Episodes (76)

Nov 08, 2003
Introduction to The Hair Hunt endangering all hair in the surreal world of Snot-For-You master Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo and his new companion Beauty.

Nov 15, 2003
Bobobo-bo and Beauty are confronted by a gang lead by a strange, orange, spiky creature named Don Patch. Bobobo-bo and Don Patch start a Wig-out battle that turns into a rescue mission when Beauty is kidnapped during their fight.

Nov 22, 2003
Bobobo-bo acts like a maniac at a festival, a wig-out with the enraged locals costs him 5 million dollars on the stock market. Beauty and Bo get separated; an assassin with a pair of 26-year old sentient duck underwear cause them trouble.

Nov 29, 2003
Don Patch must graduate before he can continue traveling, so Bobobo presents Don with his diploma after making his last day at school a living hell. Now back on the road a Hair hunt commander disguised as a fish interrupts their trek.

Dec 06, 2003
While Bobobo-bo and Don Patch preform an impromptu play titled "Love is a Rose with Thorns and Aphids, but You Gotta Prune the Danish.", Beauty wonders why a strange boy has been following them since episode one.

Dec 13, 2003
Bobobo-bo's Second biggest weakness is his love for pasta, he vows to become the Pasta Primadonna. A hair hunter may make beauty's hair yesterdays do.

Dec 20, 2003
Bobobo-bo, Don Patch and beauty climb the 5 levels of Hair Hunt, C-Block, Headquarters in search of the antidote to stop Beauty's hair from slowly falling out.

Jan 10, 2004
Bobobo-bo battles hair hunter Softon, who unexpectedly gives beauty the antidote to her curse.

Jan 17, 2004
Bobobo-Bo, Beauty and Don Patch make it to the 5th and final level of C-block HQ where they face off against a fiendish foe, with the assistance of a familiar stranger.

Jan 24, 2004
Bobobo-Bo and Don Patch team up with the boy who has been following them since episode, Gasser, to defeat a strange power stealing foe in cahoots with an unknown enemy.

Jan 31, 2004
Gasser tells Bobobo-bo his reason for following the Him, Don and Beauty. He requests Bo's help, but Bo is busy goofing off.

Feb 07, 2004
Bobobo-bo Trains Gasser and grows Chopsticks, till a new Hair-Hunt Commander sets up an amusement park next to the gangs farm, forcing them to ride every ride till they find him.

Feb 07, 2004
Bobobo-bo and Don Patch take on more Hair-Hunt troops in control of rides in General Jelly Jiggler's amusement park.

Feb 21, 2004
A haunted House attraction holds not haunts, but a strong enemy who can take attacks and make them his own. Gasser is like a baby compared to this new threat and Bobobo-bo can just hold his own, till Gasser begins to act strangely.

Feb 28, 2004
Gasser Destroys the Haunted house and its Hair-Hunt Hancho and returns to himself in time to help Bobobo-bo, Don Patch, Beauty, and Jelly Jiggler look for Jelly Jiggler. However, General Jelly Jiggler turns on his search party.

Mar 06, 2004
Jelly Jiggler is defeated, with no job to fall back on. Bobobo-bo and Don Patch take employment more seriously after his defeat and attend a group interview for a position at branch of the Hair-Hunt organization.

Mar 13, 2004
Captain Battleship, Bobobo-bo's Ducktaled rival, Kidnaps Beauty in a plot to defeat Bobobo-bo and gain more power in the Chrome Dome Empire. Bobobo-bo assembles an elite team to strike at Battle Ship's base and rescue Beauty.

Apr 03, 2004
Searching the ruins of Gasser's home town the gang finds and infiltrates Captain Battleships flying fortress, The Pomade Ring. Pomade Ring forces soon detect the heros rallying the Battleship 5 Quartet to square-off against Bo and company.

Apr 03, 2004
Gasser and Bobobo-bo fight in the first and second match, respectively, against members of the Battleship 5 Quartet in a tournament set up by Captain Battleship himself, with Beauty's freedom on the line.

May 01, 2004
Bobobo-bo gets the first win for the gang, followed by two swift losses thanks to Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler. Battleship is so thrilled with Bo's imminent defeat he destroys the Pomade Ring by mistake. Bo's weakness is revealed.

May 08, 2004
The Final Battle in the ruins of Puppuu City between Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo and Captain Battleship. Man to man. Nose hair against nose hair.

May 15, 2004
Hatenko, a former member of Don Patch's wiggin gang, catches up with Bo, beauty and Gasser. A member of the Big 5 shows up out of no where to terrorize a village.

