Episodes (52)

5 Designs for Drivable Monty Mole Cars in Super Mario Maker!
S03E01 · 5 Designs for Drivable Monty Mole Cars in Super Mario Maker!

Jan 11, 2018

In Super Mario Maker, Monty Moles are often Mario's enemy. But while they are really good at chasing Mario and are able to throw wrenches like someone who is really good at throwing wrenches, they can be used for other Super Mario Maker tricks as well. In this video we are going to take a look at 5 different designs for drivable Monty Mole Cars in Super Mario Maker.

How to recreate Pokemons Battle System in Super Mario Maker!
S03E02 · How to recreate Pokemons Battle System in Super Mario Maker!

Jan 18, 2018

Pokemon and Super Mario are two of the most successful video game franchises of all time. But there is no Super Mario - Pokemon game. If we want to play Mario we need to play Mario, and if we want to play Pokemon we need to play Pokemon. But maybe there is a solution to this problem, maybe Super Mario Maker is able to solve this once and for all. In this video we are going to take a look at two different ways to recreate Pokemons battle system in Super Mario Maker.

A Theory about Nintendos Plans with Nintendo Labo.
S03E03 · A Theory about Nintendos Plans with Nintendo Labo.

Jan 18, 2018

Nintendo Labo was announced yesterday, and it is one of the most interesting things Nintendo has done in the last years. Nintendo Labo basically features cardboard toys that can be used as a controller to play small minigames. But is this all that Nintendo has planned for Nintendo Labo? I don't think so. I think they have much bigger plans. In this video I want to analyze the Nintendo Labo trailer, and I want to explain what I believe that Nintendo has planned for the future.

Super Mario 64 - 21 Years Later.
S03E04 · Super Mario 64 - 21 Years Later.

Jan 26, 2018

Super Mario 64 is one of the most important games ever made. It introduced the joystick to thousands of players, it was Mario's first main adventure in 3D, it featured a camera system that was revolutionary at that time, and most of all Super Mario 64 was a lot of fun to play back in 1996. Since then gaming has changed a lot. But what happened to Super Mario 64 during this time? Did the game manage to grow old gracefully, or does Super Mario 64 fall apart when looked at more than 21 years after its initial release? In this video I want to revisit all these magical ...

Glitches, Tricks and Broken Stuff in Super Mario Maker.
S03E05 · Glitches, Tricks and Broken Stuff in Super Mario Maker.

Feb 02, 2018

Nintendo is really good at patching Super Mario Maker glitches. But no matter how many Super Mario Maker glitches Nintendo fixes, we always manage to find more. In this video I want to take a look at the last known Super Mario Maker glitches.

Glitches, Skips and Broken Stuff in Super Mario 64.
S03E06 · Glitches, Skips and Broken Stuff in Super Mario 64.

Feb 09, 2018

Super Mario 64 is one of the most important games of all time. But Super Mario 64 is not only a really important game, but also a game with one of the most active speedrunning and glitch hunting communities. In this video we are going to take a look on some of the funniest and most interesting skips and glitches in Super Mario 64.

Infinite Bowsers Glitch in Super Mario Maker.
S03E07 · Infinite Bowsers Glitch in Super Mario Maker.

Feb 15, 2018

In Super Mario Maker Bowser is probably the most dangerous enemy. Sadly Super Mario Maker usually only allows us to place three Bowsers at once, but thanks to the Black Hole Glitch we are finally able to place as many Bowsers in Super Mario Maker as we want to. In this video we are going to take a quick look at the Bowser Duplication Glitch in Super Mario Maker, and I'll explain how to do the Infinite Bowser Glitch.

Glitches, Skips and Broken Stuff in Super Mario 3D World.
S03E08 · Glitches, Skips and Broken Stuff in Super Mario 3D World.

Feb 16, 2018

There are many Super Mario 3D World glitches. From Toad's head disappearing to Mario building up so much speed that he is able to fly into the galaxy. Super Mario 3D world has you covered. In this video we are going to take a look at many of the fantastic glitches in Super Mario 3D world.

