Episodes (60)

Apr 17, 2015
Homer Simpson has certainly gotten his family into some insane adventures, each time narrowly avoiding certain doom. And while the Simpsons have always had good luck working for them, could the reason for their survival be because they all exist in Homer's comatose mind?? This week, Emily dives into the donut-filled mind of the clumsiest Simpson to determine whether or not the family's adventures are all taking place in Homer's head while he's actually in a hospital bed.

Apr 24, 2015
Of all the controversial shows made throughout the the history of cartoons, one show stands tallest above them all: South Park. The misadventures of 4 foul-mouth kids have entertained audiences for years, and usually for the wrong reasons. But even for it's fun nature, it's never been established why (or how) children could have such knowledge of curse words and pop culture? Sure, society could be to blame but what if the reason for the kids' mature humor was because they're actually just adults exaggerating stories from their childhood? Find out on this awesome ...

May 01, 2015
Craig McCracken has given the world some of the coolest cartoons in the last 20 years, including "The Powerpuff Girls", "Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends" and most recently "Wander Over Yonder". He's even been known to throw in some subtle throwbacks to his previous works in his newer shows, but could some CHARACTERS have actually carried over as well? This week on Cartoon Conspiracy, Emily will attempt to determine whether Creaky Pete from "Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends" is actually Wander from "Wander Over Yonder".

May 08, 2015
"Beauty and the Beast" is one of the most treasured Disney animated films of all time, and it's only made better by it's incredible cast characters. They transcended the conventions of previous Disney movies, especially with how they presented the "Prince Charming" trope as the antagonist, Gaston. He's an arrogant, selfish ladies-man who needs to save a damsel in distress (even if Belle doesn't want him to save her). In this episode of "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily and Sapphire examine the world of "Beauty and the Beast" to decide whether or not Gaston is technically ...

May 15, 2015
"Cartoon Conspiracy" just turned one year old and we want to thank you for supporting the show. For the last 12 months, we've received dozens of conspiracy theory suggestions on what our next episode should about, which had lead to some really fun episodes to work on. But every once in a while comes a ridiculous conspiracy theory that simply defies reason and must be addressed. So on this "Cartoon Conspiracy Anniversary Special", Emily and friends will rapid-fire debunk some of the silliest conspiracies ever.

May 22, 2015
Disney animated films are known to make secret crossovers into previous films, even if they seem to take place centuries apart. Many have speculated that Ariel from "The Little Mermaid" and Hercules for, er, "Hercules" are actually somehow related to each other, being that they both children of supernatural beings. On this week's episode, Emily digs into the Disney family tree to find out whether this theory could be true.

May 29, 2015
"Batman: The Animated Series" is easily one of the best adaptations of the famous comic book hero. With beautiful art design, awesome bad guys and amazing episode story-lines, it's no wonder that some people prefer it over the live-action films. But could the cartoon really just be a way of showing how delusional Bruce Wayne is to go out every night and fight super villains? This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily steps into the caped crusader's boots to determine whether or not the show is really just the thoughts of a mentally ill Bruce Wayne in Arkham Asylum.

Jun 05, 2015
"Calvin and Hobbes" is one of the most cherished comic strips of all time, mostly due to it's polarizing yet relatable dynamic duo. Calvin represented the frustration of youth that all generations go through as a kid, only to be guided by his wiser (though imaginary) talking tiger, Hobbes. And it just so happens that one particular film shares similar traits with the comic, in that it follows an individual whose friend/voice of reason tells them what to do. This week, Emily will attempt to connect "Calvin and Hobbes" to the classic psychological cult film "Fight Club".

May 12, 2015
There are few cartoon shows that can mix quirky storytelling with creepy visuals as well as "Over The Garden Wall", the cult-hit miniseries from Cartoon Network. The show follows two half-brothers who become lost in the creepy forest of "The Unknown" and encounter some really surreal and strange characters along their way, but could there be something else at work? This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily will take the plunge and go over the garden wall to determine whether Wirt and Greg are actually just lost souls stuck in Limbo?

