Episodes (25)

Sep 13, 2013
Jozef K. Richards begins his new journey as a news host, with co-host Matt Henry, on "Friday Night Weekly". Together they bring the news of the week, followed by FNW Special Reporter Reuben Glaser interviewing Trimbleston University's Samuel St. Hngus on what would happen in a world without bugs. Then the studio plant falls over.

Sep 20, 2013
Matt Henry and Jozef K. Richards bring the news of the week and go in depth on Dennis Rodman and Kim Jong Un's friendship. Reuben Glaser screws up his report on the conflict in Syria while Matt finds some weird tweets of Reuben's about Barack Obama and Katy Perry. Jozef grows weary of Ryan trying to mend a tiny hole in the back of Matt's shirt.

Sep 27, 2013
Matt, Ryan, and Reuben agree Jozef is in need of some loosening up, so they decide to spike his cat mug with alcohol before the show. After their plan fails, Matt and Jozef bring the news of the week and discuss Pope Francis in a new segment: "Rogue Pope Roundup". Reuben Glaser defends a pickled snake in the "Defense Corner". In the end, the crew's poor performance drives Jozef to alcoholism anyways.

Oct 04, 2013
Matt dreads the arrival of the 4th episode and the bad luck it will bring, though Jozef feels that is nothing but superstition. Matt's spiritual adviser Matt Mast stops by with some "Good Feelings" and Reuben joins Jozef and Matt for a spoiler-free "Breaking Bad" discussion during which Jozef reveals his own addiction to meth. Matt breaks up badly to this news and brings out his Counselor Rick for an intervention on Jozef.

Oct 11, 2013
After Jozef and Matt remove "The Simpsons Ghost" from the set, a Halloween decoration from the week before that was hated by the bloggers, Jozef's intended replacement for Matt, Makenzie Boettcher, awkwardly shows up a week early revealing Jozef's intentions to Matt. Matt and Jozef show each of their own field reports for the week, Jozef does a piece on the closures of America's national parks and monuments during the government shutdown, with help from Reuben Glaser, while Matt and Ryan the P.A. do something...different.

Oct 18, 2013
With his hosting position on the line, Matt takes matters into his own hands to keep Makenzie off the show. Reuben does a follow-up interview with Samuel St. Hngus on what the world would be like without bugs, but the two find themselves lost in the woods, on the run from "Black Shuck". Jozef wants to put out a missing persons report on Makenzie and Sam St. Hngus, but Matt and Reuben are both highly opposed to doing that for some reason. Reuben agrees to investigate "Black Shuck" further.

Oct 25, 2013
The search for Makenzie and Samuel St. Hngus continues without any luck. During a power outage, the hated "Simpsons Ghost" decoration re-appears on set. Reuben explains his theories on how "Black Shuck" came to America from England via the "Simpsons Ghost" decoration to Jozef and Matt, just as Ryan the P.A. falls into the set, sputtering up blood in a trance-like state. Reuben insists they bury the "Simpsons Ghost" to save Ryan, though Jozef argues in favor of a trip to the hospital.

Nov 01, 2013
Jozef worries Makenzie may be gone for good and holds a candlelight vigil in her memory to Matt's displeasure. Matt brings out Ryan the P.A. for a new segment, "Ryan Acts Like Cool People", in which Ryan pretends to be the creator of the bowtie pasta noodle. Matt, Ryan, and Reuben begin their "No Shave November" competition, but Ryan takes the challenge a little too far...

Nov 08, 2013
After an eye-opening session with his Counselor Rick, Matt decides to let Makenzie out of the closet so she may rejoin the show. Jozef agrees to have both Makenzie and Matt on as his co-hosts, until he discovers it was Matt who locked Makenzie in the closet all along. Nearly fired, Matt keeps his position by agreeing to do "anything". Jozef and Matt bring the news of the week followed by a Dear Makenzie segment, Jozef's Rogue Pope Roundup, and Reuben's Defense Corner. Matt unveils the "RoboRyan" prototype, a way of controlling Ryan's actions remotely via cell phone, ...

Nov 15, 2013
Jozef defends allegations from the bloggers that the show has become too similar to "The View" now that Makenzie is one of the co-hosts. Jozef, Makenzie, and Matt agree the show could stand to be a little more similar to "The View", if anything. Matt's friend Erica stops by to discuss cats, "No Shave November" continues with the elimination round, and Makenzie suggests the group shares a Thanksgiving dinner together on the show later that month.

Nov 22, 2013
Jozef, Makenzie, and Matt discover the studio plant has come down with a cold and decide to take it easy on the boy for an episode. Matt's spiritual adviser Matt Mast stops by with some more "Good Feelings", Jozef, Makenzie, and Matt have a session of "Secs" on crack-using Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, and Charlie Ramsey stops by to share some of his "Young Opinions". With the tree's condition worsening, Makenzie suggests Jozef read it a bedtime story, but when that doesn't work, Matt recalls life on the farm to solve the problem.

Nov 29, 2013
Jozef and Makenzie start Thanksgiving dinner without Matt, who arrives just in time to stir up some drama. Special guests join them for meal including Matt's spiritual adviser, Matt Mast, Dale ???? from "Nature is Closed", Special Reporter Reuben Glaser, and Ryan the P.A. Everyone brings too much milk and Jozef nearly ruins Thanksgiving when he is unable to come up with anything he is thankful for and then yells at everyone to finish their milk.