What Happens if Mario Jumps on 2064 Goombas at Once? (Super Mario Maker)
S03E09 · What Happens if Mario Jumps on 2064 Goombas at Once? (Super Mario Maker)

Feb 22, 2018

Super Mario Maker's Black Hole Glitch is a wonderful Super Mario Maker glitch. Not only does this glitch allow us to stack objects on top of each other, or to duplicate Bowser as often as we desire, but it also allows us to circumvent Super Mario Makers enemy limit. In this video we are first going to take a look on how to circumvent the enemy limit in Super Mario Maker, and afterwards we are going to push Super Mario Maker to its limits, by having 2064 Goombas in the game at once.

Glitches, Skips and Broken Stuff in New Super Mario Bros.
S03E10 · Glitches, Skips and Broken Stuff in New Super Mario Bros.

Feb 23, 2018

New Super Mario Bros. is a fantastic Mario game, but like every fantastic Mario game New Super Mario Bros. features tons of cool glitches, strange bugs and funny skips. In this video we are going to take a look at my favorite New Super Mario Bros. glitches.

What is the Best Way to Hide a Balloon in Super Mario Odyssey?
S03E11 · What is the Best Way to Hide a Balloon in Super Mario Odyssey?

Feb 27, 2018

Super Mario Odyssey's new balloon mode, Luigi's Balloon World, was released a couple of days ago and it is a fantastic addition to Super Mario Odyssey. Finding balloons in well hidden places and hiding balloons as fast as possible is much more fun than I imagined it to be. But this new Super Mario Odyssey game mode also raises a question that has been haunting me since I popped Luigi's tutorial balloon. What is the objectively best way to hide a balloon in Super Mario Odyssey? In this video we are going to find out how to hide balloons in the best possible way in ...

What is the Highest Possible High Score in Super Mario Maker?
S03E12 · What is the Highest Possible High Score in Super Mario Maker?

Mar 05, 2018

What is the highest possible high score in Super Mario Maker? That's a Super Mario Maker question that has been haunting me for over a year now. I tried so many different things in order to get this silly Mario number as high as possible, but no matter what I tried, nothing felt like the definitive answer. But that was until recently, because recently there was a breakthrough in the field of Super Mario Maker high score research, that allows us to finally push the score and Super Mario Maker to its absolute limits.

How to Make a "Don't Touch the Coins" Level in Super Mario Maker!
S03E13 · How to Make a "Don't Touch the Coins" Level in Super Mario Maker!

Mar 15, 2018

Since Super Mario Maker was released Mario's life became complicated. Suddenly mushrooms are sometimes evil, jumping is sometimes forbidden, Super Mario Maker floors suddenly disappear, looking back has sometimes consequences. Mario even lost his job and had to make it through a really rough identity crises, before being hired as a plumber once again. But luckily there is this one thing in Mario's life. One thing that Super Mario Maker didn't change. Coins. Super Mario Maker Coins are still as shiny and healthy for our plumber as they always were. It's time to finally...

Ghost Houses and Item Conjuration in Super Mario Maker!
S03E14 · Ghost Houses and Item Conjuration in Super Mario Maker!

Mar 24, 2018

Creating a really well designed Ghost House in Super Mario Maker is really tough. A well designed Super Mario Maker Ghost House has this unique sense of weirdness and unpredictability. A really well made Super Mario Maker Ghost House feels like a twisted version of a normal stage. Sadly most Super Mario Maker Ghost House levels don't accomplish this unique feeling, but are built around trial and error. In this video we are going to take a look at a couple of designs for Mario Maker Ghost House stages that twist the normal Super Mario Maker gameplay, without relying on...

Recreating Super Mario Maker Items in Super Mario Maker.
S03E15 · Recreating Super Mario Maker Items in Super Mario Maker.

Apr 01, 2018

Super Mario Maker is an amazing game. While Super Mario Maker may appear to be pretty simple at first glance, it is possible to build crazy contraptions. Usually we are taking a look at new and useful contraptions in Super Mario Maker, contraptions that allow us to create new and interesting ways to create levels. Today we are going to do the complete opposite of this. Today we are going to take a look at the most useless Super Mario Maker contraptions imaginable. We are going to recreate items in Super Mario Maker that are already in Super Mario Maker using only ...

3 Designs for "Don't Ground Pound" Levels in Super Mario Maker.
S03E16 · 3 Designs for "Don't Ground Pound" Levels in Super Mario Maker.

