Episodes (100)

Banana News
S04E01 · Banana News

Aug 05, 1996

Rat starts a newspaper and the Bananas are his reporters. Searching for news, they meet Morgan who invites them to witness a new world record.

Tuesday Disguise
S04E02 · Tuesday Disguise

Aug 06, 1996

It's Tuesday which of course is Banana chasing Teddy day. The Teddies decide to trick the Bananas by hiding in disguises. The Bananas finally catch on and plan their own trick.

Amy's Trombone
S04E03 · Amy's Trombone

Aug 07, 1996

Amy buys a new trombone and drives everyone to distraction with it.

Holiday Time
S04E04 · Holiday Time

Aug 08, 1996

Rat opens a travel agency - Rat's Paradise Holidays. He sends the Teddies on holiday to the Banana's house and the Bananas on holidays to the Teddies' house.

Knitting Bananas
S04E05 · Knitting Bananas

Aug 09, 1996

Morgan volunteers to teach the Bananas how to knit themselves warm woolly hats.

Topsy Turvey
S04E06 · Topsy Turvey

Aug 12, 1996

Amy puts her top on back to front and calls B1, B2 and B2, B1 by mistake. The Bananas come up with the bright idea of having a Topsy Turvy day.

Lucky Day
S04E07 · Lucky Day

Aug 13, 1996

Amy finds her lucky charm bracelet and feels it's now a lucky day. But then everything seems to go wrong. Luckily Amy has very good friends who help.

Weather Rat
S04E08 · Weather Rat

Aug 14, 1996

Rat-in-a-Hat uses a weather wheel to predict the day's weather. The Bananas plan a trick to substitute the pictures on the wheel.

Moving Bananas
S04E09 · Moving Bananas

Aug 15, 1996

B1 and B2 try to transport some furniture to the Teddies for Rat-in-a-Hat, but run into a whole host of problems.

Where's Lulu?
S04E10 · Where's Lulu?

Aug 16, 1996

Lulu can't find her sun hat and umbrella, and is late for the picnic. Then she can't find the picnic. Everyone goes round in circles to find each other.

Magic Sack
S04E11 · Magic Sack

Aug 19, 1996

When Morgan discovers his Autumn leaves sack filled with food he decides that it must be a magic sack. The Bananas convince Morgan that his sack is truly magical.

Rat's Zoo
S04E12 · Rat's Zoo

Aug 20, 1996

Rat builds a special fence around his newest attraction - a wildlife park. The fence falls down and the Teddies rush to fetch fence-mending equipment.

New Tent
S04E13 · New Tent

Aug 21, 1996

The Bananas plan some camping fun with a new tent. But when they forget to bring sleeping bags, food and a torch, the Teddies decide to head home.

Sleeping Teddy
S04E14 · Sleeping Teddy

Aug 22, 1996

One morning Amy is very sleepy. She is so tired she falls asleep at breakfast and even on the beach.

S04E15 · Oops

Aug 23, 1996

The Bananas help Morgan with a special tea party, but their clumsiness almost ruins everything.

Busker Bananas
S04E16 · Busker Bananas

Aug 26, 1996

The Bananas are coming home from Rat's shop with a basket of goodies for tea. The basket is gradually emptied as they reward Teddy buskers on route.

Special Treasures
S04E17 · Special Treasures

Aug 27, 1996

Amy hides her jewel case of special treasures so they will be safe from Morgan's prying. Unfortunately she forgets where she has hidden it.

Surprise Disguise
S04E18 · Surprise Disguise

Aug 28, 1996

The Bananas dress up in disguises in order to uncover the Teddies mysterious surprise - but the Teddies are too clever.

Rat Clean
S04E19 · Rat Clean

Aug 29, 1996

Rat has been thinking of inventing a cleaning machine. He uses the Bananas to demonstrate how it will work, tricking them into cleaning his shop.

Banana Rescue
S04E20 · Banana Rescue

Aug 30, 1996

The Teddies become trapped in Amy's bedroom when the door handle fall off. The Bananas plan to rescue them, but first the Teddies need to be fed.