Jun 19, 2015
Ever since the hit Cartoon Network show, "Steven Universe" premiered to the world, many crazy fan theories have arisen. The show follows Steven and his guardians, the Crystal Gems, as they protect not only the sunny town of Beach City but the universe itself. However, what we think we know about their heroic intentions may not be actually not be correct. This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily asks the hard question; could the Crystal Gems actually be evil?

Jun 26, 2015
Timmy Turner may have a miserable life but at least he has two fairy god parents to grant him wishes whenever he wants. They can take him on awesome adventures, give him superpowers or even just dive into a colossal chocolate milkshake. But what if his fairly odd parents aren't actually granting him wishes at all? This week, Emily wishes for some answers to see if Cosmo and Wanda are actually the bi-product of heavy doses of antidepressants Timmy has to take.

Jul 03, 2015
America needs a patriot, and there's no man more patriotic than Stan Smith from "American Dad". Stan's love for his country has always driven his desire for a world he deemed perfect, and technically he may have already gotten it. Stan's family were once devastated by the apocalypse, though by the end of the episode everything seemed to go back to normal. But what if every episode that took place afterwards were actually a form of Heaven that would allow Stan to technically live in his ideal world? This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily will determine whether or not...

Jul 10, 2015
The world of "Bob's Burgers" is a constant mix of comedy genius and disaster, which is what makes the show such a hilarious mess. Bob Belcher and his family-run burger restaurant have had some pretty crazy accidents, but have always been able to stick together through it all in the end. But what if one accident actually lead to most of the Belcher family dying except for Bob? This week, Emily examines the mind of Bob Belcher to see whether or not his aloof family are really just figments of his imagination?

Jul 17, 2015
"Gravity Falls" is one of the most mysterious shows probably ever (cartoon or otherwise), with so many secrets hidden in each episode that you probably never noticed they were even there. That's why we've teamed up with the ever observant Lewtoons to count down the top conspiracies of "Gravity Falls". When you see all the hidden messages and Easter eggs that were hidden in plain sight, you'll just have to go back and watch the show over again. So get ready, because this week "Cartoon Conspiracy" is cracking the case of "Gravity Falls" wide open.

Jul 24, 2015
The Care Bears have been a symbol for childlike innocence and warm-fuzzies since their debut in the '80s as both a cartoon show and toy brand. Which makes it all the more creepy to think that they may ALSO represent a certain black magic practice known as voodoo. This week on Cartoon Conspiracy, Emily is going to try her best Care Bear Stare to see if she can shed some light on this particularly dark theory.

Jul 31, 2015
Pixar has been known to make secret connections to their previous films in the newest films, which helps give the universe a more connected feeling. But when one character from "Toy Story 3" happens to share the same last name as the main character in Pixar's most recent film, "Inside Out", what could it mean? This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily is going get in the head of two seemingly unrelated characters to see whether or not Bonnie from "Toy Story 3" is somehow related to Riley from "Inside Out".

Aug 07, 2015
Over the course of "South Park"'s 18 seasons, we've seen a lot of stuff go down. Elderly citizens formed a militia, deadly dance contests took lives and even giant Cthulhu monsters have been known to show up. But the one thing that has always stayed the same is that one way or another; Kenny is going to die at some point in an episode. Could the reason for this occurrence be simply a gag, or are time loops to blame? This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily is going to step into the world of the most death-prone kid that ever existed to try understanding this freak ...

Aug 14, 2015
For Gaston (the antagonist of Disney's "Beauty and the Beast") the world just couldn't handle how manly he really was. He was born in a time when men were expected to be ridiculously strong and handsome, and no one had more of both than Gaston. But is it at all possible that the macho man was actually just compensating for a secret he'd been cleverly hiding for years? This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily and Sapphire team up to decide whether or not it's at all possible that Gaston could be secretly gay.