Apr 07, 2018

Since Super Mario Maker was released Mario did a lot of ground pounds. That can't be healthy. In order to keep Mario healthy and safe we are going to take a look at three Super Mario Maker designs in this video. Three Super Mario Maker designs, which prevent ground pounding.

One Thing of each 2D Mario Game that would be Awesome in Super Mario Maker!
S03E17 · One Thing of each 2D Mario Game that would be Awesome in Super Mario Maker!

Apr 13, 2018

I recently replayed all 12 main 2D Super Mario games and there was something in every Super Mario game that made me stop and think, wow how I wished this was in Super Mario Maker. This video is going to be exactly this, a wishlist for a Super Mario Maker Switch sequel. We are going to go through all 2D Super Mario games chronologically and we will take a look at one thing in each of these games that would make an awesome addition to Super Mario Maker.

7 Amazing Tricks with Yoshi in Super Mario Maker!
S03E18 · 7 Amazing Tricks with Yoshi in Super Mario Maker!

Apr 20, 2018

It's been a really long time since we last took a closer look at our favorite Super Mario Maker dinosaur, Yoshi. And that's a pity. Because recently I toyed around with Yoshi and as it turns out Yoshi and his egg are incredibly unique and amazing Super Mario Maker items. So today we are going to take a look at seven really cool Yoshi Super Mario Maker tips and tricks that a lot of people probably don't know about, and that have a lot of potential.

5 Designs for "Hurt Mario" Levels in Super Mario Maker!
S03E19 · 5 Designs for "Hurt Mario" Levels in Super Mario Maker!

Apr 27, 2018

Most of the time taking no damage is a good idea when playing Super Mario Maker, but not today. Because today we are going to take a look at five different Super Mario Maker contraptions that test whether Mario took damage or not. Five Super Mario Maker contraptions that flip the gameplay on it's head.

How to Recreate Railway Switches in Super Mario Maker!
S03E20 · How to Recreate Railway Switches in Super Mario Maker!

Apr 28, 2018

Railway switches are one of the many features missing in Super Mario Maker. Luckily Super Mario Maker is such an amazing tool that it is actually possible to create missing Super Mario Maker features in Super Mario Maker. Today we are going to take a look at an amazing design by Super Mario Maker creator Jackson that allows us to change the direction of items on tracks by triggering a POW Block.

How to Create a True Pacifist Level in Super Mario Maker!
S03E21 · How to Create a True Pacifist Level in Super Mario Maker!

May 04, 2018

In Super Mario Maker the enemies are usually Mario's enemies. But not today, because today the floor collapses if an enemy is defeated. Thanks to two really awesome new Super Mario Maker tricks we are finally able to test for the amount of enemies in Super Mario Maker.

The Secret Second Enemy Limit of Super Mario Maker Explained!
S03E22 · The Secret Second Enemy Limit of Super Mario Maker Explained!

May 05, 2018

There are certain Super Mario Maker mechanics which I never quite understood. Small mysteries that simply didn't make any sense to me. Until recently. Because as it turns out a lot of the weird Super Mario Maker mechanics have a very simple origin. There is a second, secret enemy limit in Super Mario Maker. The entity limit B, and as it turns out understanding this second entity limit allows us to create stuff in Super Mario Maker that was previously believed to be impossible.

Super Mario Makers Third Secret Entity Limit Explained!
S03E23 · Super Mario Makers Third Secret Entity Limit Explained!

May 16, 2018

Super Mario Makers third entity limit allows us to create crazy Super Mario Maker contraptions. Thanks to the third entity limit we are finally able to build relational operators in Super Mario Maker, to build custom key systems and to create stages where the whole floor collapses if Mario eats a Star. In this video we are going to discuss how the entity limit C in Super Mario Maker actually works and how it can be manipulated.

3 Designs for Save the Enemies Levels in Super Mario Maker!
S03E24 · 3 Designs for Save the Enemies Levels in Super Mario Maker!

May 24, 2018

In Super Mario Maker, Mario and the Goombas are bitter enemies. But not today, because today Mario needs to save all the Goombas and Koopas, because if the enemies are harmed today, Mario is harmed as well. In this video we are going to take a look at three different Super Mario Maker levels where Mario has to save the enemies.

Is it Possible to Build Binary Storage in Super Mario Maker?
S03E25 · Is it Possible to Build Binary Storage in Super Mario Maker?