Singing Bananas
S04E21 · Singing Bananas

Sep 02, 1996

Rat-in-a-Hat gives the Bananas a job delivering singing messages.

Dirty Rat
S04E22 · Dirty Rat

Sep 03, 1996

Rat-in-a-Hat is attending a dinner party and decides to wear his most elegant suit, but he has trouble keeping it clean.

Puppy Love
S04E23 · Puppy Love

Sep 04, 1996

Morgan desperately wants to have a pet to care for. But when two very disobedient Banana puppies turn up Morgan wishes he had asked for a kitten instead.

Crab Catchers
S04E24 · Crab Catchers

Sep 05, 1996

Amy finds a large shell on the beach. She soon discovers that a crab has made it into a home. The Bananas plan a crab finding time.

Joy Flight
S04E25 · Joy Flight

Sep 06, 1996

Rat converts his ratmobile into an aeroplane so that Lulu will be able to fly like Maggie. But the rat plane just won't take off.

Seeing Double
S04E26 · Seeing Double

Sep 09, 1996

The Bananas admire Morgan's new reading glasses, Rat sells them each a pair, but the Bananas discover that they make life hard if you don't really need them.

Talking Trees
S04E27 · Talking Trees

Sep 10, 1996

When Amy laughs at Morgan for talking to his plants, the Bananas dress up as talking trees.

S04E28 · Sniffles

Sep 11, 1996

Rat has a bad case of the sniffles and the Dr Bananas order him to stay in bed all day. His friends pitch in to help run the shop.

Space Bananas
S04E29 · Space Bananas

Sep 12, 1996

The Teddies wonder about flying saucers and visitors from outer space. The Bananas overhear and plan a trick time.

Golden Eggs
S04E30 · Golden Eggs

Sep 13, 1996

Rat and the Bananas mistake Lulu's chocolate treasure hunt eggs for golden eggs laid by a golden bird. The Bananas plan a "hatching time" and sit on the eggs.

Banana Day
S04E31 · Banana Day

Sep 16, 1996

The Bananas get up one morning, look at their Calendar and discover it is "Banana Day". The trouble is no-one else seems to know about it.

Dinner Party
S04E32 · Dinner Party

Sep 17, 1996

B1 and B2 plan a dinner party, but even the best laid plans can go very wrong.

Washing Line
S04E33 · Washing Line

Sep 18, 1996

The Bananas discover that they have used their washing line to tie up old newspapers. but what will they use to hang their washing on?

Vanishing Vegetables
S04E34 · Vanishing Vegetables

Sep 19, 1996

When vegetables keep disappearing from the park, Morgan and his Banana helpers investigate. Rat is the culprit accidentally.

Ship Ahoy!
S04E35 · Ship Ahoy!

Sep 20, 1996

In the park Amy is playing sailors. The Bananas decide to help by making her a real boat.

Tall Morgan
S04E36 · Tall Morgan

Sep 23, 1996

Morgan wants to be taller so Rat-in-a-Hat sells him some elevator shoes and the Bananas make Morgan's clothes shorter.

Springtime Party
S04E37 · Springtime Party

Sep 24, 1996

A party to celebrate spring is planned but unfortunately Lulu is sick in bed. The party preparation continues while concerned Teddies and Dr Bananas tend to Lulu.

Gobbledy Gook
S04E38 · Gobbledy Gook

Sep 25, 1996

The Bananas accidentally invent new names for things. Their spade becomes a "diggy thing" and the rubbish bin a "flippy top".

Wrong Side
S04E39 · Wrong Side

Sep 26, 1996

One morning the Bananas get up on the wrong side of the bed and everything seems to go wrong. The only solution is to go back to bed and start the day all over again.

Pretty Maggie
S04E40 · Pretty Maggie

Sep 27, 1996

Rat thinks he hears Maggie speak and decides to give her some lessons - a talking bird would be worth a fortune.

Mermaid Teardrops
S04E41 · Mermaid Teardrops

Sep 30, 1996

Rat-in-a-Hat is having trouble selling some silver hails until he calls them "Mermaid Teardrops", then B1 and B2 cannot resist buying them.

