Episodes (53)

Jan 05, 2009
Linkara reviews a comic based off of a commercial where Godzilla and Charles Barkley face off in a game of basketball.

Jan 17, 2009
In part 1 of a two parter, Linkara reviews an X-Men comic where religion takes the forefront as the X-Men uncover a sinister conspiracy.

Jan 19, 2009
Continuing from last episode, Linkara reviews a storyline where the X-Men battle against a massive and silly religious conspiracy.

Jan 26, 2009
Don't forget your limited edition trading card as Linkara reviews the first issue of the comic Mr. T and the T-Force as Mr. T uses his superpowers to save the day.

Feb 02, 2009
Linkara reviews DC's first attempt at a Star Trek comic which he accuses of ripping off Star Trek II for material and winds up fighting for his life when the comic itself comes to life.

Feb 08, 2009
Linkara takes a look at Newmen #1, another brand new superhero team in the 90s that does the gritty realism thing. Like most new superhero teams made in the 90s.

Feb 20, 2009
Ever wanted to read a comic about a crime fighting football player? Well Linkara is here to fill your very specific niche with a review of NFL Superpro #1.

Feb 25, 2009
Linkara reviews Neutro #1, a comic about a dangerous robot who doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. Just like a lot of human beings.

Mar 03, 2009
Linkara gives a brief prologue for his upcoming review of the DC event comic Amazons Attack. Pain is sure to follow.

Mar 09, 2009
In part 1 of a three part video, Linkara reviews the Amazons Attack event comic as amazons attack Washington DC, murder lots of people, and stupidity follows hereafter.

Mar 16, 2009
The review of Amazons Attack continue as the struggle between amazons and heroes gets even dumber when a deadly bee weapon is unleashed upon the city.

Mar 24, 2009
The review of Amazons Attack, as well as the comic itself, finally comes to an end. Is it all going to be worth it in the end? Probably not.

Mar 31, 2009
Linkara takes a look at the first issue of Solson Comics's Sultry Teenage Super-Foxes, a black and white comic from the 80s that pretty much speaks for itself.

Apr 07, 2009
Linkara counts down the top 15 superheroes who turned evil in the worst possible way.

Apr 14, 2009
In part 1 of a two parter, Linkara looks at a Daredevil comic where the Man Without Fear faces his two greatest foes: the Surgeon General and excessive narration.

Apr 20, 2009
The storyline, and the review, continues as Daredevil continues to struggle against the Surgeon General and Linkara struggles against purple prose.

Apr 28, 2009
After the Blue Beetle comic gets cancelled, Linkara decides to vent his frustrations by honoring the life and times of Jaime Reyes, the third Blue Beetle.

May 04, 2009
No need to worry about level grinding as Linkara takes a look at two issues from a comic based off of the popular MMO, World of Warcraft.

May 12, 2009
Linkara doesn't need to grow a heart as he reviews an issue of Captain Planet and the Planeteers, where Ma-Ti uses his useless power to save the day.

May 15, 2009
To get back at Spoony for reviewing a comic book, Linkara decides to review the 16 bit video game Wolverine: Adamantium Rage.

May 19, 2009
Linkara decides to head back to the 90s to review the first issue of the new generation of heroes, Youngblood.

May 26, 2009
Linkara reviews the second issue of the New Guardians, where the future of humanity battles the greatest of all evils: a cocaine powered super-villain.

Jun 02, 2009
Linkara reviews a comic that features a crossover between Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess as the titular characters get involved in a marriage conspiracy.

Jun 09, 2009
In part 1 of a two part review, Linkara reviews an issue of the relaunched Secret Defenders and all of the exaggerated 90s artwork that follows. .

Jun 16, 2009
Linkara continues his review of a Secret Defenders storyline.

Jun 22, 2009
It's a battle of men of steel as Linkara looks at the first issue of Superman vs The Terminator, where the two title characters fight for the sake of the future.

Jun 29, 2009
Linkara gives a primer as he prepares to dive into the critically panned event comic Countdown.

Jul 07, 2009
Join Linkara as he struggles to keep his sanity while he reviews the first half of Countdown.

Jul 14, 2009
As Countdown finishes with Countdown to Final Crisis, Linkara lets the anger of all the stupidity wash over him.