May 31, 2018

I've been trying to create binary storage in Super Mario Maker for almost three years now. But no matter what I tried nothing worked so far, so far. But recently we found out about Super Mario Makers global ground and track memory which suddenly opens up millions of new ways to build Super Mario Maker computers and contraptions. In this video we are going to take a look at different ways to store information in Super Mario Maker, including real computer storage.

What Happens if 1067 Hammer Bros Attack Mario at Once? (Super Mario Maker)
S03E26 · What Happens if 1067 Hammer Bros Attack Mario at Once? (Super Mario Maker)

Jun 07, 2018

Super Mario Maker's Black Hole Glitch is a wonderful Super Mario Maker glitch. Not only does this glitch allow us to stack objects on top of each other, or to duplicate Bowser as often as we desire, but it also allows us to circumvent Super Mario Maker's enemy limit. In this video we are going to push Super Mario Maker to its limits. We will first take a look at what happens if Mario defeats 648 Piranha Plants at once, we will ignite 876 Bob-ombs, and finally we will find out what happens if Mario faces 1067 Hammer Bros at once.

The Mushroom Kingdom Championship 2018 - Semi Final 1 (Super Mario Maker)
S03E27 · The Mushroom Kingdom Championship 2018 - Semi Final 1 (Super Mario Maker)

Jun 14, 2018

Every June the eighteen proud Super Mario Maker enemy nations come together and hold a huge tournament. The Mushroom Kingdom Championship. It is an epic Super Mario Maker tournament, legends are born that day. Last year the Cheep Cheeps won the competition, everyone had a wonderful time, and the Hammer Bros. didn't make it into the final. And so they decided to do it again. Nine out of the eighteen proud Super Mario Maker enemy obstacle nations will show you one idea today, but only three of them will make it to the finals. At the end of this video you will have to ...

9 Amazing Super Mario Maker Designs, or "The Mushroom Kingdom Championship 2018 - Semi Final 2"
S03E28 · 9 Amazing Super Mario Maker Designs, or "The Mushroom Kingdom Championship 2018 - Semi Final 2"

Jun 21, 2018

Every June the eighteen proud Super Mario Maker enemy nations come together and hold a huge tournament. The Mushroom Kingdom Championship. It is an epic Super Mario Maker tournament, legends are born that day. Last year the Cheep Cheeps won the Super Mario Maker competition, everyone had a wonderful time, and the Hammer Bros. didn't make it into the final. And so they decided to do it again. Nine out of the eighteen proud Super Mario Maker enemy obstacle nations will show you one idea today, but only three of them will make it to the finals. At the end of this video ...

How to Create a "Don't Let The Cannonball Escape" Level in Super Mario Maker!
S03E29 · How to Create a "Don't Let The Cannonball Escape" Level in Super Mario Maker!

Jun 28, 2018

There is usually no way to detect if a Cannonball or a Bullet Bill got defeated in Super Mario Maker. But thanks to a lot of recent discoveries it turns out that it's actually possible to build a Super Mario Maker contraption that forces Mario to get rid of every Cannonball. In this video we are first going to take a look at an amazing Super Mario Maker stage made by Giant that features this trick, and afterwards we will take a look at how everything worked.

12 Amazing Super Mario Maker Designs, or "The Mushroom Kingdom Championship Final 2018"
S03E30 · 12 Amazing Super Mario Maker Designs, or "The Mushroom Kingdom Championship Final 2018"

Jul 05, 2018

The Super Mario Maker Mushroom Kingdom Championship 2018 is about to end. At first there were 18 Super Mario Maker enemies, with a chance to win the title, but now only 6 enemies still have a chance. Today the Bloopers, the Wigglers, the Piranha Plants, the Spike Tops, the Thwomps and the Hammer Bros. will present two Super Mario Maker ideas to you, and then it is up for you to decide which enemy should win the Super Mario Maker Mushroom Kingdom title of 2018.

What is the Most Lag Possible in Super Mario Maker?
S03E31 · What is the Most Lag Possible in Super Mario Maker?

Jul 12, 2018

Super Mario Maker usually runs at a pretty stable frame rate of 60 frames per second. But there are some tricks and techniques that make Super Mario Maker lag really hard. In this video we are going to push Super Mario Maker to it's limits. In this video we will finally find out what the lowest possible frame rate is at which Super Mario Maker is still able to run.

