Episodes (12)

Dragon's Lemonade Stand/Cat's Shady Shelter
S03E01 · Dragon's Lemonade Stand/Cat's Shady Shelter

Jan 04, 2009

Dragon's Lemonade Stand: One very hot day, Dragon is standing by his mailbox waiting for an important piece of mail when Mailmouse arrives. They both agree it is very hot and Mailmouse suggests she wishes someone would set up a lemonade stand so that they could cool down. Dragon agrees that a lemonade stand is a very good idea, and decides to set one up himself! Cat's Shady Shelter: One very hot and sunny day, Dragon is outside with Cat. He notices that Cat is looking for a nice shady spot out of the sun, so Dragon suggests a couple of places. None of his suggestions ...

Tourist Dragon/Doctor Dragon
S03E02 · Tourist Dragon/Doctor Dragon

Jan 11, 2009

Tourist Dragon: One day Dragon sees Mailmouse looking at a travel magazine. Dragon learns that a "tourist" is someone who travels to other places for fun, and they see and do things they've never done before. Tourists like to explore the world and discover things that are the biggest or the best or the "one and only." Dragon decides he wants to be a tourist, too. Doctor Dragon: One day Alligator comes over to play with Dragon. Dragon notices that he has the sniffles. Alligator admits that he has a cold but it doesn't feel so bad. Since he has just read all about going...

Dragon's Tire/Dragon's Picnic
S03E03 · Dragon's Tire/Dragon's Picnic

Jan 18, 2009

Dragon's Tire: One day Dragon is visiting Beaver when Mailmouse arrives with his mail. Mailmouse exclaims that Beaver has too many things lying around and has to tidy up. This sounds like a lot of work to Beaver, but Mailmouse says that Dragon will also help. Beaver decides that it couldn't hurt to do a bit of tidying, so the three got to work. While putting all the sticks on Beaver's lawn into a big pile, Dragon discovers a great big tire. Dragon's Picnic: It is a beautiful sunny day and Dragon is very excited that he and his friends are going on a picnic. Hooray! It...

Dragon's Package/Dragon's Treasure Hunt
S03E04 · Dragon's Package/Dragon's Treasure Hunt

Jan 25, 2009

Dragon's Package: One day Mailmouse delivers a special big package to Dragon. Mailmouse points out right away that the package has a note saying he is not to open the package until the day of his birthday, which is "two sleeps away." Dragon is so excited to open the package, and isn't sure he can wait that long. Dragon's Treasure Hunt: One day after Dragon is finished playing with his soccer ball, he wonders where to put it. Dragon finally decides to put the ball in his closet. A few days later Dragon wants to play with his ball again, but he can't remember where he ...

Dragon's Rainy Day Fun/Dragon's Upside Down House
S03E05 · Dragon's Rainy Day Fun/Dragon's Upside Down House

Mar 01, 2009

Dragon's Rainy Day Fun: One day Dragon is inside his cozy house looking outside at the pouring rain. It is very wet outside, and all that water makes Dragon think of the ocean and boats. He decides that it's a perfect day to play Sailor. Dragon's Upside Down House: One morning, Dragon is dreaming about eating a big yummy breakfast, which makes his tummy rumble. His tummy rumbles so loudly that it wakes him up. Dragon is very hungry, and knows he has to head downstairs to get his breakfast from the kitchen. Then, Dragon has an idea. If he puts his bed in the kitchen, ...

Dragon Loses His Voice/Dragon Fixes Beaver's Toy
S03E06 · Dragon Loses His Voice/Dragon Fixes Beaver's Toy

Mar 05, 2011

Dragon Loses his Voice: On day Dragon wakes up in a wonderful mood and decides to sing all day long. He sings so much that he loses his voice! Dragon has a few things that he needs to ask his friends. Unfortunately, it is very tricky to ask for things without a voice! Dragon Fixes Beaver's Toy: One day Dragon visits Beaver, who feels a bit grumpy because the Jack is not jumping out of his Jack-in-the-Box. Beaver asks Dragon to keep an eye on the box while he goes to buy a special screwdriver. Dragon thinks that he can fix the box himself and tries a few things, ...

