Episodes (52)

Sep 04, 2017
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Sep 05, 2017
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Sep 06, 2017
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Sep 07, 2017
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Sep 11, 2017
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 12, 2017
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 13, 2017
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 14, 2017
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Sep 18, 2017
Jules anxiously awaits a phone-call, which makes him happy, but he timidly tells Alex the sting: he can get a long internship with his dance idol Tony Davies, next week, but it's all the way in Australia. The woman the gang suspected to be the clubs queen is just an archive librarian, who agrees yo copy the letters for them, seeing they are after the coded recipes, and explains it's supposed to be the 1800 AD key to a book, as they promise progress. The magical board accepts this as a pace ahead but explicitly announces more tasks to follow. The new drama teacher ...

Sep 19, 2017
Alex can think only of having to miss his boyfriend for a long time, but decides to return the favor generously by repeating his advice: seize your dream, even if it's in Australia. The code from the correspondence, apparently a love letter and a shopping list, looks hopeless as clues to find the book by Mephisto Valcke, even to Jim. However a ghosts consultation sessions yields a feline clue allowing Charlie to drag him along to the family's estate, but the descendant living there simply throws the door in their face.

Sep 20, 2017
Alex is too gloomy to write his deepest emotion assignment over the prospect of missing his boyfriend for a long time, until Jules helps him use just that and stage a heartbreaking performance together. While Brandon observes a truce with Mila for the presentation day, Jimmy misses it, dragged along by Charlie back to the snoop illegally for clues to find the book by Mephisto Valcke, at the inhospitable descendant's family's estate Kattenkop, but the brute returns cursing, so they barricade in a room until they can escape by a window.

Sep 21, 2017
Alex gloomily but bravely takes goodbye from Jules, who must follow his dancing cream across the globe to Australia. The other duo performances all succeed, but Jonas sighs dancing with Mila rekindled his feelings. Brandon couldn't dance due to Jimmy's absence. He and Charlie return to the Mephisto Valcke descendant's family's estate Kattenkop, but find the ghosts' clues apply not to the house, only to a rundown woodshed, from which the angry owner chases them wit a pitchfork.

Sep 25, 2017
Alex gloomily misses Jules, who followed his dancing dream to Australia. When the others despair the feline jack in the box Jimmie brought from the Valcke woodshed is a useless clue, Alex finds it contains a more intriguing pierced card, which Jimmie later realizes is the key to decipher the letter. Brandon worries that Mila actually still wants Jonas. The school's stern new janitor Rutger Ballinc is presented as the principal's haughty 'managerial assistant' and clashes quickly with Alex, whose attempt to make up by helping him move into an office backfires, but also...

Sep 26, 2017
Brandon is startled that his father is paroled, as the reopened Firebirds case included procedure errors, and seeks support with initially hostile Mila, as Rocco expects to move back home with him. Clover delivers, by moving chess game and masked person overpowering Mila, the message the gang must deliver the book within 70 hours. Alex concentrates on janitor Rutger Ballinc, searches his office and finds more indications he may well be clover queen, including an old map allowing to trace the Valcke-related smith's estate. There the gang finds, thanks to clues from the...

Sep 27, 2017
(Kus in de vlucht) The gang fears the weird object they find inside the purse won't satisfy the Clover queen, but Alex finds another urgent summons. Brandon is convinced his father really deserves another chance, insisting to Mila she must meet him to see he has changed for the better, but springs her with a home-cooked dinner from which she rushes practically without a word. He ignores she was summoned to deliver the book to Klaver Koningin the book alone, but the gang mounts guard hidden outside.. Only Alex returns to janitor Rutger Ballinc's office about the day's ...

Sep 28, 2017
Alex mounts guard at janitor Rutger Ballinc's office but somehow the creep slipped away. Clover queen noticed the watchers, and instructs Mila to deliver inside an enclosure, following a white trail littered with tests. Only Jonas follows her, but one stage behind, scolded by her until the screams for help as the masked character comes seize her. Meanwhile the clues suggested to the temperamental ingrate he's more important then Brandon.

Oct 02, 2017
Brandon seeks and outlet for his frustration in love and family dancing on the pier, and bumps into surprisingly understanding Laurel. Jonas cracks the code to follow Mila by realizing he's still in her heart, so the trio reaches the camera left by Clover queen, but only to be shown the masked creep holds Mila captive and silently demands delivery of the book within minutes. As showing they did everything possible but found only the bizarre object doesn't do the trick, Jonas risk reversing the ultimatum; release Mila or the gang stops searching. It works, she's dumped...

