Episodes (60)

Shoot a Crooked Arrow
S02E01 · Shoot a Crooked Arrow

Sep 07, 1966

Archer and his gang have come to Gotham City, winning the public's favor with their Robin Hood style deeds of stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Batman and Robin set out to discover the location of their hideout and stop these villains, only to find themselves caught by a trap in the Archer's lair.

Walk the Straight and Narrow
S02E02 · Walk the Straight and Narrow

Sep 08, 1966

Batman and Robin escape their previous peril and are back in action seeking to foil the Archer and his gang. After pulling off a counterfeit job, the villains head for their boat, planning to take their loot safely to Switzerland. The Dynamic Duo set off in the Bat boat to try to stop their escape.

Hot Off the Griddle
S02E03 · Hot Off the Griddle

Sep 14, 1966

Catwoman returns with a string of robberies. Batman sets a trap by planting a news blurb of the location of a rare canary but Catwoman is tipped off and arrives armed. The duo follow a lead to her lair, the Pink Sandbox, but is it a trap?

The Cat and the Fiddle
S02E04 · The Cat and the Fiddle

Sep 15, 1966

Catwoman disguises herself as a wealthy recluse - Minerva Matthews - to exchange a quarter million dollars for two Stradivarius violins. Once the instruments are safely in her hands, the villain reveals her true identity and demands the cash back. But Catwoman is surprised to learn that her business partner - Zubin Zucchini - is also not who he appears to be.

The Minstrel's Shakedown
S02E05 · The Minstrel's Shakedown

Sep 21, 1966

A musical and electronics oriented new villain threatens the Gotham Exchange for ransom.

Barbecued Batman?
S02E06 · Barbecued Batman?

Sep 22, 1966

As the Dynamic Duo attempts to oppose the Minstrel, the villain escalates his plans' destructive potential in retaliation in a way Batman might not be able to thwart.

The Spell of Tut
S02E07 · The Spell of Tut

Sep 28, 1966

King Tut returns with a new plan involving preserved specimens of extinct Egyptian scarabs.

Tut's Case Is Shut
S02E08 · Tut's Case Is Shut

Sep 29, 1966

With his creation of a powerful mind control potion successful, King Tut schemes to bring Gotham City under his total control.

The Greatest Mother of Them All
S02E09 · The Greatest Mother of Them All

Oct 05, 1966

Ma Parker and her delinquent children are pulling off a crime wave in Gotham City. Batman and Robin round up the gang one by one, but when the arrests seem all too easy, the Dynamic Duo suspect something else more sinister may be up.

Ma Parker
S02E10 · Ma Parker

Oct 06, 1966

When the Dynamic Duo realizes Ma Parker has seized control of the Gotham Penitentiary, they must get in to stop her.

The Clock King's Crazy Crimes
S02E11 · The Clock King's Crazy Crimes

Oct 12, 1966

After a robbery aided by a rigged timepiece, Batman and Robin deduce the Clock King must be in Gotham City. Disguised as a pop art expert, the villain brings his latest masterpiece to the Parkhurst Gallery. But everyone is surprised when the sculpture turns out to be more than just a piece of art, and the Clock King makes off with a valuable time-related painting. Batman and Robin follow a clue to the villain's hideout, unaware that a trap awaits them.

The Clock King Gets Crowned
S02E12 · The Clock King Gets Crowned

Oct 13, 1966

Aunt Harriet purchases a clock as a birthday present for Bruce Wayne, unaware that it is a plant by the Clock King. But when the villain learns that a control switch meant for his final caper has been errantly placed on the timepiece, he breaks into Wayne Manor to retrieve it, nabbing some valuable watches in the meantime. Batman and Robin shortly deduce his master plan and race to stop him.

An Egg Grows in Gotham
S02E13 · An Egg Grows in Gotham

Oct 19, 1966

Egghead steals the Gotham City charter. He finds a loophole that could give him control of Gotham City if descendants of the original founding families (including Bruce Wayne) do not pay nine raccoon pelts to Chief Screaming Chicken on time. Not only is he interested in stopping the payment, but Egghead believes he also has a lead on Batman's true identity.