Jul 20, 2009
To finally close the book on the Countdown review, Linkara does his own countdown of the fifteen worst parts of the event comic.

Jul 28, 2009
Needing a palette cleanser after four weeks of Countdown, Linkara takes a look at an uber violent black and white comic: Xena #1 (not that one).

Aug 04, 2009
Linkara takes a look at Cable #1 as the time traveling cyborg gets another page added to his already too complicated backstory.

Aug 11, 2009
In the criminal justice system, this comic has nothing to do with the show of the same name. Linkara dives into the buddy cop comic, Law and Order #1.

Aug 17, 2009
Linkara reviews an infamous Batman comic where the caped crusader's true greatest nemesis appears: rock and roll.

Aug 24, 2009
Take a deep breath as Linkara dives into the pool of mediocrity for a comic based off of a failed toyline with Air Raiders #1.

Aug 31, 2009
Combining music and comic book superheroes? What could go wrong? Let's find out as Linkara reads the first issue of Nightcat.

Sep 07, 2009
Anything, even one thousand, multiplied by zero is still zero. Linkara sees that for himself as he looks at the first issue of Zero Patrol.

Sep 14, 2009
Linkara digs into the first issue of Blood Pack.

Sep 21, 2009
For the first time, Linkara looks at a biographical comic. Join him as he looks at the life and times of Mickey Mantle with the second issue of his comic.

Sep 28, 2009
Some things need to be seen to be believed. Witness Linkara's exasperation as he looks at Adventures of the Kool-Aid Man #1 and questions how he can exist.

Oct 05, 2009
Halloween is here and Linkara decides to celebrate by looking at a comic series written by Scott Ciencin and based off the popular video game: Silent Hill Dying Inside.

Oct 12, 2009
The review of Silent Hill: Dying Inside continues. Will these comics actually have something to do with the video games? Only time will tell.

Oct 19, 2009
Linkara concludes his review of Silent Hill: Dying Inside as Halloween draws closer. But the comics themselves rebel as Pyramid Head himself appears.

Oct 26, 2009
It's Linkara's one year anniversary. What better way to celebrate than to return to the Spider-Man Clone Saga with the comic Maximum Cloneage.

Nov 03, 2009
Meet the 22 Brides, an organization of assassins of that hides under the guise of a rock band. Linkara reviews the first issue of their comic book.

Nov 10, 2009
Linkara explores comic writer Frank Miller's descent into madness when he reviews the first two issues of All-Star Crazy Steve - uh, Batman and Robin.

Nov 16, 2009
Doom: a great video game with a way too fitting comic title. Join Linkara as he reviews an issue of the comic book based off of the video game franchise.

Nov 24, 2009
Welcome to PSA Hell as Linkara reviews a comic where Luke Cage, Storm, and Spider-Man team up to battle the evils of smoking.

Nov 30, 2009
Someone set out to make the worst comic ever. Did they succeed? Join Linkara and find out as he reviews Bimbos in Time #1.

Dec 07, 2009
Some things shouldn't strike twice. Miller Time begins as Linkara looks at the sequel to The Dark Knight Returns, the critically panned The Dark Knight Strikes Again.

Dec 15, 2009
What puts the X in X-Mas? Linkara decides to find out as he reviews the Extreme Super Christmas Special staring Youngblood.

Dec 21, 2009
You loved the iconic adventures of James Bond. Now witness the way less interesting adventures of his nephew with James Bond Jr. #3.

Dec 28, 2009
As 2009 comes to a close, Linkara looks back on the past and 15 times he could have the perfect joke. But didn't.
Atop the Fourth Wall Season 2 (2009) is released on Jan 05, 2009 and the latest season 16 of Atop the Fourth Wall is released in 2023. Watch Atop the Fourth Wall online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Atop the Fourth Wall is directed by Lewis Lovhaug,Jessica Kitrick,Brad Jones and created by Lewis Lovhaug with Lewis Lovhaug and MacInTalk.
Linkara is a witty, sarcastic young adult who reviews comic books of very poor detail, ranging from bad artwork to bad writing. Occasionally, characters from the comics as well as the comics themselves come to life and terrorize Linkara. Not only that, but other-worldly creatures often invade his house and try to take him hostage. He survives it all using his vast knowledge of comics and their many faults.