Oct 03, 2017
Alex presents the near-desperate gang his findings from janitor Rutger Ballinc's office : a map with date and time. After consulting the ghosts, Jimmie realizes a clue shows how to decode the shopping list, and obtains an address, which the old map allows transposing to present Antwerp. It's the home of a sinister band member Seppe, another Valcke descendant, whose previously 'visited' kin ponders the kids may be o the trace of the book. Brandon looses his patience with Mila's secrecy and bitterly starts considering Rocco's doubts against her; she confides in ...

Oct 04, 2017
Alex deals with his sweet sorrow of missing Jules a while and counsels Charlie to go for such a bond with Jimmie too. Brandon firmly stand by father Rocco as their house is vandalized as protest against his parole. Jonas's worried nostalgia for his relationship with Mila finds an outlet in cool Dutch new dance student Jana Hartman, whom Mila was assigned to mentor. The exes believe they can search Golden falcon player Seppe' Valcke's home where that band rehearses unnoticed, pretending they just need to use WiFi and the loo, but Jonas overhears his calling his father ...

Oct 05, 2017
Trough a press article, the band learns about Rocco's release and that Mila knew from Brandon, who confides in her about his vandalized home. Jonas and Mila report that they found the clues from the shopping list on a mantle piece before Seppe Valcke nearly caught them and decide to return alone when he's out, but he arrives in time to catch them again, just after they found another puzzle piece, which looks like a piece of a key mold, with at least one more needed. Taking Alex's advice, Charlie wants to ask Jimmy on a date, but backs down and behaves strangely when ...

Oct 08, 2017
(Kaas met confituur) Jonas used the clues to find in the mantle piece a second piece and escape just after Seppe Valcke and his father arrive to corner them. Alex realizes that the incomplete key mold means there must be a third letter, Jimmie that it should correspond to the last shape of holes in the deciphering plate. Charlie acts every weirder around and concerning Jana, even suggesting she may be Clover Queen, which launches another ultimatum. The band consults the ghosts again for clues, which seem useless.

Oct 10, 2017
(Verloren dromen) Seppe Valcke arrives at the school, accompanied by his father, to attend a DAM workshop, Jonas ias assigned to show Seppe around. Brandon is relieved Mila sides with him now his father and he are targeted by vandals, but she can't concentrate o the dance assignment. The Valckes demand the clues to find the book and warn none of the band's friends are safe otherwise. The clues indicate the school, an old cotton mill, is the hiding place, and Seppe has another map, but can't find the indicated spot. Mila sees him snoop, follows and photographs the map,...

Oct 11, 2017
(Bevercode) Alex hides to observe janitor Rutger Ballinc's secret plan, but it seems only a séance and he makes a noise, runs but can't get out of the building and if caught. Jonas's arrival allows Mila to escape Seppe, who recuperates the map and the song text, having heard her say over the phone it's the clue to the book, which father Valcke is determined to work out. Brandon tells Rocco, who can't get a job, he feels the relationship with secretive Mila is doomed, but is told to hang on.

Oct 12, 2017
(Langs de kade) As the principal arrives, Alex and Rutger Ballinc cover for each-others unauthorized presence after hours, pretending tutoring. Confronted by Alex, the janitor convinces him he only performed a ritual with candles for private purposes -presumably linked to a child's picture- and seems unaware of the Clover Queen's sinister doings. Jimmy and Seppe's father both realize the key is cutting and reassembling the map to find the hiding place I the DAM, but being on site, the Ghost Rockers arrive first and find a chest marked Valcke. Brandon asks Mila if they...

Oct 15, 2017
(De laatste dans) By the time the Valckes arrive, the band has already found the third puzzle piece, which completes the mold, so Jimmie promises to make the key. Frustrated, Seppe is caught raging at Jonas and expelled for threats to a pupil. Alex tells the others Rutger Ballinc can't be Clover queen, even has an alibi, yet resolves to check out why he changed his name. Brandon and Mila agree to remain dance partners only.