Dragon's Best Friend Club/Dragon Silly Day
S03E07 · Dragon's Best Friend Club/Dragon Silly Day

Mar 05, 2011

Dragon's Best Friend's Club: One Day Dragon and Alligator are having so much fun at Dragon's house playing a game together that they decide they should start their own special club. Because clubs usually have more than two members, they decide to ask Mailmouse, Beaver, and Ostrich to join and decide that Dragon's house should be the clubhouse. Dragon Silly Day: One day Dragon makes a very funny sound while brushing his teeth in the morning. He wonders what other sounds he can make, and then feels really silly! He realizes that there are all sorts of special days, but ...

Sidekick Dragon/Dragon Suprises Ostrich
S03E08 · Sidekick Dragon/Dragon Suprises Ostrich

Mar 05, 2011

Sidekick Dragon: One day Dragon goes to Ostrich's store to buy some soup, but Ostrich is too busy reading her new superhero comic book to notice him! Dragon knows how much she loves her comic books so he decides to read along with her until she's finished. Ostrich explains that her favorite superhero has just gotten a sidekick and they have a great time rescuing folk. Dragon says that Ostrich is kind of like a superhero, and asks if she would like him to be her sidekick. Dragon Surprises Ostrich: One morning, Dragon looks at his calendar and sees that it is Ostrich's ...

Dragon Fall Fair/Dragon Goes Apple Picking
S03E09 · Dragon Fall Fair/Dragon Goes Apple Picking

Mar 05, 2011

Dragon's Fall Fair: One cool, crisp, late September day, Dragon is out in his yard when Ostrich comes by with a gift for Dragon: a basket of tomatoes that he grew himself! Then, Mailmouse arrives with a jar of yam soup that she made from her yams in the garden. Soon after, Alligator comes by with an apple pie he had made for Dragon. When Beaver sees all of this he exclaims that it looks like they are having a "Fall Fair," which is when Farmers get together with their harvest and have an outdoors party to celebrate the first day of Fall. Dragon goes Apple Picking: One ...

Dragon's Tricks and Treats/Dragon Learns to Skate
S03E10 · Dragon's Tricks and Treats/Dragon Learns to Skate

Feb 05, 2011

Dragon's Tricks and Treats: One beautiful autumn morning, Dragon wakes up a little early. He is very excited because it is Halloween! Dragon decides that he is going to make this the best Halloween ever, and gets to work on decorating his house and lawn. Dragon Learns to Skate: One wintery day, Dragon goes outside and a gust of wind blows off his hat. When Dragon goes to pick is up, he discovers that his yard is very, very icy and the ice is very, very slippery. It is so slippery, every time he tries to walk, he slips and falls down. Mailmouse suggests that he try ...

Dragon's Toboggan/Dragon's Christmas Hats
S03E11 · Dragon's Toboggan/Dragon's Christmas Hats

Feb 05, 2011

Dragon's Toboggan: One morning Dragon goes to his bedroom window and sees that it snowed the night before. Dragon loves a snowy day, and makes all sorts of plans to play in the snow. Dragon decides that he should go tobogganing, but the only problem is that he doesn't have a toboggan. Dragon's Christmas Hats: One wintery afternoon just a bit before Christmas, Dragon has an idea. Dragon and each of his friends write their names on a piece of paper and fold them up and put them in a bowl. Whatever name is on the paper that they've picked is the person who they are going...

Eastern Bunny Day/Dragon's Pancake Breakfast
S03E12 · Eastern Bunny Day/Dragon's Pancake Breakfast

Feb 05, 2011

Easter Bunny Day: One day just before Easter, Alligator tells Dragon that it is his turn to play Easter bunny and to hide the basket of chocolate Easter eggs. Alligator reminds Dragon that his job is to hide the eggs for the Easter egg hunt, and that he should not eat them all himself. Dragon promises not to sneak even one single egg to himself, even though chocolate Easter eggs are Dragon's most favorite treat. Dragon's Pancake Breakfast: Early one day, Dragon is trying to decide what to have for breakfast. He remembers that he could have pancakes and syrup. He is so...


Dragon Season 3 (2009) is released on Jan 04, 2009 and the latest season 3 of Dragon is released in 2009. Watch Dragon online - the English Animation TV series from Canada. Dragon is directed by Thomas Schneider-Trumpp,Kyung-il Hwang,Philip Marcus and created by Dav Pilkey with Frank Meschkuleit and .

As know as:

Draakje, Dragon, Dragon(English), Draakje(dubbed version)


Canada, United States



Production Companies:

Cité-Amérique, Scopas Medien

Cast & Crew

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