The Invisible Pipes Glitch - Super Mario Maker
S03E32 · The Invisible Pipes Glitch - Super Mario Maker

Jul 19, 2018

There are many beautiful glitches in Super Mario Maker, but very few are as crazy as Psycrow's incredible Invisible Pipes Glitch. This glitch not only allows it to have enemies spawn out of thin air, but it also allows to put items into pipes, clown cars or clouds that usually shouldn't be put into these items. In this video we are going to take a closer look at one of video gaming's craziest glitches, and at a lot of different things possible because of it in Super Mario Maker.

What is the Objectively Worst Super Mario Maker Level?
S03E33 · What is the Objectively Worst Super Mario Maker Level?

Jul 26, 2018

There are a lot of incredibly bad Super Mario Maker levels out there. But which one is the absolute worst level? In this video we will try to theorycraft the absolute worst Super Mario Maker level imaginable, and while we are at it, we will create the hardest Super Mario Maker level ever made as well, by accident.

3 Designs for "Don't Kill Yoshi" Levels in Super Mario Maker.
S03E34 · 3 Designs for "Don't Kill Yoshi" Levels in Super Mario Maker.

Aug 02, 2018

Mario and Yoshi are really good friends in Super Mario Maker. But if the two are such good friends, then why does Mario kill Yoshi so often? More often than not, Mario just drops Yoshi into an abyss, let's him aimlessly wander into a bottomless pit, or just straight up throws Super Mario Makers only dinosaur into lava. This has to stop. In this video we are going to take a look at three Super Mario Maker designs that force Mario not to kill Yoshi.

New Glitches, Tricks and Broken Stuff in Super Mario Maker!
S03E35 · New Glitches, Tricks and Broken Stuff in Super Mario Maker!

Aug 09, 2018

There aren't many unpatched glitches in Super Mario Maker anymore, is what I would have told you, a couple of weeks ago if you had asked me. And very wrong I would have been. Turns out there are still tons of different Super Mario Maker glitches hidden in this game. In this video we will not only make a Bullet Blaster hover in the air, but also create a glitch elevator and break a lot of rules of Super Mario Maker physics.

Undertales Combat System Recreated in Super Mario Maker.
S03E36 · Undertales Combat System Recreated in Super Mario Maker.

Aug 16, 2018

Undertale is a brilliant and charming game, and so is Super Mario Maker. But is it possible to combine Undertale and Super Mario Maker? Is it possible to recreate Undertale's brilliant combat system in Super Mario Maker? Well, as it turns out it is. In this video we are going to take a look at a recreation of Undertale's combat system in Super Mario Maker, featuring an enemy that chooses one out of four attacks by random, an attack minigame that deals more damage the better we time it, a dialogue menu that allows us to resolve the Super Mario Maker Undertale fight ...

7 Seemingly Impossible Levels in Super Mario Maker.
S03E37 · 7 Seemingly Impossible Levels in Super Mario Maker.

Aug 26, 2018

Most of the times when I run into a seemingly impossible level in Super Mario Maker, the solution is easy: Search the level for a hidden Question Block, and use the dev exit. There are way too many hidden Question Block exits in Super Mario Maker, since there are so many cool and much better ways to create a seemingly impossible level in Super Mario Maker. Today we are going to take a look at 7 seemingly impossible rooms in Super Mario Maker and how to actually escape them.

Is it Possible to Upload an Impossible Level in Super Mario Maker?
S03E38 · Is it Possible to Upload an Impossible Level in Super Mario Maker?

Sep 01, 2018

For years, I've been trying to upload an impossible level in Super Mario Maker. But no matter what I tried, uploading an impossible level was seemingly impossible. Until recently, because recently I learned about a couple of really interesting glitches and tricks in that could be useful when trying to do the impossible. In this video we are going to recreate my journey to create a completely impossible Super Mario Maker level. We will take a look at a couple of different things I and other people tried over the years to trick Nintendo's system, and in the end we will ...

How to Make a "Don't Hurt Mario" Level in Super Mario Maker!
S03E39 · How to Make a "Don't Hurt Mario" Level in Super Mario Maker!

