Episodes (52)

Project: Ice
S01E01 · Project: Ice

Jan 31, 2016

When an ice cube lands on the kitchen floor on a hot summer day, the Floogals Investigate, leading to an adventure that includes speed skating and scaling the monolithic refrigerator.

Project: Tortoise
S01E02 · Project: Tortoise

Jan 26, 2016

When the Boy Hooman brings a classroom tortoise home for the weekend, the Floogals question why this special moving "rock" is worthy of so much attention. Their investigation leads to a not-so-high-speed race.

Project: Balloon
S01E03 · Project: Balloon

Jan 28, 2016

When the Floogals encounter a balloon that's intended for the Girl Hooman's birthday party they think it's a monster - it's ten times bigger than them with a giant face!. In investigating it further, Fleeker must conquer his fear to return the balloon to the little girl.

Project: Trumpet
S01E04 · Project: Trumpet

Jan 29, 2016

The Floogals explore and learn to play the Boy Hooman's brassy instrument, ultimately learning that teamwork is the key to making harmonious music.

Project: Flashlight
S01E05 · Project: Flashlight

Feb 04, 2016

The Floogals have an adventure in which they discover the joys of making shadow puppets when they explore the strange light emanating from beneath the covers in the Girl Hooman's bed.

Project: Baby
S01E06 · Project: Baby

Feb 03, 2016

When Aunt Samantha pays the Hooman family a visit with her baby in tow, the Floogals are fascinated by this new creature who has such a strong power over the Hoomans they predict it could be their king! When the king captures Boomer they have to work out how to free him and realize what a baby is and how to play with him.

Project: Leash
S01E07 · Project: Leash

Jan 23, 2016

By observing the family dog's excited behavior each time Dad Hooman takes down his leash the Floogals set out to confirm their assumption it it's indeed a magical device that makes you happy.

Project: Puzzle
S01E08 · Project: Puzzle

Jan 30, 2016

The Floogals must learn the difficult task of assembling the Girl Hooman's jigsaw puzzle when they inadvertently scatter its many pieces on the floor - working out that a birds-eye view gives you the 'big picture' and working in a team wins the day.

Project: Bubbles
S01E09 · Project: Bubbles

Feb 02, 2016

When Mom Hooman comes home with bubbles for the kids, the Floogals investigate, convinced they're made by a magic wand similar to the one in the story the kids read.

Project: Halloween
S01E10 · Project: Halloween

Aug 05, 2016

When the Hoomans wear costumes and adorn their house with spooky decorations for a Halloween party, the Floogals are convinced trouble-making aliens have invaded the household. Soon they must decide whether or not to warn the Hoomans, at the risk of exposing their own secret mission.

Project: Mirror
S01E11 · Project: Mirror

Jan 18, 2016

The Floogals mistakenly believe the bathroom mirror is a portal to another world complete with clones of themselves and a duplicate of Fleeker's Fizzer (his single-Floogal-ship).

Project: Banana
S01E12 · Project: Banana

Jan 18, 2016

When the Floogals overhear the Hoomans talk about bananas as a great source of energy, they set out to bring one back to the spaceship to help power their new invention. Much very silly sliding and slapstick ensues before they finally work out what bananas are really for.

Project: Sleepover
S01E13 · Project: Sleepover

Feb 01, 2016

When the Floogals get trapped in the Girl Hooman's bedroom, they're witnesses to, and later participants in a "sleepover"-a series of rituals experienced by the Girl and her friends including telling stories, singing songs, eating snacks but not much sleeping!

Project: Clock
S01E14 · Project: Clock

Feb 15, 2016

The Floogals investigate and are determined to understand the strange power the round things with pointers have over the Hoomans during the course of their day. When accidentally Boomer puts the block back and hour the Floogals have a race against 'time' to set things right.

Project: Helicopter
S01E15 · Project: Helicopter

Jan 30, 2016

When the Boy Hooman's remote-controlled toy helicopter accidentally carries away Boomer, the Floogals must learn how to make it work in order to rescue their friend.

Project: Toothbrush
S01E16 · Project: Toothbrush

Jan 25, 2016

The Floogals set out to investigate the strange buzzing they hear in the Hoomans' bathroom each and every morning and evening, ultimately discovering that the whirring robotic tools are in fact toothbrushes.

Project: Washer Dryer
S01E17 · Project: Washer Dryer

Jan 27, 2016

When the Floogals investigate the Hoomans' utility room, they inadvertently wind up experiencing first-hand the thrilling cycle of being washed and dried.