Street Fixers
S04E42 · Street Fixers

Oct 01, 1996

The Bananas become road workers and attempt to fix a hole in the street.

Tangly Trick
S04E43 · Tangly Trick

Oct 02, 1996

The Bananas discover a funny trick when their kite tail gets tangled in the picnic basket causing it to move as if by magic.

Walkie Talkie
S04E44 · Walkie Talkie

Oct 03, 1996

Some new walkie-talkies cause some confusion for the Bananas and the Teddies.

S04E45 · Statues

Oct 04, 1996

Rat plans a monument in the park but soon discovers that making a clay statue is harder than he had anticipated.

Banana Cart
S04E46 · Banana Cart

Oct 07, 1996

The fix it Bananas create a cart out of an old broken pram, wooden box and piece of rope found while clearing up the beach.

Lulu's Tutu
S04E47 · Lulu's Tutu

Oct 08, 1996

Lulu decides that she loves her new tutu so much she is never going to take it off.

Rain Dance
S04E48 · Rain Dance

Oct 09, 1996

There is a heatwave on Cuddles Avenue and everyone tries to think of ways to keep cool The Bananas decide it's 'rain time'.

Work Shed
S04E49 · Work Shed

Oct 10, 1996

Lulu's carpentry projects are getting in everyone's way. The Bananas plan a helping time and decide to build Lulu a special surprise.

Invisible Bananas
S04E50 · Invisible Bananas

Oct 11, 1996

The Bananas hide from each other and think they have become invisible. They attempt to trick the Teddies, but the trick backfires.

Teddy Chase
S04E51 · Teddy Chase

Oct 14, 1996

On Tuesdays Bananas in pyjamas chase teddy bears but it has been agreed that on Mondays the Teddies will chase the Bananas.

S04E52 · Stripes

Oct 15, 1996

The Teddies can't agree on what colour to paint their walls. The Bananas plan a fixing time and secretly paint the house - in stripes.

Magic Pumpkin
S04E53 · Magic Pumpkin

Oct 16, 1996

Morgan wants to grow the biggest pumpkin in the world. The Bananas plan a trick time, blow up a balloon and paint it to look like a pumpkin.

Banana Plumbers
S04E54 · Banana Plumbers

Oct 17, 1996

The Bananas become plumbers and plan a fixing time when the Teddies sink doesn't drain.

Home Delivery
S04E55 · Home Delivery

Oct 18, 1996

Rat has a new home delivery service. The Bananas run back and forth between home and Rat's shop several times to make sure their order is right.

Sea Surprise
S04E56 · Sea Surprise

Oct 21, 1996

It is a cloudy, cold day, but the Bananas are determined to enjoy a day at the beach. They bring the beach "inside" the house and invite the Teddies to join them.

Taxi Rat
S04E57 · Taxi Rat

Oct 22, 1996

Rat does a brilliant sales job on a second hand Ratmobile. The Banana buyers discover they have just one small problem - they don't know how to drive.

Billy Cart
S04E58 · Billy Cart

Oct 23, 1996

The Bananas and the Teddies make billy carts.

Lost Recipe
S04E59 · Lost Recipe

Oct 24, 1996

Rat provides a special and rather strange recipe for a special birthday cake for Amy.

Rat Suits
S04E60 · Rat Suits

Oct 25, 1996

Rat convinces the Bananas that they need "chic" new suits. Unfortunately he loses the measurements. Luckily the suits are perfect for the Teddies.

Odd Jobs
S04E61 · Odd Jobs

Oct 28, 1996

B1 and B2 offer to wash, fix, mow and clean for the Teddies and Rat. They claim that the "Odd Job Bananas", will do any job fast.

Self Serve
S04E62 · Self Serve

Oct 29, 1996

Rat's self service shop is not a great success. He returns early from his holiday to discover that his customers missed him as much as he missed them.

Ribbon Hunt
S04E63 · Ribbon Hunt

Oct 30, 1996

The Bananas mistake Morgan's treasure trail clues for rubbish and tidy them up.