Aug 21, 2015
Throughout the series run of "Steven Universe" we've been introduced to some pretty crazy characters with amazing abilities, but few have been as mysterious as Steven's pink companion: Lion. But while the big cat's origins still remain a mystery, many have proposed the theory that Lion is actually Steven's late-mother. This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily will attempt to debunk whether or not Lion is actually Steven's mom: Rose Quartz.

Aug 28, 2015
"Who Framed Roger Rabbit" is known for breaking all traditions of modern filmmaking by combining live-action footage with beautifully detailed animation. But while the mixing of the two mediums made for an extremely entertaining movie, the film's underlying themes represent a very different message. This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily takes on the world of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" to see if the classic film is secretly about racial segregation.

Sep 04, 2015
Peter Pan is well known for fighting pirates and having awesome adventures, but what do we really know about the child soldiers that follow him: The Lost Boys? What happens to them when they start growing up or and don't want to be kids anymore? Is there a darker side to living with an immortal, emotionally stunted flying boy? This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily goes deep to uncover the secret life of the Lost Boys and the dark fate that possibly awaits them all.

Sep 11, 2015
"Rick and Morty" follows the exploits of an alcoholic genius who drags his grandson across space and time for high concept sci-fi adventures. But is it possible that the Morty we know from the show isn't actually the original? This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily will attempt to determine whether or not it's at all possible that there's an evil Morty who wants revenge on Rick.

Sep 18, 2015
In the world of "The Magic School Bus", Ms. Frizzle takes her class to all sorts of places that defy the laws of space and reality, much like a certain character from science-fiction; Dr. Who. Is the reason Ms. Frizzle has a seemingly infinite knowledge of everything because she happens to be the same race as Dr. Who? This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily will use her powers of deduction to decide whether it's possible that Ms. Frizzle could secretly be a Time Lord.

Sep 25, 2015
Out of all the the memorable characters from Disney's "Aladdin", the one everyone remembers the most is Genie. Voiced by the legendary Robin Williams, the character was made larger than life by it's voice actor's unforgettable performance. But there's one other character Mr. Williams played in the film than most people tend to forget; The Peddler from the intro. This week on Cartoon Conspiracy, Emily sifts through the sands to determine if it's at all possible that the Genie and the Peddler could actually be the same character.

Oct 02, 2015
Who doesn't remember reading the classic children's books, "The Berenstain Bears" as a kid? And if that spelling made you question your own childhood memories, rest assured that you are not alone. More and more young adults are beginning to realize that the book series they remember referring to as "BerenSTEIN" is not actually accurate. But how could this happen?. This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily investigates this freak phenomena to determine whether not we're dealing with some alternate realities.

Oct 09, 2015
There's certainly more than enough theories about Disney's "Frozen" to pacify hardcore fans, but even casual viewers want to know the answer to a burning question; how did Elsa get her ice powers? For a film with an impressive attention to detail, there wasn't any explanation as to why Elsa could control ice. That all changes this week on Cartoon Conspiracy, as Emily searches for the truth behind Elsa's ice powers.

Oct 16, 2015
At first glance, you wouldn't think that Cartoon Network shows "Clarence" and "Over The Garden Wall" would have anything to do with each other besides being great animated programs. But upon closer examination, there appears to a fair amount of concrete evidence that proposes the two not only appear in each other's shows, but ALSO take place in the same universe. This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily examines this strange cartoon anomaly between "Clarence" and "Over The Garden Wall" to determine whether the shows are truly connected.

Oct 23, 2015
"Invader Zim" followed the hilarious plight of one ill-tempered alien trying to single-handedly take over all of Planet Earth alongside their robot helper, GIR. Unfortunately, despite GIR being a technologically advanced machine capable of independent thought, he only ever seemed concerned with partying and acting like a child. But what if GIR's taco-craving, idiotic personality was really just a facade to intentionally make Zim BELIEVE that he was dumb? This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily analyzes everyone's favorite hyper robot to determine whether GIR is the ...