Project: Glue
S01E18 · Project: Glue

Jan 25, 2016

When the Floogals investigate the Boy Hooman's building of a model rocket, they experience a way-too-sticky adventure brought about by the binding power of glue. A high-speed fire engine race ensues and the Floogals have to use their newly found knowledge to save the day.

Project: Rubberbands
S01E19 · Project: Rubberbands

Feb 09, 2016

The Floogals investigation into what rubber bands are and how they're used by the Hoomans comes in handy when they accidentally break the Boy Hooman's school project. Title: "Banding Together"

Project: Sand
S01E20 · Project: Sand

Dec 31, 2023

Boomer doesn't like this 'Sand' stuff, it's slippery and he doesn't feel safe on it - Fleeker on the other hand can surf down it on a leaf! The Floogals encounter sand for the first time and in a Lawrence of Arabia inspired adventure, work out that they need water with sand to rebuild the castle they've destroyed.

Project: Boxes
S01E21 · Project: Boxes

Feb 06, 2016

Mom Hooman's excited when she receives a delivery of boxes. The Floogals can't understand why something so plain would inspire such excitement. They work out that it was the contents of the box Mom was buzzing about but the Floogals discover that using the power of imagination can turn a simple cardboard box into a space station, a plane.. anything!

Project: Egg Hunt
S01E22 · Project: Egg Hunt

Dec 31, 2023

The Floogals mistakenly think Mom and Dad Hooman have accidentally dropped candy eggs in the garden when in fact they have placed them there on purpose to create an egg hunt for their kids. The Floogals think they are being helpful and tidy up the eggs! Once the Floogals realize their mistake, they must get all the eggs back on the ground before the kids arrive so their fun day won't be ruined.

Project: Caterpillar
S01E23 · Project: Caterpillar

Dec 31, 2023

Boomer's become very fond of the 3 stripy caterpillars the kids are keeping in the shed. Devastated when one disappears the Floogals stake out the container they are in and unfold the mystery of the disappearing caterpillars by getting to observe for themselves the astonishing phenomena of this natural metamorphosis into a butterfly!

Project: Clay
S01E24 · Project: Clay

Jan 03, 2018

The Floogals are baffled by this stuff that smells like the earth outside yet makes shapes like mini monsters and even can be morphed into the shape of a vase when spun on a wheel! As they investigate they accidentally squish one of boy's clay figures and in the re-building create a new one which looks rather like a Floogal!

Project: Garden Hose
S01E25 · Project: Garden Hose

Feb 06, 2016

The Floogals encounter a twisting hose in the garden and wonder what the Hoomans use it for. Fleeker and Flo head off to one end, Boomer to the other. Fleeker and Flo work out how to turn on the tap and Boomer is on the receiving end managing to wrangle the hose in an exciting action sequence and along the way work out what Garden Hose's are used for!

Project: Piano
S01E26 · Project: Piano

Dec 31, 2023

The piano is gigantic to a Floogal. How can it be making such lovely music and how can a Floogal make that music too? Well, one Floogal can't but a team of Floogals can. In a scene reminiscent of 'Big' we see our Floogals work out how keys and strings work in a piano to make a tune!

Project: Tent
S01E27 · Project: Tent

Dec 31, 2023

The Floogals discover the joys of camping when they observe the Hooman kids putting up a tent and decide to copy what they do - but in miniature.

Project: Popcorn
S01E28 · Project: Popcorn

Dec 31, 2023

Movie Night just got even cozier! The Floogals discover how popcorn is made when they accidentally trigger the popcorn machine in the kitchen. Our team have to fix the avalanche of popcorn flooding the kitchen before they can settle down with the unsuspecting family to share movie night.

Project: Dusting
S01E29 · Project: Dusting

Dec 31, 2023

The Floogals work out that they are leaving their own teeny footprints in the dust of the shelves in the house! Working out that the duster can fix it, Fleeker clamps it to his fizzer for a high speed whizz about the house to dust and remove evidence of their existence. Boy Hooman gets the praise for a nice shiney house, chores done and 'dusted'!

Project: Seeds
S01E30 · Project: Seeds

Feb 08, 2016

Mom and Girl Hooman are excited about a seed packet - indicating that the flowers in the garden came out of the packet. Curious! How can that be? These little things in the packet look nothing LIKE those giant flowers in the garden. Our Floogals discover that flowers come from seeds in an action packed adventure involved dogs digging and seed bombing!