Sep 08, 2018

When Mario takes damage, usually nothing bad happens. Mario just loses his Fire Flower, gets small, has to try the stage again; something like that. But what if the whole stage collapsed in Super Mario Maker, every time Mario took damage? What if it was impossible to beat a Super Mario Maker level if Mario got ouched in any way? Well, in this video we will not only take a look at a Super Mario Maker level, where even the slightest cut is lethal, we will also take a look at a couple of other really interesting contraptions, that work because of Super Mario Maker's ...

Is it Possible to Beat New Super Mario Bros. U Without Touching a Single Coin?
S03E40 · Is it Possible to Beat New Super Mario Bros. U Without Touching a Single Coin?

Sep 14, 2018

Can New Super Mario Bros. U be beaten without ever touching a single coin? New Super Mario Bros U is one of my favorite Super Mario games, I replay it every couple of months. But I usually not only try to beat NSMBU, but I also challenge myself to play through the game in a certain way, so that it stays fun, and challenging. So for my latest playthrough I thought it would be fun to try to collect the least amount of coins possible, while still beating New Super Mario Bros. U. In this video we will discuss, all the problems we face when we try to beat New Super Mario ...

What is the Objectively Best Super Mario Maker Level Ever Made?
S03E41 · What is the Objectively Best Super Mario Maker Level Ever Made?

Sep 21, 2018

Is it possible to find out what the objectively best Super Mario Maker level ever made is? At first glance this question might seem silly, since obviously every person enjoys a different type of Super Mario Maker level. But there has to be one level, that the sum of all Super Mario Maker players together judge to be the best one. In this video we try to find an answer to this question.

Is it Possible to Beat Super Mario 3D World while Permanently Crouching?
S03E42 · Is it Possible to Beat Super Mario 3D World while Permanently Crouching?

Sep 29, 2018

Can Super Mario 3D World be beaten without ever letting go of the crouch button? Super Mario 3D World is an excellent Mario game, but the main game is quite easy. So a while ago I thought it would be fun to try to make Super Mario 3D World a little bit harder. I thought it would be fun to try to beat the whole game while waddling. In this video we will take a look at this journey, and we will finally find out if it is possible to beat Super Mario 3D World without ever letting go of the crouch button.

3 Designs for Shops in Super Mario Maker!
S03E43 · 3 Designs for Shops in Super Mario Maker!

Oct 07, 2018

Is it possible to build a shop in Super Mario Maker where Mario pays with 1-Ups? Or a shop where coins can actually be used to buy valuable Goomba Shoes? The answer is: "Yes!" With a little bit of dedication, and a lot of ELB manipulation it's actually possible to build crazy shopping systems in Super Mario Maker. In this video we will take a look at three shop designs in Super Mario Maker. Two that use complex setups and one shop that is super easy to set up.

Is it Possible to Beat New Super Luigi U Without Touching a Single Coin?
S03E44 · Is it Possible to Beat New Super Luigi U Without Touching a Single Coin?

Oct 17, 2018

Can New Super Luigi U be beaten without ever touching a single coin? New Super Luigi U is an excellent and very challenging game. But recently I thought it would be fun to make Super Luigi U even more challenging. Recently I thought it would be fun to try to beat the game without ever picking up a single coin. In this video we will discuss all the problems we face when we try to beat New Super Luigi U coinless, and we will finally find out what the minimum amount of coins required is in order to beat the game.

How Likely is Mario to Die When Entering a Random Stage in Super Mario Maker?
S03E45 · How Likely is Mario to Die When Entering a Random Stage in Super Mario Maker?

Oct 26, 2018

Which game theme is the most popular in Super Mario Maker? Which difficulty setting gets the most stars? How likely is Mario to die when entering a random stage in Super Mario Maker, and most importantly which country averages the most stars per capita? Until recently we weren't able to find satisfying answers to question like these, because until recently there was no open Super Mario Maker data available. But thanks to the awesome work of tachyo, we finally have a Super Mario Maker data-set to toy around with. In this video we will further investigate our Mario ...