Oct 30, 2015
"The Nightmare Before Christmas" and "Halloweentown" may only seem to be connected by being holiday Disney films, but they actually share more than a theme. Despite one being stop-motion and the other being live-action, the two both take place in a world called "Halloween Town", which other numerous similarities. This week on a very spooky "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily steps into another world to find out whether "Halloween Town" takes place in the two films.

Nov 06, 2015
Popeye the Sailor Man is one of the most recognizable cartoon characters of all time, and yet we know surprisingly little about the burly guy. Other than his obvious maritime background, many theories have surfaced over the years as to how he got his incredible strength and how his strange craving for spinach might be explained. This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily investigates whether Popeye the Sailor Man is simply extreme dieting, or if he isn't actually a human at all.

Nov 13, 2015
In the original Pokemon animated serious Ash and Pikachu are the best of friends. But is it possible that this Pikachu is not the original Pikachu?

Nov 20, 2015
In the classic film, "Aladdin", Jafar is quite possibly one of the greatest arch villains in Disney history. At least that's how it seems since his nefarious attitude coincide with what we normally think of as a "bad guy". But is it at all possible that we've unfairly misjudged a man who simply has different outlooks on life? This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily analyzes the great Jafar to figure out if it's possible that he's actually a good guy.

Nov 27, 2015
"Hey Arnold!" followed the adventures of Arnold and his friends growing up in the city, and the show was great about showing us the private lives of the show's enormous cast of characters. In fact, the character who's life we saw the most of was Arnold's secret admirer, Helga Pataki, and her constant struggle to hide her creepy obsession with Arnold. It made for some great episodes but looking back on it now, it would almost seem that Helga was the protagonist we were always rooting for rather than Arnold, who became more of a background character as the series ...

Dec 04, 2015
We all grew up watching "Looney Tunes" but did anyone ever question why the Road Runner was so successful at eluding Wile E Coyote? Could it be that the Road Runner is CEO of ACME? This week on Cartoon Conspiracy, Emily goes undercover and will analyze one of the longest running feuds in history to determine whether we've been duped all along.

Dec 11, 2015
If you've seen "The Lion King", you're probably familiar with a certain awkward family dynamic, specifically with Mufasa and his brother Scar. Scar wanted to be king of Pride Rock and went so far as to kill his brother to take over for the rest of the movie. But as it turns out, the story of royal betrayal has a lot in common with a certain Shakespeare play and it may have been intentional. This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily will determine whether "The Lion King" is secretly "Hamlet".

Dec 18, 2015
"Steven Universe" is full of all sorts of crazy characters with mysterious origins, namely Jasper, the show's main antagonist. She's always been giving the Crystal Gems a hard time and doesn't hide her hate for fusions. But despite her disdain for them, she's fused with others in the past which makes her ideology a bit confusing. Could this be the belief of a truly unpredictable character or could there be a more mysterious reason? This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily will step into the mind of a villain to see if Jasper is secretly a fusion herself.

Dec 24, 2015
We all know the story and song about Frosty the Snowman, who magically came to live when a group of kids made him. They certainly had a fun-filled Christmas but doesn't it seem just a little too convenient? We hardly know the rules of this type of magic and what's really going on in that talking snowman's mind (if he even has one)? Without turning this harmless child's tale into something dark, we think it's still smart to revisit this holiday classic. This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily will attempt to tell if Frosty's try intentions are for good or for EVIL.

Jan 01, 2016
This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily will look into whether Sid from Toy Story is really such a bad kid.

Jan 08, 2016
This week on "Cartoon Conspiracy", Emily looks into whether "Richie Rich" died and became "Casper The Friendly Ghost".