Project: Rollerskates
S01E31 · Project: Rollerskates

Feb 08, 2016

Why would a shoe have wheels attached? The Floogals find out and in the process go on a roller-coaster adventure around the house, learning to lean and steer the boot along the way!

Project: Picnic
S01E32 · Project: Picnic

Dec 31, 2023

The Floogals spot the Hoomans packing plates and cups and food into a big basket - they must be moving out, think our team of explorers. When Boomer finds himself caught up in the basket and taken along on the family's bike ride, Fleeker and Flo follow in their fizzers to track their friend and work out what the Hoomans are doing. Discovery what a picnic is and that a bagel isn't a Floogal-trap proves to be a lot of fun for the Floogals to report back on.

Project: Rabbit
S01E33 · Project: Rabbit

Dec 31, 2023

Something has stolen Dad's veggies from his plot in the garden and it's made Dad super grumpy. As the Floogals investigate they come face to,well, fluffy bottom with a gorgeous furry wild rabbit once they put all the pieces of the puzzle together.. long ears, 2 sets of paw prints, chomp marks in the carrot. Wondering if it could be a pet they realize the best thing for wild animals is to put a cage around the veggies, not the rabbit.

Project: Painting
S01E34 · Project: Painting

Dec 13, 2016

When the Floogals try to investigate a palette of paints but end up ruining the little girl's picture by stomping tiny Floogal boot prints all over it the race is on to recreate the little girls masterpiece and in the process learn all about using brushes, water and paints to create lovely results - and how to mix colours too!

Project: Singing
S01E35 · Project: Singing

Dec 31, 2023

Dad is singing in the shower - it's a mega hit song called 'outta this world' - and the Floogals find it hurts their Floogalhorns. As the rest of the family start making the same sounds the Floogals think it's something that's catching.. what is this and why do the Hoomans do it. When they themselves start singing the same 'catchy' song they realize that singing is a joyful human pursuit that Floogals kinda love too. In fact it's 'Outta This World!'

Project: Record Player
S01E36 · Project: Record Player

Feb 05, 2016

Dad's put his old record player aside to throw it away and the Floogals are fascinated.. What are these big black discs and WHAT is that sound and how is it made? As they boogy to the music the record player creates, the rest of the family in the house hear the fantastic tunes. They're not throwing that record player away, it might be old but it's a treasure!

Project: Table Tennis
S01E37 · Project: Table Tennis

Dec 31, 2023

The clock clock clock of table tennis bats on balls has the Floogals curiosity peeked.. What could this new table be and what are the bats? A giant table thinks Boomer, and the bats are plates for food! As they try to hold the ball and the bats and impromptu and very fun game of ping pong ensues as they discover just what the boy and his friend have been playing - a super fun game on a table!

Project: Robot
S01E38 · Project: Robot

Dec 31, 2023

Our team of explorers think they've made a new friend but it turns out to me a motion controlled robot. As Flo gets whisked off by the little girl and her friend, Fleeker and Boomer have to work out how to control 'YeeHaw' the robot so that he can create a distraction and help them rescue Flo!

Project: Birthday Cake
S01E39 · Project: Birthday Cake

Dec 31, 2023

Boomer's built a little fizzerific food finder attachment for his Fizzer controls. It's supposed to be able to sniff out food - a subject close to Boomer's heart. Flying by a massive birthday cake the food finder goes out of control and Boomer crashes.. The Floogals have to work out how to re-make the frosting and in the process find out what a birthday cake and decorations are for.

Project: Mail
S01E40 · Project: Mail

Dec 31, 2023

Curious to find out what Mom's doing with her card and envelope the Floogals fly their fizzers to follow her as she posts a letter. flo gets trapped in the mail box when her fizzer runs out of battery so the Floogals have to work out a way to get the fizzer back to the house and find that an envelope and stamp can come in very handy!

Project: Magnet
S01E41 · Project: Magnet

Dec 31, 2023

Flo's fizzer gets stuck to a magnet in the boy's backpack and he's about to leave for school. Boomer has to fine tune his fizzer skills pronto to learn how magnets work and to help his friends rescue Flo's ship.

Project: Ring
S01E42 · Project: Ring

Aug 24, 2017

Boomer has found a piece of old junk to use as the finishing piece to his new gadget.. well a piece of old junk made of silver that is with a shiny red stone in the middle! It's mom's special ring, inherited from her grandma and poor Mom is fretting as she cannot find it. Boomer and co must work out quickly how to return it to mom and work out why she was so sad about losing it.

