Episodes (9)

Nov 01, 2010
Butcher's son Bram Wagtmans is one of the four pledges at a posh Dutch university's mixed but mainly male student society, singled out during hazing to care for the piglet mascot on top of endless chores and abuse. Fear of old boys favoritism and nepotism made him lie his dad is a lawyer, but a fake identity changes a lot.

Nov 08, 2010
Bram must quickly overcome the shock of seeing Hendrik Sr. stab the mascot bunny to death as the hazing resumes. President Olivier de Ruyter tries to save Bram's bacon, which after a stupid smack for Freek is only possible by making a bet, the protégé who arrives first in a dropping may stay in the frat. During that run, Bram learns Freek is frustrated by his bully brother and suffers from a heart condition. Alas Bram previously dumped Freek's backpack, containing the medicine for his congenital hart condition. Desdpite Olivier's arrival, the outcome is fatal.

Nov 15, 2010
After Freek's funeral, father Bolhuis bitterly tells Hendrik bitterly it's bad enough he failed to protect his kid brother, help with childish 'revenge' on rival Olivier is out of the question. The fraternity ends the pledging season not with a hell-night but in an orgy, the only pains of which come from a prostitute's craps. Bram panics when a reporter asks questions about the tragic incident, but Olivier, who already arranged for Freek's incriminating backpack to be found and disposed of, promises to smooth any risk of criminal charges.

Nov 22, 2010
Hendrik pretends to believe Olivier's story about Freek's death, but asks his powerful father to break his mate. But Hendrik is told that he's a worthless son who more than failed to protect his poor kid brother, so he keeps investigating on his own. After Olivier's mate Beeksma feels victimized in a silly row over a girl, Bram is ordered to break up his friendship with Joep to enable a raid on the rival chapter's house, but they are outsmarted.

Nov 29, 2010
The frat is mildly shocked when Olivier cheekily announces he has got and probably spread the whore's STD, causing a rush to medical check-up. Bram is immensely grateful when Olivier covers for him, playing the drunk, when the police takes him to the precinct concerning Freek's death. Joep however suspects Olivier of foul play, snoops until he finds incriminating data and takes them to the Bolhuis family.

Dec 06, 2010
The whole chapter is invited for Olivier's birthday dinner at the grand De Ruyter home. Olivier is moody, despite his gift, a vintage car. He gets drunk, being jealous of Bram now his sister Marie-Claire showed his mate some interest. Father De Ruyter gets a visit from Freek's Onno, whose offer to settle the boy's tragic death amicably with a mere confession from Olivier is rejected. Instead, the police gets cued to arrest Hendrik for an old car crash and Trudy, the witness concerning Freek's belated hospitalization, retracts claiming to be bullied by the Bolhuis ...

Dec 13, 2010
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 13, 2010
Joep pretends to have left the frat on his own accord. The pledge year is over, and Marie is Bram's date to his senior installation ball, clearly to overprotective brother Oivier's disease, even with an incestuous taste. Olivier orders Freek's hidden medicine backpack to be delivered to the police, so Bram will be arrested as his murderer. But a clever provocation and a hidden walkie-talkie conspiracy brings out the horrible truth.

Dec 31, 2023
Joep pretends to have left the frat of his own accord. Now the pledge year is over, Marie is Bram's date to his senior installation ball, clearly to his brother's displeasure. Olivier orders Freek's hidden medicine backpack to be taken to the police, so Bram will be arrested as his murderer. But a clever provocation and a hidden walkie-talkie conspiracy bring out the horrible truth.
Feuten Season 1 (2010) is released on Nov 01, 2010 and the latest season 3 of Feuten is released in 2013. Watch Feuten online - the Dutch Drama TV series from Netherlands. Feuten is directed by Lourens Blok,Anne de Clercq,Remy van Heugten,Hesdy Lonwijk and created by Willem Bosch with Pepijn Schoneveld and Madelief Blanken.