Oct 16, 2017
(De gouden ster) After another threat from Clover queen unless Jonas delivers the book within a day, the gang uses another ghosts-inspired song clue to speculate about the central location of the place to use the key. It's a church, where they find I spot it fits in. The Valckes fail to decipher any clues, but simply decide to track the band, hoping to seize the book once it's found. Brandon consoles Rocco, who fears his criminal record will prevent him from getting any job, while their savings dwindle, and sets his hopes on a DAB job opening.

Oct 18, 2017
(Een Koalabever) Alex can't concentrate on his animal evocation assignment wondering about Rutger's secret, is caught snooping trough his things, finding only a picture of a girl, and gets him to admit implicitly he's searching for ghosts. The gang being out of clues and having found no trace of the book in the church , Jonas resolves to face the threat from Clover queen without the book, wired. The principal no longer tolerates them ditches classes. Brandon shows Rocco, who despairs about finding any job, a DAB job opening as theater teacher.

Oct 20, 2017
(Gevallen Paard) Alex gets Rutger to admit he's searching for ghosts, hence uses a false name, but not to specify his 'personal motivation'. Brandon gets the principal to agree considering his father Rocco, given perfect experience, for the open DAB job opening as theater teacher. The Ghost Rockers wire Jonas, planning to tail him and trap the Clover Queen, but the girls are kept back in detention last minute and Jonas finds the abandoned swimming pool, agreed as meeting place, empty while Alex can't spot anyone outside. The Valckes are lurking around. Jimmy gets lost...

Oct 22, 2017
(Eén Stap Voor) After covering for kidnapped Jimmie and Jana's absence with fake sick notes, the ban is clueless how to find or liberate them. Alex makes not progress researching Rutger's past, but hangs on. Brandon gets the principal's answer against his father Rocco for the open DAB job opening as theater teacher, and a vague promise of recommendation to other schools. The Ghost Rockers no longer hope to outsmart Clover queen, who won't accept anything less then the book, yet Alex and Jonas dismiss offering to team up with the Valckes as to dangerous, but the girls ...

Oct 24, 2017
(Groot Verlies, Groot Verdriet) Alex uses Rutger's former name to research and get him to confirm he's seeking to contact the ghost of his granddaughter, who died in an accident. Brandon realizes his father Rocco is unlikely to get any school job and considers part-time courier work. Father Valcke dismissed the girls' request for help, but allows Seppe to invite the band to join forces in the search for the book. While he admits to Seppe he's cheating, the Ghost Rockers think they work out the clues to the book, yet hesitates whether to burn the Valcke bridge. for ...

Oct 25, 2017
(De Vijf Valken) While Brandon starts working as part-time courier despite his father's protestations he should focus on school, Rocco gets visit form a dodgy acquaintance but bluntly waves his offer of an alternative income. The Valcke strike a deal with the band to join forces in the search for the book: they can consult it, the gang keep it to redeem Jimmie. A pentagram theory proves the right idea to look in the sewer, where the key actually fits and the book is found. Jimmie speculates the masked henchmen work for a mastermind who remained in the shadows so far.

Oct 26, 2017
(Hallo Kleine Wolf) Alex is desperate about his animal-as-beloved-person exam, but Rutger inspires him to use his late daughter's favorite story about a wolf who lost his cub, a hit. Brandon works as part-time courier. Father Valcke had cahoots at call to seize the book from the gang claiming it would allow Mephisto to establish an eternal reign of hell and throws in onto a bonfire. However Seppe liberates the gang who run off, the book having been switched in time. Jimmie and Jane smash a glass to cut their cuffs and escape, but run into the masked henchmen who have ...

Oct 28, 2017
(In Rondjes) Alex is delighted after his glorious exam, even wants to reward Rutger for inspiring him to use the wolves story, perhaps help him contact his beloved ghost, but promises the gang to keep silent about the Firebirds. Brandon's part-time courier compromises his dance training badly. The others worry the book may be useless now the ultimatum has expired and speculate, having read Mephisto's reign of hell may be the actual intent, not just sales value. They ignore Jimmie and Jane escaped, but run in circles and try to steal the masked henchmen's van but are ...

Oct 29, 2017
(Kat- en Beverspel) Jimmy and Jana escaped but went in circles, ignoring where they are. They attempt to steal the masked henchmen's minivan, but are noticed and barely escape, get stuck and run on foot, seeking shelter in an abandoned caravan. Alex's minivan is needed to ride to their rescue after he figures out the clues the runaways managed to pass by phone, but he still drives responsible, even too much to the mates' taste. Brandon's part-time courier compromises his dance training badly but Rocco has no shot at an alternative income.