Project: Umbrella
S01E43 · Project: Umbrella

Jan 18, 2016

Dad's left the house with an umbrella in case of rain and the Floogals can only imagine that he's trying to communicate with outer space using it - what else could it be for? It's only when Scruffy the dog shakes his wet fur all over them and Boomer spontaneously uses a cocktail umbrella to protect everyone that they work out why Dad needed that thing.

Project: Bandages
S01E44 · Project: Bandages

Dec 31, 2023

Our team of alien explorers encounter a simple bandage for the first time and try to work out what it could be for - they try to fix their broken fizzer with it then find it's got a soft cushiony bit perfect for a Floogal nap! When Boomer bumps his bootle and and a bandage gets stuck to him, he realizes these things really can make you feel better.

Project: Vacuum
S01E45 · Project: Vacuum

Dec 22, 2017

The Floogals find themselves unlikely allies with the house Cat as they race to escape the sucker-upper-thingy that they are certain is a new beast like pet for boy Hooman. Some night time investigations into the monster reveal the truth but not before some of the Floogals precious equipment gets suckered up and needs to be rescued!

Project: Jewelry Box
S01E46 · Project: Jewelry Box

Dec 31, 2023

Boomer falls in love with the tiny ballerina inside the little girls jewelry box. He's certain she' a prisoner and they have to help her escape - as they work their way around opening it, using the key and observing Girl Hooman putting her treasures in there they realize it's for keeping things safe not prisoner! Oh, and that tiny dancer? She's just a doll.. Poor Boomer!

Project: Vacation
S01E47 · Project: Vacation

Dec 31, 2023

Where have the Hoomans gone?! the Floogals are baffled when the Hoomans don't come home in the evening like they usually do. Like good explorers our team try and Floogal out why before they succumb to all the pleasures that being "home alone" can provide.

Project: Aluminum Foil
S01E48 · Project: Aluminum Foil

Dec 31, 2023

When Fleeker and Flo got trapped in a wrapped aluminum that has (Luke) Boy Hooman food in it, it's up to Bommer to rescue them and find out what aluminum foil used for before (Luke) boy Hooman saw the Floogals.

Project: Hamster
S01E49 · Project: Hamster

Dec 31, 2023

When the Floogals spot a brand new hamster cage with multiple tubes and towers and pods attached they are convinced it must be a spaceship newly arrived in the girls room. Fleeker goes in to investigate and encounters a furry alien pilot whom he tries to befriend.. when finally they work out that it's a hamster pet they also realize they've managed to set it free and have to set about getting the hamster back in its cage before the little girl finds out.

Project: Pencil
S01E50 · Project: Pencil

Dec 31, 2023

On the search for a thrilling project, the Floogals are left with a lowly pencil, though in investigating what Dad Hooman uses it for, and inadvertently erasing his work, our three adventurers must now redraw what they've erased before he notices.

Project: Rainbow
S01E51 · Project: Rainbow

Dec 31, 2023

On a sunny-and-rainy day, the Floogals see a rainbow in the sky outside. By the time they run down the garden to see it more closely, the sky has clouded over and it's disappeared. Exploring this phenomenon becomes a sleuth-like investigation. Just as the Floogals work out that rainbows appear when it's both sunny and rainy, it stops raining for good. Flo's determined to get a photo of a "sky arch" and when the Floogals end up wrangling with the garden hose they make their own rainbow in the sunny back yard.

Project: Kite
S01E52 · Project: Kite

Dec 31, 2023

On discovering a broken kite in the Hoomans' garden shed and hearing that it flies, the Floogals wonder how that's possible when it's just wood, paper and string. However, when a gust of wind carries the kite up and out of the garden, the Floogals have their answer and head off on a fizzer lead 'search and rescue' mission, chasing after the kite all the way to the park.


Floogals Season 1 (2016) is released on Jan 31, 2016 and the latest season 3 of Floogals is released in 2020. Watch Floogals online - the English Animation TV series from United States. Floogals is directed by Ruth Ducker,Ceri Barnes,Paul Donnellon and created by Lee Walters with Dominick and Joseph Steyne. Floogals is available online on fuboTV and Amazon Video.

As know as:



United States



Production Companies:

Nevision Studios One, PBS Kids Sprout, The Foundation (II)

Official Site:


Cast & Crew

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