mason is not so sure he wants to leave Aidensfield. Furthermore Wetherby soon makes himself unpopular among the villagers. Nurse Cassidy suspects that young Jimmy Masters gets beaten by his stepfather George Masters. Also the boy's real father Max Philpott returns from Rhodesia to see him, and there is a rough and tumble between him and Masters at the Aidensfield Arms. Gina and Oscar Blaketon organize a quiz show at the pub to collect 200 pounds for a new dialysis...

Burying the Past
S17E07 · Burying the Past

Dec 30, 2007

Everybody is shocked over Phil Bellamy's death, and especially his wife Gina cannot believe he is gone. After the funeral she says she has decided to go back to Liverpool to make a clean break from the past. Headquarters has agreed to let PC Mason stay in Aidensfield, and PC Wetherby, who blames himself for Bellamy's death, fills the vacancy at the police station in Ashfordly. A teacher from Brassington School on the moor is found dead in his home after an apparent suicide. From his headmaster Anthony Barlow PC Mason and DS Dawson learn that he suffered from a ...

Only Make Believe
S17E08 · Only Make Believe

Jan 06, 2008

. Ralph Spurling has been burgled and wants Oscar Blaketon to find out which employee at the hotel he was staying at is involved in the burglary. PC Wetherby helped Lesley Ashton in a case back in Northallerton and now she is obsessed with him and turns up in Ashfordly with a suitcase. When he turns her down she accuses him of running her down with his car. Bernie Scripps goes to see Iris Grocott to collect his fee for her husbands funeral and she surprises him by inviting him to dinner and does not take no for an answer. They check in at the same hotel which Blaketon...

The Devil Rides Out
S17E09 · The Devil Rides Out

Jan 13, 2008

Somebody paints a pentagram on the church door in Eltering and Rev. Peggotty is convinced that the church has been targeted for black Masses by followers of the dark arts. And he may be right because a few days later Kord Ashfordly's godson Charles Enderby is found beaten up and terrified in the church, and in the churchyard gravestones sprayed with red paint and overturned. Almost like the record cover of a band, Enderby once managed. Doctor Oakley has invited some colleagues over for dinner and Nurse Cassidy asks Gina to cook for them. One of the guests the ...

Changing Roles
S17E10 · Changing Roles

Mar 23, 2008

Derek Gorman is mad at the police because he has lost his drivers licence for drunk driving. He claims that they set him up and he swears revenge to Sergeant Miller. The next morning the police station has been broken into and rummaged through. Later somebody steels a patrol car in front the very eyes of PC Younger. Is it Gorman or the Leeds gangster Jimmy Faye looking for Alec Fletcher, whom the police is hiding because he wants to testify against him? Lord Ashfordly is looking for a new game keeper. Oscar Blaketon and Gina suggest to Aunt Peggy in fun that she ...

A Brush with the Law
S17E11 · A Brush with the Law

Mar 30, 2008

Gordon Radford and Lord Ashfordly are not the best of friends. As a matter of fact Radford is not on friendly terms with anybody. He is Master of Ashfordly Hunt and when somebody vandalizes his study during the hunt suspects are plenty in number, but Radford suspects Lord Ashfordly and takes it out on him in a very physical manner. Aunt Peggy uses David's aniseed balls to lure the hunting party across her garden in order to claim a huge compensation. But she does not fool Oscar Blaketon. PC Mason is on the lookout for a car and Bernie has just the one for him. Low ...

The Heart of a Man
S17E12 · The Heart of a Man

Apr 06, 2008

Somebody breaks in at John Harper's cottage and swaps the old, blind man's money with blank pieces of paper. The only visitor Harper can think of is Albert Ross. There is nothing but trouble with Ross. All he thinks about is money and how much it will cost him when his men are not working. When the police cannot do anything after yet another accident at his farm the workers take matters in their own hands. Furthermore Nurse Cassidy suspects that Ross beats his grownup daughter Juliet for seeing the worker Josh. David spots a naked man running through the woods. Later ...

Out of the Long Dark Night
S17E13 · Out of the Long Dark Night

May 18, 2008

While Eva and James Knight of Holly Cottage nearly run PC Younger down when the brakes of their car fail, a young woman breaks into their home and paints Nazi swastikas and slogans on the walls. The vandalism is directed at Mrs. Knight who is Jewish, although only a few people know about it. It also turns out that their brakes have been tampered with. Lisa Barnes stays at the Aidensfield Arms while she researches her family history. Some research it must be as it turns out that she is behind the attacks on Mrs. Knight. She claims that Eva Knight is no Jew, but a Nazi ...

Take Three Girls
S17E14 · Take Three Girls

May 25, 2008

Sue Padgett and Nick Payton burn a brand new fur coat as a protest against the fur trade. Payton is determined to make a name for himself as an activist in the animal welfare movement and uses the girl as a willing tool. PC Mason suggests they deprive Payton of the publicity he wants to sabotage his plans. Sid Bestwick and his wife Marge want their daughter Tina to meet young men and get settled, and Sid has a word with David Stockwell about it. Aunt Peggy thinks he hit the jackpot, but David is not so sure. The school girl Lynne Reynolds is about to give birth and ...

Hey Hey LBJ
S17E15 · Hey Hey LBJ

Jun 01, 2008

Jocelyn and Rupert Middleton's 17-year-old daughter Vivienne has gone missing. She has an American boyfriend called Bobby Wilson that her parents do not approve of. They think he is only in the country to avoid the draft for the Vietnam War. But Bobby has not seen her either. Someone steals a bronze sculpture from Sir Piers Radley's estate and another one from Lord Ashfordly. They have even taken his lordship's gates and he wants some action - now. David is cleaning up the shed and finds a metal detector. He gives it a good clean, a bit of oil and a new battery and is...

