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Episodes (52)

Oct 01, 2019
While the possessed elves set their sights on the capital, bent on destroying mankind, Asta's newest sword could be the key to stopping them for good.

Oct 08, 2019
After a surprise encounter with their possessed squad-mate Luck, Magna and Vanessa go to extremes in an attempt to free their friend.

Oct 15, 2019
Before pursuing the elves to the royal capitol, Asta and friends stop by the Black Bulls hideout in order to check in with their friends.

Oct 22, 2019
Fueled by Charmy's magical meals, Asta's team detours to defend Hecairo on their way to the royal capital and picks up a trio of most unlikely allies.

Oct 29, 2019
Yami and Finral take on possessed members of the Golden Dawn; Noelle and Nozel must defend their siblings when the Silva family home is under siege.

Nov 05, 2019
Noelle must think outside the box to gain the upper hand in the pitched battle at House Silva. Thoughts of her mother help her push past her limits.

Nov 12, 2019
Finral fights to save his younger brother Langris from the diabolical elf within. Newly reincarnated elves meet with Rhya to discuss their next move.

Nov 19, 2019
Rhya welcomes back two old allies as the Apostles of Sephira open an eerie portal over the capital. Asta and friends fight to stop the elvish Gauche.

Nov 26, 2019
Vanessa leads a group of Black Bulls trapped in a deadly dream world while Sally runs some quick experiments. Henry is determined to save his friends.

Dec 03, 2019
Luck and friends gain a unusual ally to fight against Dorothy Unsworth; Droit remembers the humans' atrocities against his people.

Dec 10, 2019
Asta and some of the others follow Captain Yami to the Shadow Palace but are stopped by the elves; Captain Fuegoleon and Captain Mereoleona show off their true powers.

Dec 17, 2019
As Noelle does battle with Fana, Asta and Mimosa struggle to counter Rill's sinister spells; Charmy discovers a shocking fact about her origins.

Dec 24, 2019
The elf Ronne's betrayal pulls back the curtain to reveal a truly fiendish puppetmaster who's not nearly done pulling the strings--not by a long shot.

Jan 07, 2020
Nozel's Mercury spells are the perfect match for Patry's Light Magic, but Asta's plan to drive the elf out of Vengeance's body doesn't go as expected.

Jan 14, 2020
As Yami and the elvish Charlotte test the limits of the devil's mighty Word Soul Magic, Nero asks Finral a favor and reveals a centuries old secret.

Jan 21, 2020
A flashback to the truth behind the first Wizard King's battle against the demon serves as a prelude for a new face joining the fight against the devil.

Jan 28, 2020
Licht and Lumiere fight against the devil using incredibly powerful magic. But the devil has incredible regeneration powers and quickly heals himself, making him difficult to defeat.

Feb 04, 2020
The fight is not yet over: the kingdom is still rife with elves bent on revenge. Patry looks within for a solution--then it's time to bid farewell.

Feb 11, 2020
Yami is agog at what--or who--has taken the place of Julius's body. Asta and Secre are called before the Magic Parliament for their devilish dealings.

Feb 18, 2020
Asta's Black Asta form does him no favors in the court of Damnatio Kira. It's up to a powerful few to save Asta's head from the chopping block.

Feb 25, 2020
Because she used forbidden magic, Nero survived for centuries. In the back of her mind, memories from long ago start to replay in her head. From when Nero was still called Secré and when Secré first met the most powerful mage

Mar 03, 2020
Secre reflects on Patry's reincarnation and that of his fellow elves, the utter havoc they wreaked, how it all ended, and what her future might hold.

Mar 10, 2020
The Black Bulls return to a hideout in dire need of rebuilding, but first they must track down Yami's escaped beasts, now likely feral--and hungry.

Mar 17, 2020
After a meeting with Yami sends Charlotte on a rampage across town, she decides to reveal her feelings for him.

Mar 24, 2020
A contingent of Black Bulls seeks info from Gordon's family of Curse Magic experts, while Noelle digs deeper into what really killed her mother Acier.

Mar 31, 2020
An expedition to the Heart Kingdom uncovers a beautiful, mana-rich land that is a little less than welcoming. Finral resolves to turn over a new leaf.

Apr 07, 2020
Asta and the others manage to meet with the queen of the Heart Kingdom, who had also been chosen by the water spirit, Undine. They are able to confirm that the devil's curse and that the devil was in the Spade Kingdom

Apr 14, 2020
The Wizard King summons the Magic Knight captains to brief them on the alliance with the Heart Kingdom against Megicula and to plan their next steps.

Apr 21, 2020
Asta and Yuno are given permission to go home to Hage for a little while. Asta was being called a devil in the papers, but Father, Sister Lily, everyone at the church, welcomed them home with open arms

Apr 28, 2020
The Black Bulls get a sudden visit from Mereleona and she drags them to the strong magic region of the Yultim Volcano. There, the Crimson Lion Kings, as well as their captain, and his younger brother Leopold, were waiting for them

Jul 07, 2020
As Asta and the others were chasing the creature that lived in the cave beneath the Volcano Trail, they happened upon a dungeon. They were then ordered to explore the dungeon by the royal capital, so they split into groups and went in

Jul 14, 2020
Asta and Noelle return to the Black Bulls hideout only to get taken away by Mereoleona again. The place they were brought this time was the Vermillion estate. Waiting for them there was Captain Fuegoleon, Kirsch, Mimosa, and Sister Theresa

Jul 21, 2020
Finral has dinner with ladies, as a test to see if he can resist their charm. He ends up colliding with Charlotte, who is on a attempted romantic dinner with Yami.