Dec 06, 2013
Makenzie cranks the heat up in the studio much to everyone else's dismay. Jozef donates his mustache to needy children, Makenzie responds to another "Dear Makenzie" letter, Jozef does another "Rogue Pope Roundup", and "The Reuben Report" covers Black Friday. Alex Trapp sends in a video request from Colombia leading to an argument over a bad joke between Jozef and Matt, escalating into Jozef vowing never to bring Matt to Colombia if he ever goes.

Dec 13, 2013
Feeling as if Jozef is about to fire him, FNW Special Reporter Reuben Glaser confronts a skeptical Ryan the P.A. about forming an alliance. Jozef, Makenzie, and Matt open their stockings and welcome special guest Professor VanOuchie to show off some of his inventions. Matt's best friend "Scoonie" arrives to give him his Christmas present, inciting jealousy from Ryan. Scoonie then sings "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" to close things out as Ryan decides to take Reuben up on his offer.

Dec 20, 2013
Jozef, Makenzie, and Matt find themselves victims of a practical joke as their cat mugs become super-glued to their hands, as well as a bottle of brandy to Jozef's other hand. Jozef's arch nemesis Matt Ott takes over the airwaves revealing his diabolical plan to destroy FNW. Matt Henry gives the "Celebrity Scoop", Reuben irritates Jozef in the "Defense Corner", Smashing Pumpkins are on the show, and the FNW crew sings "Jingles Bells".

Dec 26, 2013
Jozef dresses as an elf, expecting Matt to be dressed as Santa Claus, but instead just makes an ass of himself. Makenzie answers another "Dear Makenzie", Jozef does another "Rogue Pope Roundup", Santa Claus stops by for an interview, and Matt brings out the headmaster from Jozef's and his boys school, Headmaster Shannon, who falls victim to a trap set by Matt Ott.

Jan 03, 2014
To begin the new year, Jozef and Makenzie plan to publicly fire some of the show's under-performing crew members, such as Special Reporter Reuben Glaser, but Ryan the P.A.'s Uncle Glen, who owns the house the show is shot at, arrives to claim ownership of his basement studio, taking over as executive producer of the show, outranking Jozef's decisions. Reuben becomes engaged to a mail-order bride so Matt brings a topless weather girl, LaJa$zy, on the show for him as a bachelor's present.

Jan 10, 2014
Makenzie is hit by a car and put in the hospital. Back at the studio, the new executive producer, Uncle Glen, threatens Jozef to have her fired, but backs down. Makenzie checks in from the hospital, Jozef and Matt bring the news of the week, and new FNW meteorologist Jacob Woelfel gives an increasingly insane weather forecast. Uncle Glen sends Jozef and Matt off early so he can drink and play Pong with Reuben and Ryan the P.A., and Jozef and Matt visit Makenzie in the hospital and discuss forming an alliance.

Jan 17, 2014
Uncle Glen brings his older sister, Aunt Alka, onto the show to "babysit" Jozef, Makenzie, and Matt. Kenny Dean comes on to help kids "Keep Off Drugs" and, after "The Reuben Report" for the week slams Richards in an Uncle Glen-biased history of FNW Executive Producers, Kenny reveals himself to also be an undercover detective and takes Ryan the P.A. in for questioning on the murder of Headmaster Shannon three weeks prior.

Jan 24, 2014
Jozef, Makenzie, and Matt announce the new short film they are working on, "Stand Up, Steve Regis", Mast Mast stops by for some "Good Feelings", and Executive Producer Uncle Glen introduces his own new segment on the show, "Uncle's Moment", in which he gives everyone else advice, including Ryan the P.A., who is wanted for the murder of Headmaster Shannon. Ryan sets off to hitchhike, but the ride he receives may be more than he bargained for...

Jan 31, 2014
With Ryan the P.A. on the run, the FNW crew must find a replacement. They take it up to a vote and Jozef, Makenzie, and Matt win with a 3-2 edge against Reuben and Glen and immediately hire Matt's best friend, Scoonie, as the new P.A. on the show. Reuben unveils the new trailer for Uncle Glen's and his latest venture, "Rat Ship", and the studio plant grows a large beanstalk after being affected by the magic beans Matt purchased and he climbs the plant into the clouds.

Feb 07, 2014
Makenzie switches seats with Matt over something Jozef did that he cannot seem to figure out. Matt brings his friend Chippy from the rec center on the show to discuss creationism vs. evolution and Jozef and Makenzie do a field report, "My Street", which prompts Matt to insist the two make up over the misunderstanding.

Feb 14, 2014
After Matt discovers FND Films on social media, Jozef recognizes one of their members, Cooper, from his college days and assumes he stole "FND" from "FNW". Jozef, Makenzie, and Matt head to Chicago to rumble with the boys from FND, but Makenzie struggles to find a parking spot and Jozef and Matt end up waiting a long time for her to join them.

Feb 21, 2014
Makenzie announces she's taken a job with a major news network and will be leaving the show to Matt's joy and Jozef's dismay. Professor VanOuchie shows up with a dire warning about Matt Ott requiring action and Reuben and Uncle Glen are home from California after their movie "Rat Ship" tanked and caused mass suicide at its premiere.

Feb 28, 2014
As Reuben prepares for his final confrontation with Jozef, luring Dale ???? into the studio to join his side, Uncle Glen reveals startling news - that he has sold the show to Alex Trapp in Colombia and, with that, the show will be moving to the South American country for season two.
Friday Night Weekly Season 1 (2013) is released on Sep 13, 2013 and the latest season 2 of Friday Night Weekly is released in 2014. Watch Friday Night Weekly online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Friday Night Weekly is directed by Jozef K. Richards and created by Makenzie Boettcher with Jozef K. Richards and Matt Henry.