The Yegg Foes in Gotham
S02E14 · The Yegg Foes in Gotham

Oct 20, 1966

When the lease payment for Gotham City fails to be made on time, possession of the city falls into the hands of Egghead. Chaos ensues as the villain fires Commissioner Gordon and bans the Dynamic Duo from city limits. While the criminal underworld enjoys free reign, Batman and Robin search the city charter's fine print for a solution.

The Devil's Fingers
S02E15 · The Devil's Fingers

Oct 26, 1966

Chandell, the musical virtuoso, visits Gotham City for a piano concert. But unknown to the public, Chandell is being blackmailed into a life of crime by his twin brother Harry, who retains most of the profits. Chandell intends to buy off Harry forever, and he knows just where to get the funds - from the Wayne family fortune. With Batman and Robin out of town, he suspects the robbery will be a piece of cake. However, Batman has been listening to Chandell's concert remotely, and after detecting an anomalous chord, summons Robin back to Wayne Manor to investigate.

The Dead Ringers
S02E16 · The Dead Ringers

Oct 27, 1966

Batman and Robin escape Chandell's trap. Once back in the Batcave, they deduce his plan to get the Wayne family fortune by killing Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson, then marrying the rightful heir, Aunt Harriet. In order to trap the villain, Bruce and Dick fake their own deaths. However, Harry has also figured out his brother Chandell's scheme, and desiring the Wayne fortune for himself, concocts a plan to masquerade as his twin brother.

Hizzonner the Penguin
S02E17 · Hizzonner the Penguin

Nov 02, 1966

When Penguin runs for Mayor of Gotham City, Batman is persuaded to run against him.

Dizzoner the Penguin
S02E18 · Dizzoner the Penguin

Nov 03, 1966

The mayoral campaign seems to keep going the Penguin's way, but Batman is still confident despite the polls.

Green Ice
S02E19 · Green Ice

Nov 09, 1966

Mr. Freeze is in town, and has begun a new cold wave of terror. He launches "Operation Hate Batman," framing the Caped Crusader as taking a bribe and dressing his own henchmen as Batman and Robin. As the negative press mounts, Mr. Freeze works on his plan to turn the Dynamic Duo into human Frosty Freezies.

Deep Freeze
S02E20 · Deep Freeze

Nov 10, 1966

The press continues to attack Batman and Robin, thanks to framing by Mr. Freeze. As public animosity mounts, the Dynamic Duo decide to hang up their capes for the time being. But when Mr. Freeze demands the impossible sum of one billion dollars, or else he will cover all of Gotham City with ice, the Caped Crusaders feel compelled to go back into action to foil the frosty villain.

The Impractical Joker
S02E21 · The Impractical Joker

Nov 16, 1966

The Joker pulls off a string of key-related pranks throughout Gotham City, then with his magic box, proceeds to snatch a priceless jeweled key right under the noses of Batman and Robin. The Dynamic Duo wise up to his ways and thwart him at their next encounter. However, the Joker has more devious plans to do away with them both before his final caper.

The Joker's Provokers
S02E22 · The Joker's Provokers

Nov 17, 1966

After a reworking, the Joker's magic box holds the power to alter time forward and backward. Batman and Robin learn of his plans to pollute the city water supply, and butler Alfred is sent to take over as security guard at the water works. Alfred nabs the box upon the villain's arrival, freezing him and his cronies in time, but unwittingly commits a dangerous error when he removes the box's key.

Marsha, Queen of Diamonds
S02E23 · Marsha, Queen of Diamonds

Nov 23, 1966

Marsha, the Queen of Diamonds, is after the giant diamond that powers the Batcomputer. With her love darts, she puts both Commissioner Gordon and Chief O'Hara under her spell (and into her custody). When the Dynamic Duo show up, they too are injected with her love potion, and Batman must agree to marry Marsha if he ever wants his friends to be returned.