Jan 15, 2016
He's everybody's favorite Uncle, everybody's favorite Grandpa, and. - the creator of every cartoon we know and love?. Wait, so the crossover episode with Steven Universe is actually (sort of) canon?. Tim came up with a very unusual theory surrounding the mysterious life of Uncle Grandpa, and Emily is here to decide whether or not this conspiracy holds up.

Jan 22, 2016
Spongebob Squarepants has been around for 17 years, and while Bikini Bottom may seem like a happy undersea oasis, does it really hold a deep, dark secret? Could it be that Spongebob, Patrick Star, Sandy Cheeks, and the rest of the Bikini Bottom crew are really based off of the Seven Deadly Sins? Find out the truth on today's Cartoon Conspiracy.

Jan 29, 2016
Fans of Studio Ghibli would know that Hayao Miyazaki is a fan of repetition in his movies, but could this possibly mean that some of his movies are connected? Emily digs deep to decide if Princess Mononoke and My Neighbor Totoro not only take place in the same universe, but if Totoro is really a reincarnation of the Forest Spirit.

Feb 05, 2016
We all grew up either wanting to be a Disney Prince or be with one. But have you ever stopped to think that maybe these "Happily Ever Afters" aren't actually very nice guys at all? Emily is here today to discuss the possibility that every Disney Prince is an absolutely awful person, and how these "Once Upon A Time" classics could have been an early set up for future failure in the love department for young boys and girls everywhere.

Feb 12, 2016
We've all wondered at some point or another, what *is* in the Krabby Patty Secret Formula that makes it so special? Is it salt? Barnacle Shavings? Turmeric? ...Love? Or, is there something more sinister behind the the secret formula? Emily is here today to give her theory as to what else might be in these delicious burgers to make them so irresistible to the residents of Bikini Bottom.

Feb 19, 2016
In honor of Emily's second to last episode of Cartoon Conspiracy, we here at Channel Frederator have put together a "Best of" clip show to look back on the past almost 100 episodes. With guest appearances and theories too good to believe, we're so proud of Emily and wish her all the best.

Feb 26, 2016
When the Fairly Oddparents first appeared on Oh Yeah. Cartoons, Cosmo and Wanda seemed to be a pretty smart (albeit dimwitted) pair. But as the show's plot progressed and Cosmo's magical usage had increased, he seems to be getting dumber by the season. Could Timmy Turner's wishes be affecting Cosmo's intelligence? This week, Emily brings on a special surprise guest to get to the bottom of her final Cartoon Conspiracy.

Mar 03, 2016
While Beauty and the Beast is regarded as one of Disney's most romantic love stories, could there be something more to this story than meets the eye? What if Belle had actually developed Stockholm Syndrome during her time being help prisoner by The Beast? Guest host Sarah Snitch is here to lay out all the evidence and help audiences decide once and for all if this tale as old as time isn't as true as it could actually be.

Mar 11, 2016
In this Cartoon Conspiracy compilation episode, we went back and found every single one of Emily's theories that were almost too good to be true and collected them in one mega-episode. From GIR's true intention on Invader Zim to Spongebob and his friends being based off the 7 deadly sins, find out which of the past 100 theories were (probably) true in the end.

Mar 17, 2016
Welcome to Cartoon Conspiracy. Dive into the mysteries and fan theories of all things animation with your host Emily as she takes a critical look at how the theories hold up.

Mar 24, 2016
For this week's Cartoon Conspiracy Compilation, we went back and put together every single Disney conspiracy theory we've ever discussed. From the possible family ties throughout the universe, to the heroes being mistaken for bad guys, we have every possible theory you could think of in the Disney continuity.

Mar 31, 2016
Disney's Zootopia has shattered box office records and become an instant animated classic, but there's more to meets the eye when it comes to everybody's new favorite film starring one determined rabbit and one wily fox. On the surface, Zootopia may seem like a fun film about overcoming the odds and following your dreams, but is this Disney film actually about modern instances of racism and prejudice in today's society? Sarah Snitch is here to break down the hidden meanings behind Disney's latest animated film.

