Episodes (16)

Apr 22, 2016
A mother and daughter, Piper and Ally, are taken captive for an unknown reason. Noah, a mysterious man, shows up to rescue them to explain that he was sent to protect them and bring them to his safe house. But what they find there, isn't exactly what they were expecting.

Apr 29, 2016
Piper and Ally leave the safe house and encounter danger, proving they need to trust Noah and return to the safe house.

May 06, 2016
Back at the safe house, Piper and Ally meet Oliver, who is the leader of the safe house. Noah explains to Piper what the Shadows are and she realizes that her and Ally were kidnapped in order to be cloned.

May 15, 2016
Cooper is attacked by a shadow of Piper. One of the safe house Guardians, Riley, saves Cooper and brings him back to the house. Noah explains the story about the safe house to Cooper.

May 21, 2016
When it's revealed to Cooper that phones aren't permitted in the safe house, he insists that he needs to get a hold of his daughter. Noah is shocked that he and Riley missed the fact that Cooper has a biological daughter that lives with him part of the time. Cooper and Riley head out to go get her. While Ally is having a discussion with Piper, Piper doesn't seem to be acting like herself.

May 27, 2016
Noah saves Ally from her fight with the Piper and Ally Shadows. Cooper and Riley arrive at Cooper's house in time to save his daughter, Kate. Oliver and Piper are out tracking a new target, Owen.

Jun 05, 2016
Noah explains to Ally that the Shadows have a self-destruct mechanism. Piper approaches Owen at his vehicle to inform him that he is in danger. Riley and Cooper arrive back at the safe house with Kate.

Jun 13, 2016
Cooper tells Ally his and Kate's backstory. Piper and Oliver return to the safe house with Owen. Riley tells Oliver her regret that they didn't get to Cooper's house soon enough to save Kate's mother. Piper asks Ally and Noah to the leave the spare room where Owen is, so she can explain why he was brought there. While Ally and Noah are outside talking, he is shot by an unknown assailant.

Jul 03, 2016
After getting shot, Oliver operates and removes the bullet from Noah. Oliver introduces Owen to the group. Riley explains to Oliver that since Noah is temporarily out of commission, she's the only Guardian that is protecting everyone. Oliver then reveals to her the true reason for Owen being there at the safe house.

Jul 10, 2016
Oliver explains to Owen and Riley that Owen is a Guardian and has the special genetic code built into his DNA. Cooper explains to Kate that her mother didn't survive. Piper checks in on Noah, who has Ally at his bedside. Ally explains to her that Noah could be someone that she could fall for.

Jul 18, 2016
Piper, Owen, Cooper and Kate are playing Monopoly. After they're done, Shadows Oliver, Ally and Piper arrive and kidnap Piper, Owen, Kate and Noah, knocking out and leaving Cooper behind. Oliver, Riley and Ally arrive back at the safe house and are determined to bring the others back home.

Jul 24, 2016
Piper, Owen, Noah and Kate are bound in the darkroom. Shadow Oliver enters and extracts some blood from Owen in order to create a clone of Owen. Back at the safe house, Ally is caring for Cooper's wounds while he explains what happened. She then suggests that they wear a bracelet or something so it's easier to tell the humans from the Shadows. A new target, Leo, who Ally knew in high school, arrives at the safe house. Shadow Oliver re-enters the darkroom and explains that the Shadows aren't the only ones that are after everyone.

Jul 31, 2016
Everything seems hopeless: At the safe house, Cooper, Ally, Riley and Leo aren't sure if the others are okay or if they'll be found. In the darkroom, Noah and Owen are uncertain if they'll be freed and survive. Out on his own, Oliver is upset and crying in his car because he's not sure of what to do.

Aug 08, 2016
Shadow Ally enters the darkroom, only Owen is fully conscious at the moment. She goes over to Owen and threatens to torture him before being stopped by Shadow Oliver, when he enters the darkroom. At the safe house, Riley cuts her hand and while being bandaged by Ally, Riley explains that a Guardian's blood is different than normal humans. Guardians can also access different parts of their brains that normal humans can't. Riley then tells Ally and Cooper that she may be able to find the others by accessing Noah's mind to pinpoint where they're being held captive at. ...

Aug 15, 2016
Noah, Owen and Kate have some hope in being rescued, as Noah explains that Riley has found their location by using her mind. With a map out at the safe house, Ally goes over who will go where in terms of trying to hunt down the others. Oliver comes back and finds out what Riley did. Cooper becomes pushy on wanting to leave to get the others, then Oliver becomes agitated and grabs Cooper by the throat. He wants to make sure Riley is okay after her out of body experience first, then they can go rescue the others. He explains that during an out of body experience, the ...

Aug 21, 2016
In the season finale, it is revealed that Piper is alive and that Shadow Oliver had killed Shadow Piper, just to play a game. The others are at different locations searching, Cooper and Leo are looking together, Oliver and Ally have split up and go to two separate buildings. Ally arrives at the darkroom and dispatches Shadow Oliver. She unties Piper, then Piper unties Kate. Ally then unties Owen and tells him to take Kate and her mom out of there. Piper then tells Owen to take Kate, while she stays to help Ally free Noah. Loud sirens begin to sound off. Owen comes ...
Fear Me Season 1 (2016) is released on Apr 22, 2016 and the latest season 3 of Fear Me is released in 2017. Watch Fear Me online - the English Action TV series from United States. Fear Me is directed by Drew Kochera and created by Drew Kochera with Joe Hammerstone and Kyle A. Lee.