Marsha's Scheme of Diamonds
S02E24 · Marsha's Scheme of Diamonds

Nov 24, 1966

Hoping to obtain the Batcave's bat-diamond, Marsha searches for a new potion to use on the Caped Crusaders. Batman and Robin do some searching of their own and arrive at the criminal's hideout. But after Marsha douses them with her concoctions, the villainess seems to have a unique bargaining chip - two tiny caped toads - with which to gain Commissioner Gordon's help in locating the Batcave.

Come Back, Shame
S02E25 · Come Back, Shame

Nov 30, 1966

Shame is back, and is using stolen vehicle parts to assemble a truck so fast even the Batmobile won't be able to catch him. Bruce Wayne tricks him into stealing his limo, which he (as Batman) and Robin use to track down his hideout. But the villain gains the upper hand in the ensuing fight, and the Dynamic Duo find themselves staked to the ground in the path of a cattle stampede.

It's How You Play the Game
S02E26 · It's How You Play the Game

Dec 01, 1966

With his special truck finished, Shame goes to work on his final caper - the theft of four prize cattle worth over one million dollars. Batman and Robin deduce his plan, but realize they are too late to stop him and too slow to catch him. With little left to go on, the Dynamic Duo employ their "bat-logic" to try to figure out his next move.

The Penguin's Nest
S02E27 · The Penguin's Nest

Dec 07, 1966

Facing the strange situation of the Penguin determined to be arrested, Batman must figure out why.

The Bird's Last Jest
S02E28 · The Bird's Last Jest

Dec 08, 1966

Discovering why the Penguin wants to return to prison, Batman has a counterplan that needs Alfred's participation.

The Cat's Meow
S02E29 · The Cat's Meow

Dec 14, 1966

The Catwoman "steals" the voice of a television talk-show host in the middle of an interview with Bruce Wayne. She plants clues to suggest either the Joker, Riddler or Penguin may have committed the crime. In the meantime, she has fooled Commissioner Gordon into thinking she has gone straight. She makes her first mistake when she masquerades as Miss Klutz, a dance instructor visiting Wayne Manor. Allergic to dogwood, she sneezes and gives herself away. Her next target is to "steal" the voices of British singers Chad and Jeremy. Batman and Robin eventually track her to...

The Bat's Kow Tow
S02E30 · The Bat's Kow Tow

Dec 15, 1966

Batman and Robin escape Catwoman's trap by hitting the precise note needed to shatter the glass chamber in which they're prisoners. They quickly get on the trail of Catwoman. The feminine feline criminal eventually "steals" the voices of Chad and Jeremy, Commissioner Gordon and talk-show host Allen Stephens. She blackmails the British government, which faces the lost of revenue from the taxes on Chad and Jeremy's performances. Batman and Robin eventually capture Catwoman and her gang, but not before Batman and Catwoman express obvious affection for each other.

The Puzzles Are Coming
S02E31 · The Puzzles Are Coming

Dec 21, 1966

The Puzzler, a villain with a fondness for both Shakespeare and aviation, indicates he is after the fortunes of Artemus Knab. He convinces the billionaire to invest in his puzzle balloon business, but when the Dynamic Duo find that Knab seems too intelligent to fall for a phony scheme, they look deeper for the criminal's true intentions. Their search leads them to Knab's airplane monopoly, but unknown to them, the Puzzler has plans to halt their investigation - permanently.

The Duo Is Slumming
S02E32 · The Duo Is Slumming

Dec 22, 1966

The Puzzler continues with his plan to hijack Artemus Knab's new airplane, the Retsoor, all the while leaving puzzles behind for Batman and Robin to ponder. He familiarizes himself with the jet's designs, then prepares to fly his prize to a foreign country where he will hold it for ransom. But the Dynamic Duo have an easier time with his clues than he expected, resulting in a climactic confrontation at the airplane hanger.

The Sandman Cometh
S02E33 · The Sandman Cometh

Dec 28, 1966

Catwoman and the Sandman have teamed up, and they're after the fortunes of J. Pauline Spaghetti, a rich insomniac. Catwoman pulls a publicity stunt, getting the Sandman (under the guise of "Dr. Somnambula") an invitation to Spaghetti's penthouse - and her financial records. Batman and Robin investigate the situation, but soon find themselves trapped by the criminals.