Apr 07, 2016
In this week's Cartoon Conspiracy compilation, we've collected every single Nickelodeon conspiracy theory we could get our hands on. Relive all of your favorite Nicktoons moments as Emily discusses whether or not Danny Phantom and Timmy Turner are the same person, or if Sponegbob Squarepants and the his pals are based on the 7 Deadly Sins.

Apr 14, 2016
This week we're taking a look back at every guest host we've featured on Cartoon Conspiracy, and all of the crazy theories they've come up with. From Dexter's family being clones he made in his laboratory, to Timmy Turner and Danny Phantom being - THE SAME PERSON? Each of our guest hosts has a unique perspective on the world of cartoon conspiracies, and we've collected them all here for you today.

Apr 21, 2016
With the insane number modern adaptations and reboots of classic properties that have come about over the past decade, we have to stop and wonder: is Hollywood ruining our favorite nostalgic properties? And what's worse, could too many reboots actually be bad for our health? Today, Sapphire is here to discuss whether or not reboots are a good thing, and if they might actually be hurting us in the long run.

Apr 29, 2016
Disney's Inside Out was such a brilliant portrayal of every human emotion: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, Disgust. But is there a hidden 6th emotion somewhere in the film that viewers didn't notice? Could this elusive feeling actually be Bing Bong himself, or is Riley missing a key emotion? This week on Cartoon Conspiracy, guest host Jacob Atkinson is here to break down what's really going on inside Riley's head and gets to the bottom of this potential conspiracy theory.

May 05, 2016
The Powerpuff Girls are one of the most iconic crime fighting teams in cartoon history. And who didn't want to grow up to be Blossom, Bubbles or Buttercup? But is it possible that all of the Powerpuff Girls are actually just the personalities of one girl with Dissociative Identity Disorder? Today on Cartoon Conspiracy, our finalist in the search for a new guest host, Annie, discusses the Brenda theory and proves once and for all whether or not this conspiracy holds up.

May 12, 2016
Since the 80s, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have gone through multiple transformations, iterations, and inter-dimensional vacations. Although each different version of the franchise exists within its own universe, is it possible that every version of these turtles with 'tude actually exist within the SAME multiverse?. Cartoon Conspiracy finalist R2ninjaturtle is here to break down this theory and determine once and for all if these turtle teams all exist within the same multi-verse.

May 19, 2016
Team Rocket's blasting off again. But what are the chances that they *wanted* to blast off, because they've secretly always been trying to HELP Ash and his friends?. Today on Cartoon Conspiracy, guest host Alyssa Levenberg gives her take on why Jesse and James could never seem to successfully kidnap Pikachu. What do you think? Could Team Rocket actually be - the good guys?.

May 26, 2016
In the world of Zootopia, predators and prey live in peace and harmony - so what do these animals have to eat? Clearly they can't hunt each other, so does that mean all of the animals in Zootopia are vegetarians? Today our guest host Greg is here to figure out whether or not there are other animals in Disney's latest animated film that are just there to be eaten, or if all of the sentient animals in the film are strictly herbivores.

Jun 02, 2016
The bears from Cartoon Network's We Bare Bears are practically related. Whether it's biological or not, that's up for debate, but there's a lot of signs that point towards some seriously messed up childhoods - Where did the bears come from? How did they end up together?. Find out what we think on this episode of Cartoon Conspiracy.
Cartoon Conspiracy Season 2 (2015) is released on Apr 17, 2015 and the latest season 5 of Cartoon Conspiracy is released in 2022. Watch Cartoon Conspiracy online - the English Documentary TV series from United States. Cartoon Conspiracy is directed by Emily Carson,Sapphire Sandalo,Ethan Schulteis,Chad Quandt and created by Jacob Atkinson with Emily Carson and Sapphire Sandalo.