What is the Lowest Possible High Score in New Super Luigi U? (Normal Levels)
S03E46 · What is the Lowest Possible High Score in New Super Luigi U? (Normal Levels)

Nov 04, 2018

What is the lowest amount of score points required for a playthrough of New Super Luigi U? As it turns out, this question is hard to answer. There are so many different things that grant evil points in Super Mario games that routing a Mario game with the lowest score possible is a huge challenge. Every enemy we defeat grants points, every coin we collect is forbidden, every second left on the end of a Super Mario level scores points, and ever power up that lives in New Super Luigi U hands out points as well. In short there is so much to keep in mind, that we will do ...

What is the Lowest Possible Score in New Super Luigi U? (Boss Levels)
S03E47 · What is the Lowest Possible Score in New Super Luigi U? (Boss Levels)

Nov 11, 2018

If we want to theorycraft the lowest possible high score in New Super Luigi U, then we have to find a way to defeat five bosses while obtaining as little evil high score points as possible. While defeating the New Super Luigi U bosses normally isn't that much of a challenge, it definitely becomes when trying to obtain the lowest score possible. Because all bosses have to be defeated with only a single second left on the clock. But not only the bosses are troublesome but the levels they live in feature a couple of sneaky points as well. Today we will investigate the ...

Is it Possible to Beat New Super Mario Bros. Wii While Permanently Crouching?
S03E48 · Is it Possible to Beat New Super Mario Bros. Wii While Permanently Crouching?

Nov 18, 2018

Can New Super Mario Bros. Wii be beaten while permanently crouching and without using any power ups? At first glance this may appear impossible, since crouching robs Mario the ability to walk in New Super Mario Bros. Wii., but as it turns out it's actually possible to make good progress into the game, thanks to awesome duck hops. In this video we will take a look at whether it is possible to beat New Super Mario Bros. Wii without ever standing up.

Is it Possible to Reach the "Perfect" Lowest Score in New Super Luigi U?
S03E49 · Is it Possible to Reach the "Perfect" Lowest Score in New Super Luigi U?

Nov 25, 2018

In New Super Luigi U there are certain events outside of the players control that always add points to the score counter. The 50 timer points we have to pay at end of each stage, 8000 points for each normal Super Mario boss fight on the route, and 20000 points for defeating Bowser during the final battle. This means that the "perfect" lowest possible score in New Super Luigi U is 52900 points. Those are all the score points that are not under our control. But is it actually possible to beat the game with this few points? In this video we are going to investigate if it...

Why I believed that it is NOT Possible to Beat Super Mario 3D Land Without Touching a Coin.
S03E50 · Why I believed that it is NOT Possible to Beat Super Mario 3D Land Without Touching a Coin.

Dec 02, 2018

Sadly it is not possible to beat Super Mario 3D Land without collecting a single coin. The game features evil coins that decided to settle down in such a way that we are simply forced to collect them. Nonetheless there are still coins in Super Mario 3D Land that only appear to be unavoidable, coins that want to trick us into picking them up even though it is absolutely not necessary. So today we are going to take a look at the most problematic coins in Super Mario 3D Land, we will investigate which coins can be avoided even though they appear to be undodgeable and we ...

Is it Possible to do a Perfect Coinless Run in Super Mario 3D Land?
S03E51 · Is it Possible to do a Perfect Coinless Run in Super Mario 3D Land?

Dec 09, 2018

Is it possible to beat Super Mario 3D Land without touching a single coin, is a question that is surprisingly difficult to answer. A couple of days ago we took a look at my failed attempt to route 3D land without touching a single evil coin. A routing attempt that sadly failed. While we were able to find a way to avoid almost all coins in Super Mario 3D Land, there were two coins that we were forced to collect. So I was ready to accept my defeat and to move on, but then, then I once again got some help. I got tons and tons of comments filled with different ideas, and ...

Is it Possible to Beat New Super Mario Bros. U Without Pressing Left?
S03E52 · Is it Possible to Beat New Super Mario Bros. U Without Pressing Left?

Dec 19, 2018

Is it possible to beat New Super Mario Bros. U without ever pressing the left button? At first glance this doesn't sound too difficult since 2D Super Mario games are quite simple. All we have to do while playing them is to hold right, to jump and to run. The left button isn't even needed. Or at least I thought so. As it turns out, going left is quite an important skill in New Super Mario Bros. U. Not only does platforming become a lot harder without the option to go back, but there are tons of levels in the game, that just become a straight up nightmare with only half...


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