The Catwoman Goeth
S02E34 · The Catwoman Goeth

Dec 29, 1966

Though Batman escapes the Sandman's trap, Robin is left to wander in a deadly maze. A clue leads Batman to Catwoman's lair, where he informs her of Sandman's plans to elope with J. Pauline Spaghetti and keep her fortunes to himself. Enraged by the Sandman's trickery, Catwoman sets out after him. Batman, with the now-rescued Robin, also follows, and the group meet up at Spaghetti's old deserted pasta factory.

The Contaminated Cowl
S02E35 · The Contaminated Cowl

Jan 04, 1967

The Mad Hatter has escaped from prison, and is on a quest to add Batman's cowl to his collection of hats. He attends Gotham City's annual headdress ball disguised as the Three-tailed Pasha Of Panchagorum, and snatches a large ruby off of columnist Hattie Hatfield's headdress. The villain makes a getaway, but not before turning Batman's cowl pink with a radioactive spray. He trails Batman to the Atomic Energy Laboratory, knowing he will have a chance to snatch his cowl when it is removed for decontamination.

The Mad Hatter Runs Afoul
S02E36 · The Mad Hatter Runs Afoul

Jan 05, 1967

What appear to be the skeletons of Batman and Robin are found at Gotham City's Atomic Energy Laboratory, where the Mad Hatter left them to irradiate. Word of their demise spreads like wildfire. With the world busy mourning its loss, the Mad Hatter has no trouble snatching a valuable ruby from the Golden Buddha of Bergama's forehead. However, when rumor spreads that Batman and Robin are still alive, the Mad Hatter's scheme appears jeopardized.

The Zodiac Crimes
S02E37 · The Zodiac Crimes

Jan 11, 1967

The Joker returns with a new zodiac-themed crime wave.

The Joker's Hard Times
S02E38 · The Joker's Hard Times

Jan 12, 1967

The Joker continues his zodiac theme as the Dynamic Duo pursues him.

The Penguin Declines
S02E39 · The Penguin Declines

Jan 18, 1967

As the Joker and the Penguin's zodiac theme become even more grandiose, the Dynamic Duo's dissolution becomes its ultimate goal.

That Darn Catwoman
S02E40 · That Darn Catwoman

Jan 19, 1967

Catwoman mind-controls Robin!. The Caped Crusader must stop her before she does who-knows-what with him!.

Scat! Darn Catwoman
S02E41 · Scat! Darn Catwoman

Jan 25, 1967

Catwoman mind-controls Batman!!. Holy Domination!!!. Will the Boy Wonder be able to pause her paws before she performs what-have-you on you-know-what???

Penguin Is a Girl's Best Friend
S02E42 · Penguin Is a Girl's Best Friend

Jan 26, 1967

Penguin forms a motion picture company and teams up with Marsha, Queen of Diamonds. He gets Batman and Robin to take part in his movie. Marsha attempts to put Batman under her spell with drugged lipstick during the love scene.

Penguin Sets a Trend
S02E43 · Penguin Sets a Trend

Feb 01, 1967

In order to keep a close eye on the Penguin (and hopefully locate the stolen chain mail armor), Batman and Robin rejoin Penguin's movie efforts. The next part of his film is to take place in medieval times. Therefore, Penguin has the Dynamic Duo dress in armor suits, but only to trap them with a giant magnet while he snatches top-secret papers from the Hexagon. Batman and Robin free themselves and follow the villain, but after a losing battle with him, the Penguin has them hauled off as scrap metal to be crushed.

Penguin's Disastrous End
S02E44 · Penguin's Disastrous End

Feb 02, 1967

The Penguin attempts his scheme's masterstroke, complete with an audacious means of escape no one will see coming.

Batman's Anniversary
S02E45 · Batman's Anniversary

Feb 08, 1967

During a party for Batman's crime-fighting anniversary, the Riddler appears and nabs a golden calf filled with money for charity. His next target is the Gotham City Bank, which he floods for an underwater robbery. Although Batman and Robin try to stop him, the villain makes a clean getaway, leaving only a final riddle that stumps the Caped Crusaders. They discover all too late that his next move is an attempt to destroy them, this time with deadly quicksand disguised as strawberry icing atop a giant cake.