May 29, 2004
Czar Baldy Bald gets married and the Gang follows Hatenko into a trap at the House of Blood.

Jun 05, 2004
Bobobo-bo and company make it to Hair-Hunt's Z Block, where they clash with a robot crew and appear as guests on a game show.

Jun 12, 2004
Bobobo-bo, Don Patch and Hatenko get trapped inside the television themed world of Radioman, they must free themselves to rescue Beauty and Gasser from a massive force of Hair-Hunt cooks.

Jun 19, 2004
The super cute, super deformed, mascot leader of Z-Block, Dengakuman appears to fight Bobobo-bo in wig out battle.

Jul 10, 2004
Czar Baldy Bald reactivates the Wiggin-Block base go get ride of Bobobo-bo. The gang heads straight to the base without Hatenko who flew south for baseball season.

Jul 17, 2004
The Leader of Wiggin-Block is Rice, a champion wiggin specialist with a grudge against Don Patch. Rice is willing to take Beauty hostage to match his wiggin against Bo, Jelly and Don Patch.

Jul 24, 2004
The Battle with Rice continues and His wiggin gets stronger at dinner time.

Aug 07, 2004
After Defeating Rice a big-mouth ninja suddenly attacks and transports Bo and Co. to another dimension under the control of a mysterious new enemy called Over.

Sep 04, 2004
Bo and the Gang start to climb Over's tower impeded by traps and 5 ultimate assassins. Dengakuman rejoins the group to help his friends face off against 3 of the assassins on the rim of a giant toilet seat.

Sep 04, 2004
Bobobo-bo, Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler fuse into one being to defeat the last 3 assassins, progressing to the top of Over's tower.

Oct 30, 2004
Over takes on Bo, Patch and Jiggler, in a area laced with bear traps and cannons. The angrier Over gets the closer he gets to becoming his true self and the only thing the three wiggns can seem to do is make him madder.

Nov 06, 2004
Over's transformation is complete, he is now a she, and she is a torpedo. Torpedo Girl is a joke killer, she instantly attacks every time she hears a bad joke. Bobobo-bo's only option maybe to take her to Bo-bobo world.

Nov 13, 2004
Bobobo-bo turns the tables on Torpedo Girl inside Bo-bobo world, forcing her to turn back into Over.

Nov 20, 2004
Bobobo-bo, Jelly Jiggler and Don Patch, repel a hit-man sent by Halekulani as they travel to Holy Guacamole Land with the intention of taking down the strongest member of the Big Four.

Nov 27, 2004
Bobobo-bo and his friends arrive in Holy Guacamole land and begin their search for Halekulani.

Dec 04, 2004
Don Patch gets separated from Bobobo-bo, which weakens Bo. Halekulani's "A Few Dangerous thugs" appear to fight.

Dec 11, 2004
The Terrible Triplets of "A Few Dangerous Thugs" take on the Wiggin Trio, with Beauty and Suzu as the Stakes.

Jan 08, 2005
Bobobo-bo finishes off The Terrible Trio in a cruel game of chance, then the whole gang puts their money where their mouths are Against Halekulani.

Jan 15, 2005
Halekulani is done playing around, he initiates a High stakes board game under his controls called "Your Money or Your Life". The game is stacked in Halekulani's favor with the only way out being as a diamond crusted corpse.

Jan 22, 2005
Halekulani's board game gets shutdown, but in his desperation he calls upon all the money in Holy Guacamole Land to bolster his power.

Jan 29, 2005
Halekulani gets shown that boring life is more important then money. Bobobo-bo and the gang set sail for Cybercity to recuse Gasser, who has been taken prisoner by Chrome Dome Forces.

Feb 05, 2005
After Arriving in Cybercity, Bobobo-bo, Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler Do battle with one of Six Cyber Knights in charge of the island. The Whereabouts of Gasser are still unknown.

Feb 12, 2005
In their search of Gasser Bobobo-bo, Don Patch, Jelly Jiggler and beauty take on the second of the six Cyber Knights on his own turf; an abyss which all fighters are suspended over precariously by bungee cords.

Feb 19, 2005
The Wiggin team splits up to take on two Cyberknights at once. Bobobo-bo and softon take a impromptu test given out by an automotive enemy while Torpedo Girl, Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler write another log in their battle history.

Feb 26, 2005
After defeating Bad Bard and Auto the whole gang regroups, except for Dengakuman, to battle the fifth Cyberknight, only known as J.

Mar 05, 2005
Bobobo-bo accidentally Fuses with Dengakuman to form Denbo, a singing idol, but will it her voice be enough to contend with J?

