Episodes (10)

Jun 01, 1995
"You have a gem of a great idea, if you can perfect it," Joseph Henry of the Smithsonian Institute tells Alexander Graham Bell when he presents his theory for the invention of the telephone. When Thomas Watson and Bell begin their work for a multiple telegraph, Bell becomes convinced that he can send the complex sounds of human speech over a wire from its vibrations. Mr. Hubbard, the financier of the telegraph project, laughs when Bell first tells him about the idea for the project and says he will not finance it. Frustrated, Bell and Watson begin to work on the ...

Jun 01, 1996
Harriet Tubman has never known what it means to be free. Having been born and raised into slavery, she works hard and does as she is told. However, she longs to be free and hopes to escape to the "promise land." After hearing about an "underground railroad" and learning of a Quaker woman up the river who helps slaves "get on," Harriet tells her father she is escaping. He fears for he life and tells her there isn't really an underground railroad, but she is determined to go. Once at the Quaker woman's home, Harriet learns that the Underground Railroad is a route guided...

Jun 01, 1996
Two bicycle repairmen embark on their dream to fly. With no formal training as either scientists or engineers, they study Lilienthal's diagrams for his glider and learn from experience the keys to controlled flight. As young boys, Wilbur and Orville Wright are full of ideas, enthusiasm and dreams. Above their bicycle repair shop they discover how birds are able to balance by tilting their wings - wing warping. They want to make a glider to do the same thing. "You have a dream, you should do it," their father encourages them. After writing to the "center of knowledge ...

Jun 01, 1996
When Helen Keller was a young child, she contracted a high fever that left her sightless and unable to hear. Being the parents of a non-seeing and non-hearing child was a hardship on two loving parents who did all they could but seemed to do it in the wrong way. Out of desperation, they hired a young educator, Anne Sullivan, to teach and train the young Helen. Much to the parent's dismay, Sullivan was a strict and firm disciplinarian with the young, spoiled Keller girl. Sullivan and Helen Keller moved into a house not far down the lane from the main Keller house. ...

Jun 01, 1996
A youthful Leonardo da Vinci studies art under his master, Verrochio in Florence, Italy in 1473. While working as an apprentice under Andrea del Verrocchio, Leonardo learns about color, shading, sculpturing, panel painting and painting of altarpieces. Self-discipline is the key to success in Verrochio's opinion. In 1498, Leonardo is under the service of the Duke and Duchess of Milan. He is commissioned to sculpt a statue of the Duke's father and paint " The Last Supper" for the monks in their dining hall. The Duchess of Milan asks Leonardo to produce a play about ...

Jun 01, 1996
As a young girl, Joan lived in the French countryside. One day, she heard voices from heaven talking to her. The voices told Joan that she was called to help fight for the freedom of France. They also told her that Prince Charles was to be anointed and crowned the rightful king of France. Joan went to see Prince Charles but the Prince said to send her away. The warrior, Le Hire, reminded Charles of a prophesy that said a young maiden would save France. Prince Charles agreed to see Joan but planned to prove that she was a fake. Charles switched clothes with his tailor ...

Jun 01, 1997
The time is 1296 in Turkey. Marco Polo, his father and his uncle have just returned after a twenty five-year journey of the East. They tell the Duke of Venice about the riches they have found. The Duke of Venice doubts the stories of riches from China. Not long after he returned a war broke out between the cities of Genoa and Venice. Marco went to fight in a war. He met a sailor named Rusticello. Rusticello was also a writer. Marco and his new friend are captured by the Duke and Duchess of Genoa. The Duchess was impressed with Marco Polo's stories and visits him in ...

Jun 01, 1997
The time is 1589 in Pisa Italy. As a professor in a university classroom, Galileo questions the ideas of Aristotle. Knowing that he could be convicted of heresy, he continues to teach that the sun is the center of the universe and not the earth. He proves his theories by improving a toy called the spyglass. With his new invention of the telescope, he discovers Jupiter has moons revolving around it. This was the proof he needs to show that not everything revolves around the earth. Clavius, a friend of Galileos, convinces him to sign a document that says he will not ...

Jun 01, 1997
As a young girl, Marie learns things quickly and her family knows she is very bright. Her country, Poland, is ruled by Russia and everyone has to learn Russian in order to attend the university, Marie watches her sister, Bronya, struggle to learn Russian, but for Marie learning the language is easy. The time has come for Bronya to go to the university. Marie accompanies her father and sister to the University of Warsaw. It is there they learn that all universities in Poland have been closed to women. After Marie graduates at the top of her class, she attends a secret ...

Jan 18, 2005
Even as a young boy, Beethoven marched to the beat of a different drummer. Trained in the traditional music methods by his father, Beethoven was an accomplished pianist by the age of 12. But he yearned to try new sounds and persevered until audiences heard his music. By his early twenties, this persistent young man performed for Joseph Haydn, who compared him to the great Mozart. Sadly, Beethoven began to lose his hearing, but he threw himself even more deeply into his music, composing "Fur Elise," "Sonata Pathetique" and the dramatic "Fifth Symphony" years later, ...
Animated Hero Classics Season 2 (1996) is released on Jun 01, 1995 and the latest season 2 of Animated Hero Classics is released in 1996. Watch Animated Hero Classics online - the English Animation TV series from United States. Animated Hero Classics is directed by Richard Rich and created by Brian Nissen with William Dennis Hunt and Robert Cottrell.