Nov 01, 2017
(Super Jana) Jimmie and Jane are rescued just in time to escape the masked henchmen. Rutger covers for Alex's absence. After a vague threat to take out his debts on Brandon, Rocco accepts to do 'one more' criminal job and tells Brandon to focus on school full-time again, pretending he has a courier job. The band gang ignore those manage to follow to the school basement while they ponder whether to hand over the book, fearing Mephisto's creepy text may be abused.

Nov 02, 2017
(Klaver Koningin is) Knowing the Clover gang can get to them anywhere, the band decides, despite hesitation, to hand over the book, but take copies and attempt to follow it, hoping to identify the queen. The handover proceeds, they race to the hide-out. Alex and Jonas follow to the lair, which is a psych ward, where the director has a deal to release, for the book, patient clover queen, which is Pieter Verlinden.

Oct 06, 2017
(Koningin aan zet) The Ghost Rockers are shocked to find they unwittingly arranged for the liberty of Clover Queen, which is none other then their mastermind-gone-made former opponent Piet Verlinden, who hastes to start phase two of the vindictive plan, again requiring their participation, while the book may be used for other evil. Brandon nearly gets wind of Rocco being drawn deeper back into crime for a plan he's not initiated into.Jimmy and Jana are very vulnerable during the trail chase as her tripping makes him loose their walkietalkie and henchmen approach.

Oct 07, 2017
(21 Jaar) The Ghost Rockers realize Pieter's threat is even greater now he's free, so the search for clues in a new Freebirds song and conclude it refers to the name of the director of the psychiatric institute where Verlinden bought his release with the book. While Jonas and Eva prepare a performance to seduce leading producer John Hendrickx and the school announces early theatrical exams with a very influential jury, Alex and Mila sneak into the psych ward, but attract staff attention pushing over a flyer stand. Brandon duly suspects Rocco's sudden and long absences...

Oct 08, 2017
(Waar Is Dat Feestje) Alex and Mila pose as visitors, the dress up as staff, to hide in psych director Roos's office, which looks macabre, overhear her confer with Pieter Verlinden about 'phase two' and find his personal effects file includes copies of three chapters of the Mephisto book. Having gathered everything his mob contact required, Rocco is shocked when presented, in the port, to his boss: Pieter. Jonas and Eva assemble a team to finish preparing their performance for producer John Hendrickx.

Nov 09, 2017
(Plan Z) Alex and Mila escape after copying the chapters of the book constituting Pieter's "Plan Z", but can only speculate what it may be, taking into account they also found the Black Eye logo, so the band agrees to bluff they aren't impressed. Rutger helps Alex, who desperately misses his late father's unrelenting 'best fan' encouragement, brain storm for his next theatrical exam. Rocco discovers he was lured into stealing explosives for Pieter, who now leads the resurrected Black Eye and holds blackmail recording to keep him in line to avoid a return to jail. ...

Nov 12, 2017
(Begin van het Einde) Jonas and Eva's duet was cut short when a henchman triggered the stage light to fool on them, warned just I time by Jimmie, but the producer still promises to plead their case in New York. Alex is surprised that although Rutger's participation to his brainstorming didn't yield anything, his mental support did the trick. Brandon dedicates his exam choreography to Rocco, who dares not confide he's back in Pieter's revived Black Eye web. The Ghost Rockers get chilling proof that Pieter's Plan Z is working frightfully well, and he is observing them.

Nov 14, 2017
(Charlies Geheim) The Ghost Rockers realize that Pieter's Plan Z is based on the psychological torment techniques dealt with in the three chapters of the Valcke-legacy Mephisto book. Pieter plans to terrorize Alex with his gay lover down under. Brandon is shocked that Rocco misses his dedicated choreography for an urgent delivery and learns his father is not even employed by the courier service..

Nov 15, 2017
(Hoofdstuk 3) Jonas is offered to tour the States and gets the go-ahead from the mates, even if that means abandoning the band, and taking his exams afterward. Alex is ready for his final theatrical exam, until he gets a virtual ultimatum from Pieter: abandon it or let his lover Jules be killed, so he rushes off to the docks. The band mates just worked out that must be a ploy based on the book, but too late. Brandon anxiously wonders why Rocco lied about his job and missed the choreography, duly fearing a crime relapse.