Mar 12, 2005
The gang Finally makes it to Giga's Hideout/art gallery, where he uses strange art techniques instead of super fist attacks to control the battle against Bobobo-bo.

Mar 19, 2005
Bobobo-bo starts to turn the tables on Giga, but for every inch he loses in battle makes giga draw more and more power from his art projects.

Mar 26, 2005
The epic conclusion of the artful duel against Giga.

Apr 09, 2005
The Gang reunites and returns to the road, while at the same time a whole freezer full of Chrome Dome cronies defrost, determined to destroy the last son of the Hair Kingdom.

Apr 16, 2005
The wiggin gang goes to a local shopping district to power up, while another defrosted Hair Hunter commander goes to throw down.

Apr 23, 2005
Bobobo-bo puts his new power through its paces against the bad guy with a green thumb, Wild Wister.

Apr 30, 2005
The wiggin trio take on a trio of evil Hair Hunters who like to take rides on a robo race track.

May 07, 2005
Bobobo-bo counters the hair hunt trio's ability to change frequencies with a tour of the most unfair cities in the world.

May 14, 2005
Bobobo-bo takes on Major Minor, a master of the Fist of Trapping, on a deadly winding water slide.

May 21, 2005
Bobobo-bo, Don Patch and Jelly Jiggler hop onto Giant Robots for a 3 on 3 mech match against Hair hunters on an ice rink.

May 28, 2005
Don Patch and Bobobo-bo's new fusion makes for one long painful minute. Softon, Torpedo Girl and Hatenko's date in another part of the theme park turns into a lover's rumble.

Jun 04, 2005
The Gang gets trapped inside a giant coin game machine, where the only hope of getting out is winning a 6 on 6 battle where old opponents are allies and new opponents are unknown.

Jun 11, 2005
With Serviceman and Rice coming to team Bobobo-bo's aid, the match can only get weirder.

Jun 18, 2005
Don Patch clashes cultures with Roman Samurai, while bobobo-bo, Beauty, Jelly Jiggler and Serviceman take a little nap with the sinister sleeper known as Rem.

Jun 25, 2005
Bobobo-bo turns Rem's dream world inside out. There's no rest for the wiggin however, because the third strongest Hair hunter, Lambada, gets ready to whip Bobobo-bo into shape.

Jul 02, 2005
Lambada's Polygons are painfully new to the Gang so, Bobobo-bo takes the show back to the pixelated past of video games.

Jul 09, 2005
The Gang takes on the second strongest Hair Hunter, General Lee Fish Cake.

Jul 16, 2005
A new fusion is formed to finally finish the ferocious fish cake fiend.

Jul 30, 2005
Bo-Jiggler is a man of peace, at least that's what he says as he tears General Lee Fish Cakes apart.

Aug 06, 2005
Czar Baldy Bald The 3rd wakes up and magically manifests a malevolent massacre.

Aug 20, 2005
Czar Baldy Bald The 3rd uses his red and blue magic to bring our heroes into his own world of hurt, in one of his many attempts to remove the source of Bobobo-bo's power.

Aug 27, 2005
Bobobo-bo shows Baldy Bald the third that human's are aren't so bad, and complete liars. After the battle, the Gang learns that a tournament is about to be held to decide the next Czar of the Chrome Dome Empire.

Sep 17, 2005
Everyone from the past is coming to get a piece of the tournament action, as the Gang zeros in on the location of the coronation carnage.

Sep 24, 2005
The gang reaches the place where the tournament is to be held. Powerful foes are surrounding Bobobo-bo, so he vows to annihilate all the contestants, but first he has to become one.

Oct 01, 2005
Bobobo-bo enters Black Mountain Fun park, where must collect 10 metals and make it to the center of hundreds of deadly battlegrounds to advance to the next round of the tournament.

Oct 08, 2005
A powerful servant of the mysterious Shadow Czar blocks The Gang's path, powerful enough increase Gasser's size and Don Patch's rage.

Oct 22, 2005
The gang reaches the castle at the center of Black Mountain Fun Park, with the sun about to set, more Shadow Chrome Dome empire Hair Hunters appear to disrupt the tournament.

Oct 29, 2005
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo runs out of episodes just before Bobobo-bo and all his friends can fight the evil Shadow Czar.
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Season 1 (2003) is released on Nov 08, 2003. Watch Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo online - the Japanese Animation TV series from Japan. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo is directed by Hiroki Shibata and created by Richard Epcar with Takehito Koyasu and Ai Nonaka.