Episodes (10)

Jan 07, 1997
Auntie Mabel is using bricks and mortar to repair a hole in her cottage wall but hasn't enough bricks to finish the job. So she and Pippin fly off in Spotty Plane to get some more. They fly over a clay quarry and visit a factory to see how bricks are made. Auntie Mabel buys some bricks to finish the hole in her wall. They're too heavy to carry and will be delivered on a lorry. Before returning home Auntie Mabel and Pippin visit a building site. While Auntie Mabel has a go at brick-laying, Pippin runs off and gets lost in among the machinery. She is in great danger and...

Jan 14, 1997
Pippin is visiting some goats who live next door. Auntie Mabel calls her as it's time to go to school. Pippin joins in with a class of children singing 'Old MacDonald' and goes out to play with them, while Auntie Mabel helps out in the kitchen. She serves the children carrots as part of their lunch and Pippin has a sausage and some carrot for her lunch. They fly in Spotty Plane to a farm where they find out how carrots grow from seeds. Auntie Mabel sees the carrots being washed, sorted and packed ready to go off to the shops. Pippin finds a carrot outside and puts it ...

Jan 21, 1997
Auntie Mabel is drawing a picture of Pippin but she needs a new pencil. They go to a stationery shop to buy one. Auntie Mabel wants to see where pencils come from. She and Pippin fly in Spotty Plane to Seathwaite Fell where graphite was discovered five hundred years ago and Auntie Mabel tells a story about a sheep farmer who used graphite to mark his sheep. They visit a graphite mine where they see how the graphite was chipped away from the rocks. Then they visit a factory where pencils are made from graphite and clay. Pippin is given a piece of graphite and Auntie ...

Jan 28, 1997
Pippin helps Auntie Mabel hang her washing on the line. Auntie Mabel gives her a hug and tells her she needs a bath. Pippin hates having a bath and so she runs away and hides in the laundry basket. Auntie Mabel has run out of soap and goes out to buy some more while Pippin stays firmly hidden. Auntie Mabel looks at all the different kinds of soap in the supermarket, buys a bar of soap and takes it home. Then she flies off in Spotty Plane to find out how soap is made. While she's gone, Pippin hides the soap in a biscuit barrel, and when it starts to rain she pulls the ...

Feb 04, 1997
Auntie Mabel and Pippin are flying home at dusk and admiring the glittering lights below. When they get home Auntie tries to switch on the hall light but the bulb has gone. Pippin finds a torch and they put in a new bulb. Pippin needs her evening walk and while they are out Auntie Mabel trips over a bag of rubbish because the street lamp isn't working. Next day they watch to see how the lamp is repaired and find out how street lamps switch themselves on and off automatically. Auntie Mabel tells a story about a Victorian lamplighter.

Feb 11, 1997
Auntie Mabel's sister Edie is due to visit and so Auntie Mabel is sweeping, brushing and cleaning her house. She even brushes Pippin. She remembers the day she and Pippin visited a factory to see how brushes are made from coconut fibers, plastic and wood. While Auntie Mabel looked around, Pippin made a collection of different brooms and brushes. Auntie Mabel tells the story 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice'.

Feb 25, 1997
Pippin has eaten some bad food and now she isn't well. Auntie Mabel puts food in her fridge to keep fresh, but keeps her marmalade in the larder. She flies to an orange grove in Spain where the oranges are being harvested. She flies on to a factory where the oranges are made into marmalade. As marmalade used to be thought of as good for upset stomachs, Auntie Mabel takes some home and gives a spoonful to Pippin to help her feel better. She tells a story about Mary Queen of Scots who ate some marmalade on a stormy sea voyage to stop herself feeling seasick.

Mar 04, 1997
There are frogs living in Auntie Mabel's garden. She finds some frog spawn floating in her pond and describes how the eggs develop into tadpoles which grow into frogs. She tells the story of the tadpole who thought he was a fish until, to his horror, he began to grow legs. Auntie Mabel and Pippin fly in Spotty Plane to a zoo where they meet a giant African bullfrog and a green Australian tree frog. When they get home Auntie Mabel gives Pippin a present - a toy frog. Pippin carries it into the garden and sets it down on the edge of the pond.

Mar 11, 1997
Auntie Mabel loses one of her gardening gloves. While Pippin searches the garden, trying to sniff it out, Auntie Mabel smells the scent of a hyacinth and examines its bulb. It's Spring time and her garden is full of daffodils. She remembers a visit she and Pippin made to Lincolnshire the year before, where they saw fields being planted with daffodil bulbs. She decides to fly back again to see if the bulbs have grown into daffodils. They watch the daffodils being picked and packed ready to go to the shops. Then Auntie Mabel and Pippin join in the annual Flower Parade. ...

Mar 18, 1997
Auntie Mabel is weeding her garden but leaving plenty of flowers for the butterflies. She spots a butterfly. It flies off, lands on Pippin's nose and Pippin chases it. Auntie Mabel finds out the name of the butterfly which is a Peacock Butterfly and recites the rhyme 'The Butterfly and the Moth'. She and Pippin fly in Spotty Plane to a Butterfly House where they see many different kinds of butterflies, their eggs, caterpillars and pupae. When they get home Auntie Mabel tries to catch a moth fluttering round her kitchen light, but it's difficult with Pippin around.
Come Outside Season 3 (1997) is released on Jan 07, 1997 and the latest season 3 of Come Outside is released in 1997. Watch Come Outside online - the English Adventure TV series from United Kingdom. Come Outside is directed by Elizabeth Bennett,Barbara Roddam,Peter Rose and created by Elizabeth Bennett with Lynda Baron and Pippin.