A Riddling Controversy
S02E46 · A Riddling Controversy

Feb 09, 1967

The Riddler now has enough money to buy Professor Charm's Demolecularizer. He demonstrates his weapon on a park statue and issues an ultimatum. If all criminal statutes are not rescinded, he will begin dissolving all buildings in Gotham.

The Joker's Last Laugh
S02E47 · The Joker's Last Laugh

Feb 15, 1967

Counterfeit money is being distributed by respectable citizens in Gotham City. Batman and Robin investigate, and find one of the Joker's lifelike robots substituting for a bank teller. They are certain who is behind the crime. But to get actual proof, Batman plans to visit the villain as Bruce Wayne and trick him into disclosing his operation. When his scheme suddenly backfires, it appears he will instead have to appoint the Joker as Vice Chairman of the Gotham National Bank.

The Joker's Epitaph
S02E48 · The Joker's Epitaph

Feb 16, 1967

The Joker is now Vice Chairman of the Gotham National Bank, due to an unsuccessful plan of Batman's. He installs his robots as tellers, and despite his criminal past, seems to be running things in perfect order. The Dynamic Duo realize they will have to trick him into making a mistake in order to remove him. They go to work on a plan to gain control of his robots. But that plan is jeopardized when, due to an odd turn of events, Batman's true identity Bruce Wayne is declared mentally ill and hauled off in a straight-jacket.

Catwoman Goes to College
S02E49 · Catwoman Goes to College

Feb 22, 1967

Catwoman is released from prison, and claiming she wants to enrich her education, enrolls at Gotham City University. She dresses one of her own henchmen as the Caped Crusader in order to frame him for a robbery. With Batman in jail, she goes ahead with her plan for a mass sit-in at Chimes Square. Catwoman is more than surprised when Batman himself shows up at the event. However, his efforts to expose the villainess are futile, and she prepares to terminate him and Robin in front of the whole crowd.

Batman Displays His Knowledge
S02E50 · Batman Displays His Knowledge

Feb 23, 1967

Catwoman goes ahead with her scheme to steal several Batagonian Cat's Eye opals, but she has trouble finding someone to fence them since such rare stones would be easily spotted. With little recourse left, she decides to turn them in for the reward money. It seems like the perfect job for her acquaintance, Freddy the Fence. But when he notices that the gems are fakes, Catwoman realizes she has been tricked by Batman and vows to get revenge on the Caped Crusader once and for all.

A Piece of the Action
S02E51 · A Piece of the Action

Mar 01, 1967

The Green Hornet and Kato come to Gotham City to stop a stamp counterfeiting scheme, but the Dynamic Duo, unaware of their true heroic motives, is out to stop them.

Batman's Satisfaction
S02E52 · Batman's Satisfaction

Mar 02, 1967

Colonel Gumm planned heist at a major stamp exhibition results in a showdown between Batman and The Green Hornet.

King Tut's Coup
S02E53 · King Tut's Coup

Mar 08, 1967

After a blow to the head, Yale's Egyptology professor once again believes he is King Tut. He mistakes Bruce Wayne's friend Lisa for Queen Cleopatra, and kidnaps her so he can bring her to Egypt as his bride. Batman and Robin soon locate Tut's hideout, thanks to a hidden tracking device. But soon after entering, they are captured by Tut's cronies, and Batman is submerged in a sarcophagus under five feet of water.

Batman's Waterloo
S02E54 · Batman's Waterloo

Mar 09, 1967

Though Batman escapes his watery trap, Robin is left in the hands of King Tut. The deluded villain still believes that Lisa Carson is really Queen Cleopatra, and calls Lisa's father to demand a ransom of $8,300,487.12, the mortgage on the Pyramids. Using the Jolly Jackson radio show to communicate, Tut negotiates the terms of payment with Batman. However, the villain most likely intends to keep both the money and Lisa, and has further plans to fry the Caped Crusaders in his royal boiling oil.