Jul 28, 2020
Noelle and the other Black Bulls head to Racquey to do some training, when Noelle hears a mysterious voice. Shortly after, they are reunited with Kahono and Kiato. The siblings ask them for help and they head down to the Underwater Temple

Aug 04, 2020
Asta and the other Black Bulls continue their training in order to face off with the devil. Charmy is trying to use her cotton magic and her Sheep Cooks to create food to enhance her friends' mana, but she realizes she lacks training

Aug 11, 2020
Zora returns to his hometown to visit his father's grave and there he finds a young commoner training and admiring the one who was the first commoner Magic Knight.

Aug 18, 2020
Vanessa returns to the Witches' Forest and requests that the Witch Queen teach her ancient magic. In exchange, the Queen tasks her with training two witches, Samantha Kravitz and Elvira Aguirre

Aug 25, 2020
Julius asks Marx to do a favor for him. He wanted him to help with creating new magic items as well as take care of some bandits. Marx is accompanied by the former member of the Eye of the Midnight Sun

Sep 01, 2020
The Golden Dawn was hard at work trying to get the kingdom back onto its feet. They were trying to make amends for the trouble they had caused while they were possessed. Captain Vangeance puts Alecdora Sandler in charge of a mission

Sep 08, 2020
Before the Midnight Sun attacked the capital a young woman named Dazu Tayaku lived with her husband and mother-in-law. Dazu is a user of Catalyst Magic, meaning she can only borrow magic from others but has no magic of her own.

Sep 15, 2020
Kabwe Carillon's team of Devil Banishers returns to Bow Nokude's house in Tiulyu. They report to the other team about their failure to capture Asta. Gordon and Noelle take Asta to Owen, who discovers that it was a sleeping potion.

Sep 22, 2020
Dazu angrily blames the Magic Knights for not protecting her village before storming off to the Banishers headquarters, the basement of Bou's medical clinic

Sep 29, 2020
The Bulls infiltrate Lehart alongside the other Magic Knights and find a large crowd of angry commoners gathered. Vanessa is approached by two Banishers who demand she leaves with them quietly or Secre and Marie will be killed instantly.

Oct 06, 2020
Kabue finally realizes he's been fooled by the Devil Believers, but it's too late for him and his friends. The Black Bull is given a new mission: the capture of the Devil Believer in addition to the rescue of Nero.

Oct 13, 2020
Secre warns the Believers an area of strong natural magic stands between them and the Spade Kingdom but the Believers decide to continue.

Oct 20, 2020
Asta manages to escape with Noelle and Secre. Nozel and Fuegoleon arrive, causing the Believers to try attacking them; unfortunately this summons a dragon from the strong magic region.

Oct 27, 2020
Secre recalls that Lumiere designed a magic tool that could increase magic specifically to help those born with low magic, intending to end the discrimination that created the Believers.

Nov 03, 2020
Grey decides to overcome her chronic shyness and asks Noelle for help. As Grey is not shy when she transforms into other people Noelle suggests she transform her state of mind instead.

Nov 10, 2020
The Captains are split into two teams; Yami, Jack, Nozel and Kaiser against Charlotte, Fuegoleon, Dorothy and Vangeance, aiming to destroy the other teams crystals, though Rill is absent for personal reasons.

Nov 17, 2020
The Magic Knight Entrance Exam comes again, marking one year since Asta and Noelle joined the Bulls. Asta is once again swarmed by the Anti-birds for having zero magic.

Nov 24, 2020
The Magic Knight Squad Captains gather for a meeting and an awards ceremony; the captains decide that Asta, Nero, Noelle, Luck, Finral, Mimosa, Leopold, Charlotte and Riley will be going to the Heart Kingdom to train with the Spirit Guardians.

Dec 01, 2020
After Yuno is given the title of 1st Class Magic Knight, Vice Captain Langris decides to competitively spar Yuno with a twist: The loser will leave Golden Dawn.
Black Clover Season 3 (2019) is released on Oct 01, 2019 and the latest season 4 of Black Clover is released in 2020. Watch Black Clover online - the Japanese Animation TV series from Japan. Black Clover is directed by Tatsuya Yoshihara,Rokô Ogiwara,Ayataka Tanemura,Yoshizo Tsuda and created by Katelyn Barr with Dallas Reid and Jill Harris. Black Clover is available online on DIRECTV and Adult Swim.
Asta and Yuno were abandoned together at the same church and have been inseparable since. As children, they promised that they would compete against each other to see who would become the next Wizard King. However, as they grew up the differences in their abilities became considerably noticeable. Yuno was a genius in his magic control and power, whilst Asta possessed no magic at all so he trained his physical body as much as possible in an attempt to make up for his lack of magic. Having received their Grimoires at age 15, Yuno unexpectedly got one with a four leaf clover symbol on his whilst Asta unfortunately did not even get a Grimoire at all. However, when Yuno was threatened, the truth about Asta's power was revealed, he received a five leaf clover Grimoire, a "black clover". Now the two friends are heading out in the world, both seeking the same goal.