Lost Tortoise
S04E64 · Lost Tortoise

Oct 31, 1996

When Tolstoy the Tortoise goes missing, the Detective Bananas are on the case.

Rescue Practice
S04E65 · Rescue Practice

Nov 01, 1996

The Cuddles Avenue 'Rescue Squad' is having a practice day. B1 and B2 ask for volunteers to pretend that they need to be rescued.

Rat Race
S04E66 · Rat Race

Nov 04, 1996

Rat challenges Tolstoy the Tortoise to a race. With a little bit of help from Morgan and the tricky Bananas, the slow and steady tortoise comes home first.

Tall Story
S04E67 · Tall Story

Nov 05, 1996

No one is interested in coming to the park to see the new bird bath Amy has built so she invents a story about flying elephants.

Purple Pencil
S04E68 · Purple Pencil

Nov 06, 1996

The Banana Detectives are hot on the trail of Lulu's missing purple pencil. Soon another Cuddles Avenue mystery is solved - by lucky accident.

Strange Signs
S04E69 · Strange Signs

Nov 07, 1996

When the Teddies find strange signs telling them to swim on the park bench and have a picnic in the middle of the street, they suspect the bananas.

Car Sale
S04E70 · Car Sale

Nov 08, 1996

Rat sells the Bananas a car. The "Bananalimo", is quite useful for plant storage and as a wardrobe - but neither Banana can drive.

Sand Festival
S04E71 · Sand Festival

Nov 11, 1996

The Bananas, Teddies and Rat in-a hat decide to have a sand modelling day at the beach.

S04E72 · Switcheroo

Nov 12, 1996

The Bananas decide to play a trick on the Teddies and swap pyjamas. But trying to act like another banana turns out to be harder than B1 and B2 had anticipated.

Noisy Night
S04E73 · Noisy Night

Nov 13, 1996

The detective Bananas investigate some mysterious night noises which are keeping Morgan awake.

S04E74 · B3

Nov 14, 1996

When Lulu decides that she would like to try life as a Banana, B1 and B2 are introduced to a rather short and furry B3.

Rat's Tale
S04E75 · Rat's Tale

Nov 15, 1996

Amy is upset because Rat in a hat has sold out of tails and everyone else in Cuddles Avenue has bought one.

Morgan's Story
S04E76 · Morgan's Story

Nov 18, 1996

Bold Morgan the fearless explorer', sets out on a quest for adventure.

Magic Hat
S04E77 · Magic Hat

Nov 19, 1996

When Amy's sunhat falls onto Tolstoy the Tortoise and moves, the Bananas in Pyjamas think it must be a magic hat.

Beauty Rat
S04E78 · Beauty Rat

Nov 20, 1996

Rat in a hat wishes he was as handsome as "Brad Ratt", the movie star. The Bananas and Teddies help in his transformation.

Mixed Up Time
S04E79 · Mixed Up Time

Nov 21, 1996

Everybody's clocks are showing a different time, leading to confusion on Cuddles Avenue.

Cinder Rat
S04E80 · Cinder Rat

Nov 22, 1996

Rat agrees to be in a play but only if he gets to act in the lead role. The Bananas organise the Cuddles Avenue production of Cinderella.

Farmer Rat
S04E81 · Farmer Rat

Nov 25, 1996

Rat wishes he could leave the bustle of Cuddles Ave and get back to a "nice, peaceful, quiet farmer's life"

S04E82 · Butterflies

Nov 26, 1996

The Teddies put on a play for the Bananas in the park, but Morgan has butterflies in his tummy so B1 and B2 offer to fill his role.

S04E83 · Do-it-Yourself

Nov 27, 1996

The Bananas buy a "Do it yourself' kit from Rat in a hat. But they don't get the slippery dip and climbing frame they ordered.

S04E84 · Lullaby

Nov 28, 1996

Rat in a hat is having trouble sleeping and the Bananas offer to help. They solve the sleeping problem but now Rat's snores are keeping Cuddles Avenue awake.