Nov 16, 2017
(Moeilijke Klim) Forced to choose before the others can warn him it's a trick, Alex rushes to the port cargo dock to attempt saving beloved Jules. He even braves his nightmare fear, climbing a loading crane like the one his father fell to his death from, only to find it's just a dummy, and ridiculed for having thrown away his dream career for nothing, which the principal heartlessly confirms 'you own willful fault', only Ballinc seeks to understand. Charlie meanly suggest Mila shouldn't think of Jonas's future but herself, asking him to stay for her, but the sight of ...

Nov 20, 2017
(Jonas Hartje Eva) The Ghost Rockers ponder how the last book chapter on crushing truth may complete Pieter's plan Z, with three of them left. Alex is crushed, refusing to go on as neither fighting nor complying with the demands helped. Brandon follows his liar father to 'courier work', witnesses a pay-off and confronts him. Verlinden records frustrated Mila telling Charlie wishing Jonas and his duet to hell, not her retraction, and sends it to Jonas.

Nov 21, 2017
(Tickets) Jonas decides to accept touring in America with Eva, as Mila betrayed him so meanly. Challenged unilaterally to a 'fair duel' by Mila, who consulted nobody, Verlinden invites the Ghost Rockers for a final game, but the others join Alex(s refusal to take such risk again. Scolded untrustworthy by Brandon, Rocco tells Verlinden's henchman Sven he no longer obeys and is warned for consequences.

Nov 22, 2017
(Geen voor Allen, Allen voor Geen) Alex's refusal to join Mila, who insists even alone to challenge Pieter, is shared by the others, yet they feel guilty and harbor doubts, Jonas even tells Eva to wait for him to settle 'one more thing'. Brandon feels abandoned even by his father. Charlie fears she's loosing Jimmie -who concentrates on his musical final exam- on top of being Verlinden's next targets and is haunted by Jana's ominous remark about fearing the loss of friends. Mila goes to the duel site, facing another masked henchman.

Nov 24, 2017
(Ontmaskerd) Jonas arrives and finds Mila cuffed, only to suffer the same fate from more henchmen, Pieter having promised the whole band as test persons to the psych ward. Pieter's latest message and the new ghost-inspired song convince Alex to bite his frustration and stand by his friends, dragging along frightened Jimmie. When Jana finds out, she rushes off, while suspicious Charlie searches her room and finds incriminating evidence, including a henchman mask. Brandon wonders how to handle his relapsed father after the confession Verlinden tricked him to help ...

Nov 26, 2017
Alex and Jimmie having liberated Jonas and Mila, Jana arrives at the abandoned mill and promises to show them the right way. Pieter is furious at Jana after the gang chooses to believe over her Charlie who implores not to trust Jana, so he must send his masked henchmen to and activate his secret weapon. Despite Brandon's objections to risking his father's arrest, Rocco insists to track Verlinden down and attempt preventing the resurrection of the Black Eye.

Nov 28, 2017
The gang manage to dodge Pieter's traps and tranquilizer-crossbow-armed henchmen's throughout the mill, but are cornered and captured outside. They are delivered as guinea-pigs to psych ward director Roos, who hints they'll probably loose their memory functions after the experiment by pair. Pieter orders Jana to redeem her failure as undercover by executing Charlie from high above a fire hole. Brandon and Rocco seek to find out the Black Eye plan by searching their courier service HQ.

Nov 29, 2017
The gang manages to wrestle free and overpower Pieter's henchmen's throughout psych ward back to the mill. Jane sides with Charlie and turns on Pieter to free her, but he escapes from the mill, where he corners them at crossbow-point, and welcomes what seems a bunch of henchmen, and even expects them captured when it's the gang tearing off their masks. Brandon and Rocco however have filmed chief henchman Sven explaining the Black Eye plan and blackmailed him to cooperate, so the police arrives and arrests all fiends. Jonas must hurry to catch his US tour flight with ...

Nov 30, 2017
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Ghost Rockers Season 4 (2017) is released on Sep 04, 2017 and the latest season 4 of Ghost Rockers is released in 2017. Watch Ghost Rockers online - the Dutch Drama TV series from Belgium. Ghost Rockers is directed by Gert-Jan Booy and created by Catherine Baeyens with Wout Verstappen and Juan Gerlo.