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Episodes (21)

Oct 17, 2014
Young Parker sets an outrageous season goal of 2,000 ounces. Tony Beets, The Viking, buys a 75-year-old gold catching dredge. And Todd Hoffman is left a broken man without a crew and with no plans to mine.

Oct 24, 2014
Todd gets his washplant stuck in a river, Tony nearly crushes his son beneath a conveyor, and Parker is forced to mine a swamp.

Oct 31, 2014
Parker fights with his crew over running at night. Tony twists a vital steel frame on the dredge. Todd, Jack and Thurber tackle their first clean up.

Nov 07, 2014
Todd is forced to sell his gold to get the mining equipment he needs, Parker hauls his washplant across the claim and Tony takes to the skies to get from his claim to the gold dredge.

Nov 14, 2014
Dave agrees to work with the Hoffman crew under a new agreement. Tony has a near miss while removing the heaviest part of the dredge and Parker fights with Rick when he opens up untested ground.

Nov 21, 2014
Dave and Todd clash over how to mine frozen ground. Tony's daughter Monica gets stuck in a bad situation. Parker's hopes are drowned by multiple issues including a flooded cut.

Nov 28, 2014
Todd needs to find a 100 ounce down payment to make a big purchase. Parker spends a quarter of a million dollars on new equipment. Tony attempts to remove the wheelhouse from his 75 year old gold dredge.

Dec 05, 2014
Parker goes for his best clean-up so far this season, Tony attempts to rip the trommel out of his 75 year old gold dredge and the Hoffman crew is stunned by the death of a former crew member.

Dec 12, 2014
The Hoffmans overcome a lack of water to get a monster clean up. Tony finally gets his dredge on the way to its new home in Eureka Creek. Parker gets the biggest gold clean up in Gold Rush history.

Dec 19, 2014
This special explores the life of 94 year old mining legend John Schnabel. From the Kansas dustbowl, to his career on an Alaskan gold mine, Grandpa John continues to inspire his grandson Parker to follow in his footsteps.

Jan 02, 2015
Parker Schnabel totals his car in a head on collision. The Hoffman crew rock trucks go head to head on a dangerous haul road and Tony Beets finally starts to rebuild his 75 year old gold mining dredge.

Jan 09, 2015
Parker and his grandpa go hunting for a new Klondike Claim. Tony's operation grinds to a halt when his dredge crew runs out of bolts. Todd's crew discards paydirt which causes a major financial loss.

Jan 16, 2015
Todd and Dave butt heads over how to mine, but end up with the biggest reward they've seen all season. Tony and Parker go to war over bedrock gold and Minnie Beets steals Tony's dredge crew to work their family mine.

Jan 23, 2015
Logan has an accident with the rock truck as the Hoffman crew aims for their biggest gold weigh in of the season. Parker faces disaster when he discovers his new cut is frozen solid and Tony struggles to install the heaviest part of his dredge.

Jan 30, 2015
Todd and Dave get a pair of dozers stuck in deep mud while trying to open a new cut. Parker breaks an excavator as his crew struggles with frozen ground and Tony's mad rush to get his dredge finished ends up costing him big time.

Feb 06, 2015
Parker mines an island of paydirt, the Hoffman crew puts two rock trucks out of commission and Tony discovers a major electrical problem.

Feb 13, 2015
Parker diverts a creek to mine a pile of gold in the riverbed and Tony's crew has a meltdown over fitting the tailings conveyor. Jack is accused of sabotaging the washplant.

Feb 20, 2015
The Klondike winter freezes the Hoffman's sluicebox. Tony's attempt to run his dredge is derailed when he discovers he has lost part of his bucket line. Equipment breakdowns stand between Parker and the best gold of the season.

Feb 27, 2015
The Hoffman crew makes a desperate bid to hit their season goal. Tony's attempt to run his million dollar gold dredge ends in a shipwreck. Parker fights the big freeze as he pushes to hit his 2.4 million dollar goal.

Mar 06, 2015
Parker faces mutiny, the Hoffmans get the largest dozer in the Klondike and Tony takes one last shot at getting his dredge mining for gold. Then, in a Gold Rush first, Parker, Tony and Todd appear together to discuss the epic season finale.

Mar 13, 2015
The miners reveal the highs and lows, conflicts and behind the scenes drama from the season. Todd, Parker and Tony unveil their plans for next season and one key crew-member shocks everyone when he decides to call it quits.
Gold Rush Season 5 (2014) is released on Oct 17, 2014 and the latest season 13 of Gold Rush is released in 2022. Watch Gold Rush online - the English Reality-TV TV series from United States. Gold Rush is directed by Tom Whitworth,Jeremy Weiss,Edward Gorsuch,Jereme Watt and created by Ginita Jimenez with Paul Christie and Parker Schnabel. Gold Rush is available online on Discovery Plus Amazon Channel and Discovery Plus.