Twinkle Twinkle
S04E85 · Twinkle Twinkle

Nov 29, 1996

Morgan has a new pair of binoculars but the night is too cloudy to see any stars. The Bananas plan a trick time.

Jingly Jangly
S04E86 · Jingly Jangly

Dec 02, 1996

The Bananas try to make some kites for Rat-in-a-Hat to sell in his shop. Unfortunately, their jingly jangly kites are too heavy to fly.

Adventure Amy
S04E87 · Adventure Amy

Dec 03, 1996

Amy and the Bananas create an adventure for themselves on the beach. Knight Amy rescues a Banana Frog Prince from a magic ring and tricks a Banana Dragon.

Paw Prints
S04E88 · Paw Prints

Dec 04, 1996

Lulu is making a painting in the park using her paws to print. When the painting goes missing, the Detective Bananas offer to solve the mystery.

Cuckoo Clock
S04E89 · Cuckoo Clock

Dec 05, 1996

When the Bananas accidentally break Morgan's new cuckoo clock, they offer to fix it.

Green Paws
S04E90 · Green Paws

Dec 06, 1996

When Morgan's vegetable seeds grow overnight, the Teddies decide he must have "green paws".

House Guests
S04E91 · House Guests

Dec 09, 1996

When the Bananas in Pyjamas' stairs break, the Teddies invite them over to stay. But the Bananas find it very difficult to do things the Teddies' way.

Birthday Surprise
S04E92 · Birthday Surprise

Dec 10, 1996

Rat has lost his birthdate so he can't have a birthday. The Bananas and Teddies decide to give him a surprise party anyway.

Juggling Bananas
S04E93 · Juggling Bananas

Dec 11, 1996

The Bananas in Pyjamas are planning to put on a juggling show for the Teddies but there is just one problem: they don't know how to juggle.

Shoe Shine
S04E94 · Shoe Shine

Dec 12, 1996

Rat in a hat has set up a shoe shine booth in Cuddles Avenue. Unfortunately he is so enthusiastic he polishes the bottoms of the shoes as well as the tops.

Teddy Puppets
S04E95 · Teddy Puppets

Dec 13, 1996

The Bananas accidentally throw away Amy and Lulu's puppets. Unfortunately, they have promised to show Morgan a puppet show, so the Bananas turn Amy and Lulu into full-size Teddy puppets.

Yee Hah!
S04E96 · Yee Hah!

Dec 16, 1996

Rat in a hat organises a special country line dance so that he can sell lots of cowboy clothes.

Silly Strawberry
S04E97 · Silly Strawberry

Dec 17, 1996

Morgan and Amy are playing a board game but the counters are so small they keep getting lost.

Odd Socks
S04E98 · Odd Socks

Dec 18, 1996

The Detective Bananas set out to solve the mystery of Morgan's missing socks. The convoluted trail eventually leads right back to Morgan's feet.

Lollipop Rat
S04E99 · Lollipop Rat

Dec 19, 1996

The Bananas decide to make a series of signs to stop people bumping into each other in the park. Unfortunately, the signs are somewhat confusing and create more chaos.

Imaginary Holiday
S04E100 · Imaginary Holiday

Dec 20, 1996

The Bananas create a one day imaginary holiday for the overworked Rat in a hat. Courtesy of 'Banana Airlines flight 1'.


Bananas in Pyjamas Season 4 (1996) is released on Aug 05, 1996 and the latest season 6 of Bananas in Pyjamas is released in 2001. Watch Bananas in Pyjamas online - the English Animation TV series from Australia. Bananas in Pyjamas is directed by Sophia Turkiewicz,Di Drew,Ian Munro,David Evans and created by Sophie Emtage with Karina Kelly and Nicholas Opolski.

As know as:

Hai Người Bạn Chuối Mặc Pyjamas, Bananas in Pyjamas, Bananas de Pijamas, Банани с пижами(Bulgarian), Bananas in Pyjamas(English)


Australia, United States, United Kingdom



Production Companies:

Kids Like Us, ABC for Kids, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

Cast & Crew

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