Black Widow Strikes Again
S02E55 · Black Widow Strikes Again

Mar 15, 1967

The Black Widow uses her cerebrum short-circuiting device to rob bank after bank in Gotham City. Batman and Robin soon catch up with her, but actually capturing the villainess proves harder than expected. Despite her nerve paralyzer spray, and two remote-control dummies that try to throw the Dynamic Duo off course, they finally make it inside the Black Widow's lair. But soon after entering, they are trapped in a giant web with two deadly black widow spiders.

Caught in the Spider's Den
S02E56 · Caught in the Spider's Den

Mar 16, 1967

The Black Widow adjusts her cerebrum short-circuiting device to successfully alter Batman's brain. With Batman powerless to resist, and Robin captured, she disguises herself as the Boy Wonder and brings along a dummy Batman to rob another bank. Commissioner Gordon initially believes Batman is setting a trap for the villainess. But when word comes of the successful robbery, the commissioner puts out an all-points bulletin to bring in the Caped Crusaders dead or alive.

Pop Goes the Joker
S02E57 · Pop Goes the Joker

Mar 22, 1967

When the Joker takes advantage of his vandalism of fine art being appreciated as pop art itself, Batman must discover his true scheme.

Flop Goes the Joker
S02E58 · Flop Goes the Joker

Mar 23, 1967

After thoroughly bamboozling his young patron, the Joker makes his move against the Gotham City Museum for a grand extortion scheme.

Ice Spy
S02E59 · Ice Spy

Mar 29, 1967

Mr. Freeze is back in town, and has plans to build an icy weapon that will have the world at his control. With help from Glacia Glaze, the renowned ice skater, he captures Professor Isaacson and tries to extract the secret formula for instant ice from him. Mr. Freeze then sends his trained seal Isolde to Police Headquarters with a note, demanding Batman deliver a ransom in exchange for the professor. But the frosty villain not only plans to keep the money and the professor, but to terminate the Dynamic Duo in the process.

The Duo Defy
S02E60 · The Duo Defy

Mar 30, 1967

Back in his iceberg headquarters, Mr. Freeze persuades the kidnapped Professor Isaacson to build him a thermodynamic ice ray beam. He issues an ultimatum that he will begin freezing the entire country if his demands are not met, then gives a demonstration of his weapon. As the villain works out just what his demands are, Batman and Robin track his seal, Isolde, through an ice-packed Gotham Harbor to locate the villain's hideout.


Batman Season 2 (1966) is released on Sep 07, 1966 and the latest season 3 of Batman is released in 1967. Watch Batman online - the English Action TV series from United States. Batman is directed by Oscar Rudolph,James B. Clark,George Waggner,Sam Strangis and created by Bob Kane with Adam West and Burt Ward. Batman is available online on Tubi TV and Freevee Amazon Channel.

Wealthy entrepreneur Bruce Wayne (Adam West) and his ward Dick Grayson (Burt Ward) lead a double life: they are actually the crime-fighting duo Batman and Robin. A secret Batpole in the Wayne mansion leads to the Batcave, where Police Commissioner Gordon (Neil Hamilton) summons the Dynamic Duo on the Batphone with the latest emergency threatening Gotham City. Racing to the scene of the crime in the jet-powered Batmobile, Batman and Robin must (with the help of their trusty utility-belts) thwart the efforts of a rogues gallery of flamboyant archvillains, including The Joker (Cesar Romero), The Penguin (Burgess Meredith), The Riddler (Frank Gorshin) and the Catwoman (Julie Newmar and Eartha Kitt).

As know as:

Batman e Robin, Μπάτμαν, バットマン, Batman, Batman - Lepakkomies

Release Date:

Jul 30, 1966

Release Date (Streaming):

Jul 01, 2008


United States



Stream Service:

20th Century Fox

Production Companies:

20th Century Fox Television, Greenway Productions [us]


Batman comes to life tonight! Watch master criminals like The Riddler try to outwit those legendary crime fighters Batman and Robin in TWO spine-tingling episodes each week! (season 1)

Cast & Crew

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