Episodes (26)

Jul 17, 2019
A space module lands on the Clangers planet, from which steps a human astronaut.

Jul 21, 2019
The Iron Chicken is in her nest singing along to her radio, when suddenly it stops working.

Jul 22, 2019
Major gives three Froglets medals for helping him, but the other Froglets are jealous.

Jul 23, 2019
The Eggbot crash lands on the Clangers' Planet and shakes the notes off the music trees.

Jul 24, 2019
Tiny is poorly but Small thinks that some music might make her feel better.

Jul 25, 2019
Small comes to the rescue when Granny, Major, Mother and the Soup Dragon get into trouble.

Jul 26, 2019
Small finds a strange looking object in space. He gives it to Mother as a present for her garden.

Jul 29, 2019
Nothing is going right for any of the Clangers, but when a wave of beautiful coloured light from a strange star passes over the planet it has a magical effect on everything.

Jul 30, 2019
The Skymoos have collected bits of metal from the Iron Chicken's nest and are building a special nest of their own on the Clangers' planet. The Clangers are intrigued - who can it be for?

Jul 31, 2019
It's Small's birthday, and Tiny is planning to put on a special show for him.

Aug 01, 2019
Small is out fishing and Baby Soup Dragon is helping his Mum, so Tiny has no one to play with.

Aug 02, 2019
Tiny has invited the Wols for a day out on the Clangers Planet.

Aug 05, 2019
Whilst trying to fly, Baby Skymoo is relying on the Cloud to catch her if her flying abilities let her down.

Nov 16, 2019
A travelling shop opens up on the Clangers' planet.

Nov 17, 2019
While out fishing in the music boat, Small catches a strange object. He doesn't know what it is but thinks Tiny may like it. However, it turns out she finds it rather scary.

Nov 23, 2019
During a meteor shower, a giant boulder drops from the sky and blocks the double doors leading to the Clangers' living cave. Can the Clangers invent something to help move it?

Nov 24, 2019
Major invents a Clanger finder, but it isn't very useful - it always finds the Clanger who is holding it. He needs a bigger challenge, so Granny makes a suggestion.

Nov 30, 2019
Major invents a giant magnet, which causes chaos as everything metal flies towards it. But in the end, it's just what is needed to rescue a moon whale trapped in some space junk.

Mar 02, 2020
While fishing in the music boat, Tiny catches four strange metal objects on her line.

Mar 03, 2020
Major's spanner, Mother's trowel, even Baby Soup Dragon's cotton ball disappear on the same day. How unusual.

Mar 04, 2020
There's going to be a dance fiesta on the Clangers' planet with a glitter ball trophy for the winner.

Mar 05, 2020
Baby Soup Dragon gets his tail stuck in the door. Annoyed, he wonders why he has a tail at all.

Mar 06, 2020
Tiny has carelessly flipped her cotton ball into the top hat.

Mar 09, 2020
Baby Soup Dragon discovers that the 'jewels' he's found aren't what he thought they were.

Mar 10, 2020
Five objects of various shapes and colours visit the Clangers' planet. But what are they?

Mar 11, 2020
A space dustcart drops its load on the Clangers' planet, including something surprising.
Clangers Season 3 (2019) is released on Jul 17, 2019 and the latest season 3 of Clangers is released in 2019. Watch Clangers online - the English Animation TV series from United Kingdom. Clangers is directed by Chris Tichborne,Mole Hill,Joanne Chalkley and created by Dave Ingham with and .