Danse Macabre
S17E16 · Danse Macabre

Jul 27, 2008

15-year-old Natalie is caught shoplifting. She lives at Throckton Grange with her guardian, the famous prima ballerina Lady Victor, who has every hope of making the young girl a ballet star. She faints during her arrest and Nurse Cassidy is worried about her, because she is severely undernourished. When Lady Victor's representative Edward Wilson makes a complaint about some gypsies, PC Mason senses something is wrong and decides to keep a close eye on the Grange and its occupants. The editor of Ashfordly Gazette, Brian Parker, hires David to write the agony column. ...

Missing Persons
S17E17 · Missing Persons

Aug 03, 2008

The young mother Julie is neglecting her two daughters after she met her new boyfriend Brian, who is a real troublemaker, and PC Mason and Nurse Cassidy are concerned for the well-being of the children. Mason especially has it in for the children's officer Clive Eames, whom he thinks does too little to protect them. Somebody is stealing lead from the churches in the area. They even manage to get away before the "watchful" eyes of PC Younger - twice - and Sergeant Miller is far from pleased. Gina is still afraid that something will go wrong with her baby like it did ...

Taking Stock
S17E18 · Taking Stock

Aug 10, 2008

A car crashes when the driver tries to avoid a collision. The driver is knocked unconscious and later dies. The car was stolen in Liverpool, and CID thinks the car may have been stolen for a crime, but apart from the name of the driver the police have only a small sketch to go on. Gilbert Hartley suspects that his wife Moira has an affair with another man and asks Oscar Blaketon for help. But Gina is away so he is busy in the pub and asks Alf Ventress to follow her around discreetly. Together they spot another car following Mrs. Hartley and assume it belongs to a ...

The Big Chill
S17E19 · The Big Chill

Aug 17, 2008

DS Dawson tries to catch a drug smuggling gang with the help of PC Mason, but also has to fight the new DI, who does not like women in CID and blames her for every setback. To crack the case she leans on her informer to get information about the next shipment. Gina has started ante-natal classes and befriends the young girl Sally, who is expecting her first baby. But Gina is not impressed with Sally's boyfriend Jonny, who is not all he is cracked up to be. Far from as a matter of fact. Joyce Jovett's uncle has died and she put pressure on Bernie Scripps to give him ...

Bully Boys
S17E20 · Bully Boys

Aug 24, 2008

Mick Revill has done time for armed robbery, but has kept his nose clean after his release from prison making money as a debt collector. But Neil Boon thinks he goes too far when performing his duties and ask the police to look into it. PC Younger has problems with his lack of authority and reluctantly accepts Revill's offer to train him as a boxer. PC Wetherby attempts to enter him in the upcoming police boxing tournament, but has his plan backfire on him. David gets invited to the centenary celebrations of his old school and Aunt Peggy is determined to make him go. ...

It Came from Outer Space
S17E21 · It Came from Outer Space

Aug 31, 2008

David is with Aunt Peggy on one of her 'nightly expeditions' when he sees a shooting star. Soon thereafter there's a big explosion and rumours of a meteorite crashing down in the forest. The police finds traces of a more earthly origin though. Nurse Cassidy finds a man lying semi-unconsciously with burns and blast injuries at the roadside and takes him to hospital. Sergeant Miller and DS Dawson are convinced that this is no coincidence and PC Mason goes undercover to investigate Larry Fowler, who is said to sell dynamite to armed robbery teams from the quarry where he...

You Never Can Tell
S17E22 · You Never Can Tell

Sep 14, 2008

Big commotion in Ashfordly. The famous pop manger Stan Sparrow returns to his native town to marry his latest young star Cathy Dee. The next morning Sparrow is found dead in his room at the Aidenfield Arms. The police thinks that he was murdered, but who will kill a man who is already dying of leukaemia? Has it something to do with the memoirs that he was writing? PC Wetherby catches Aunt Peggy with ten cases of stolen rum and suddenly she suffers from a total loss of memory (very conveniently) when the PC tries to interview her. But maybe Alf Ventress can cure her. ...

Mixed Messages
S17E23 · Mixed Messages

Sep 21, 2008

When old Elsie Gray dies unexpectedly PC Mason suspects foul play by the family doctor, but since Dr. Thomas is highly respected nobody else apart from Nurse Cassidy is willing to do anything about it. Aunt Peggy is upset because somebody has offloaded a lot of rubbish on her lawn. Some papers among the rubbish leads to the home of a retired magistrate. When the police won't do anything she takes matters in her own hands and returns the favour, so to speak. Gina's baby is in due five weeks, but she is rushed to the hospital as a precaution when she starts to bleed The...

Oscar's Birthday
S17E24 · Oscar's Birthday

Sep 28, 2008

Edgar and Angela Faussett have just moved to Aidensfield and according to Aunt Peggy he is rolling in money and she is quite a looker. But they are also causing PC Mason a lot of problems. He apparently thinks the law doesn't apply to him and rather wants to see Mason's back than his face, and she is so impressed with the handsome constable that she uses every excuse to see him. She also claims that her life is in danger. This of course doesn't go unnoticed by Carol Cassidy who more or less considers Mason her boyfriend. It's Oscar Blaketon's birthday and the ...


Heartbeat Season 17 (2007) is released on Nov 11, 2007 and the latest season 18 of Heartbeat is released in 2008. Watch Heartbeat online - the English Drama TV series from United Kingdom. Heartbeat is directed by Gerry Mill,Roger Bamford,Jonas Grimås,Tim Dowd and created by Nicholas Rhea with William Simons and Derek Fowlds.

As know as:

Classic Heartbeat, Heartbeat


United Kingdom



Production Companies:

Yorkshire Television (YTV)

Cast & Crew

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