Episodes (31)

Oct 07, 2003
Start of the "Piccolo Jr. Saga". Yajirobe takes Goku to Korin Tower to recover from his fight with Piccolo. While there, they tell Korin about the death of the eternal dragon and find out that Kami, the creator of the dragon and the dragon balls, lives high above Korin Tower. He can recreate the dragon so that Goku can bring his friends back to life, but the only way to get there is to use the power pole, which Goku lost during his fight with Piccolo. In order to reach Kami, Goku must find his power pole and return to Korin Tower. Meanwhile, Piccolo Jr. hatches from ...

Oct 08, 2003
Goku uses his power pole to get to the Lookout, Kami's temple in the sky. Meanwhile, reporters storm the Kame house looking for Goku. Also, Piccolo Jr. begins to understand his strength.

Oct 09, 2003
Goku cannot defeat Mr. Popo, so he decides to stay at the Lookout and train until he can. Also, he meets Kami. Meanwhile, Tien begins his training for the next World Martial Arts Tournament.

Oct 10, 2003
Kami resurrects the eternal dragon. In return, Goku agrees to stay at the Lookout and train for three years. Meanwhile, Bulma, Yamcha, and Tien see the dragon balls flashing, and they call on the eternal dragon to make their wish.

Oct 14, 2003
Mr. Popo attempts to teach Goku to relax his mind. Also, to sharpen his senses, Goku trains blindfolded. Finally, Goku goes to Mt. Rumble to fetch the sacred crown. Meanwhile, Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin continue to train for the next World Martial Arts Tournament.

Oct 15, 2003
After recovering from being struck by lightning, Goku is sent to the woods to train. While there, he meets a family and stays with them. He learns from the grandfather of a fighter named Yao Chun, and he heads to the mountains to fight him. Meanwhile, Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin continue to train.

Oct 16, 2003
Goku travels back in time to train with Master Mutaito, and he learns about spirit energy. While there, he meets a young Roshi, and he runs afoul of Shen. Meanwhile, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, and Chiaotzu decide to climb Korin Tower.

Oct 20, 2003
Goku fights a doppelganger created by Mr. Popo. Meanwhile, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, and Chiaotzu continue on their journey to Korin Tower.

Oct 21, 2003
Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, and Chiaotzu stumble upon a village that is worshiping a mountain spirit during a festival, and they take part in the festivities. Meanwhile, Goku plays hide and seek with Mr. Popo to help him detect and control spirit energy.

Oct 22, 2003
After a volcano erupts, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, and Chiaotzu attempt to prevent the lava from destroying a nearby village. Meanwhile, Goku and Mr. Popo continue to play hide and seek.

Oct 23, 2003
It has been three years since Goku defeated Piccolo, and the time has come for the next World Martial Arts Tournament. Having not seen each other in years, all the characters meet and reminisce while signing in for the tournament.

Oct 27, 2003
The preliminaries of the World Martial Arts Tournament begin. Notably, Goku fights a rematch with King Choppa, and Chiaotzu faces a familiar foe.

Oct 28, 2003
The preliminaries of the World Martial Arts Tournament conclude.

Oct 29, 2003
Tien Shinhan fights Mercenary Tao in the first quarter-final match of the World Martial Arts Tournament.

Oct 30, 2003
Goku fights the woman entered as "Anonymous" in the second quarter-final match of the World Martial Arts Tournament. Also, the match between Piccolo Jr. and Krillin begins.

Nov 03, 2003
The fight between Piccolo Jr. and Krillin concludes. Also, the final quarter-final match between Yamcha and Hero begins.

Nov 04, 2003
The fight between Yamcha and Hero concludes. Also, the first semi-final match between Goku and Tien begins.

Nov 05, 2003
The first semi-final match between Goku and Tien continues.

Nov 06, 2003
The first semi-final match between Goku and Tien concludes.

Nov 10, 2003
Piccolo Jr. fights Hero, who is actually Kami in disguise, in the second semi-final match of the World Martial Arts Tournament.

Nov 11, 2003
Goku finally explains to his friends the true identities of Piccolo Jr. and Kami. Also, the final match of the World Martial Arts Tournament begins when Goku faces Piccolo Jr.

Nov 12, 2003
Goku gets up from the knockdown, and his fight with Piccolo Jr. continues. The fighting is intense, as Piccolo levels a mountain with an energy attack, and Goku unveils his Super Kamehameha wave.

Nov 13, 2003
The true identity of Piccolo Jr. is finally recognized by the crowd, which flees in terror, and news of the discovery breaks on TV. Piccolo then uses a new technique to increase in size, and his fight with Goku continues.

Nov 17, 2003
Goku enters Piccolo Jr.'s body through his mouth and retrieves the jar that holds Kami. After Kami is freed, Piccolo returns to his normal size, and the battle continues.

Nov 18, 2003
Piccolo charges up, stealing energy from everyone around him so that he can unleash a massive energy attack. Tien uses the Tri-Beam Cannon to create a shelter for all the non-participants to hide in, and the fight between Goku and Piccolo continues.

Nov 19, 2003
Knowing that if he dies it will also be the death of Piccolo Jr., Kami asks Tien to kill him after Piccolo disables Goku. Before this can happen, Goku recovers and the fight continues.

Nov 20, 2003
Goku and Chi-Chi fly back to the Ox King's castle to announce their engagement. The Ox King and his servants prepare the castle for the wedding, but just when the preparation is nearly complete, the castle once again goes up in flames. With the Ox King still trapped in the castle, Goku and Chi-Chi must find the Bansho fan and extinguish the flames.

Nov 24, 2003
Goku and Chi-Chi visit the Kame House to find Roshi's instructions for making the Bansho fan. They see that they need a feather from a mystical bird called a fire-eater, so they go to Mt. Kiwi to retrieve one. Once there, they are followed by Mai and Shuu, who are also looking for the bird.

Nov 25, 2003
Goku and Chi-Chi reach the mountain that reportedly holds the Bansho fan, but a heavy snowstorm causes them to crash at the mountain's base. They meet an old woman who explains to them that no woman can climb the mountain without causing a storm. She also tells them that there is no fan on the mountain. Goku scales it hoping to gather enough snow to put out the fire at the Ox King's castle. While Goku is climbing the mountain, the old woman teaches Chi-Chi about being a good wife. Meanwhile, Goku is followed by Pilaf, who thinks the fan might be worth something.

Nov 26, 2003
The Bansho fan has no effect on the flames because the fire was forged in the Magical Furnace. Goku and Chi-Chi must travel to the other side of the world to Mt. Five Elements, where they must venture through the Gate of the Five Elements into the Dark World. There, they must find Tajoro, the keeper of the furnace, and convince her to help put out the flames.

Dec 01, 2003
Goku tries to convince Tajoro to extinguish the flame long enough to fix the leak that causes the Ox King's castle to ignite, but she refuses. This is because the flame is what creates the fog that shrouds Mt. Five Elements, and the fog is what allows spirits to pass between the spirit world and the world of the living--without it, no spirit could ever visit the world of the living again, and all spirits already in the world of the living would be trapped forever. Therefore, they must find another way to put out the flame at the Ox King's castle.
Dragon Ball Season 9 (2003) is released on Oct 07, 2003 and the latest season 9 of Dragon Ball is released in 2003. Watch Dragon Ball online - the Japanese Animation TV series from Japan. Dragon Ball is directed by Minoru Okazaki,Daisuke Nishio and created by Joel Bergen with Brice Armstrong and Steve Olson.