Episodes (15)

Oct 09, 2009
Cesar has seen every canine case imaginable red-zone aggression, fearful anxiety and just plain weird. Now, for the first time, Cesar reveals how you can avoid these problems from the start!

Oct 16, 2009
Mary Jane rescued lab-mastiff mix, Cujo, from a bad home. But her chronic pain and stress may have rubbed off, and turned Cujo into an aggressive dog like his infamous movie namesake. Will therapy help both Mary Jane and Cujo?

Oct 23, 2009
As an artist, Daniel relies on inspiration, but he can't inspire his Pekingese, Pekaso, to eat or drink. Daniel's friend Brendi has problems with her Chihuahua Valentino, who bites. Can Cesar inspire these two to become true pack leaders?

Oct 30, 2009
Shelly's French bulldog Hardy used to be a draw at her hair salon. But Hardy suddenly went from being a friendly dog to snapping at strangers and even biting a few clients. Can Cesar solve the mystery and shave off some of Hardy's hairy demeanor?

Nov 06, 2009
Life coach and fitness trainer Jillian Michaels whips clients into shape, but when it comes to her greyhound mix Seven, she is at a loss. When Jillian rides her horse, Seven tries to nip him and she is afraid Seven will get hurt.

Nov 13, 2009
In the case of two fighting German shepherds, Cesar tries to turn a day care dilemma into a day care dream. Grandparents face a choice between their grandchildren and their miniature schnauzer Lorelei. Can Cesar unite this divided pack?

Dec 28, 2009
Fitness coach Paul Watson can't stop his great Dane, Willow, from biting at him. Cesar travels down under to tame Willow's wild side. Andrea and Adrian avoid taking their Bearded Collie to the dog park because her aggression is so unpredictable.

Jan 21, 2010
When Morgan and Amanda moved to Australia, their Weimaraner Sydney developed aggression toward the mail carriers, the "posties". The couple fears Sydney will injure someone. Can Cesar stamp out Sydney's postie phobia?

Jan 15, 2010
Kelly and Rob's border collie Tucker is so obsessed with moving water that it almost killed him. Tucker suffered from water intoxication while playing in a river, and slipped into a coma. Can Cesar help curb Tucker's unhealthy fascination with water?

Mar 05, 2010
While any size dog can become aggressive, several breeds seem to have the worst reputations. Some have even been banned in certain areas of the US. Cesar takes an eye-opening look at the breeds Americans think of as our most aggressive canines.

Mar 12, 2010
In third grade Josh got his dream dog, a Siberian husky named Spike. But sweet-tempered Spike became increasingly hyperactive, jumping and nipping incessantly. Can Cesar help Josh get back the dog he loves? Veterinarian Dr. Rick needs Cesar's help.

Apr 09, 2010
A once peaceful cul-de-sac is full of tension. Susanne's German shepherd bullies other dogs. Nancy and John's huskies are impossible to control on walks. Eleanore's spaniel/mastiff mix snaps at other dogs. Can Cesar curb the Desperate Housedog drama?

Apr 16, 2010
Cesar comes in to help twins with their Chihuahua-Pomeranian mix that bites. A Labrador retriever quickly takes to training to become a hunting dog but has a growing aggressive streak.

Apr 23, 2010
Cesar takes a trip to Australia to help Susan, who runs a dog toy company, quiet her Koolie, Cobar's fear of squeaky toys. Cesar steps through the looking glass to help a Shar-pei mix who lunges at his own reflection in mirrors.

Apr 30, 2010
A rehabilitated wheaten terrier mix named Tillie, grows overly attached to art collector Joel. When Jacqueline and Manny's Shar-pei, Leo, killed a neighbor's Maltese, the couple was forced to choose between giving up their condo or giving up Leo.
Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan Season 6 (2009) is released on Oct 09, 2009 and the latest season 9 of Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan is released in 2012. Watch Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan online - the English Family TV series from United States. Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan is directed by SueAnn Fincke,Mark Cole,Jim Milio,Mark Hufnail and created by Mark Hufnail with Cesar Millan and Ilusion Millan.