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Episodes (22)

Sep 29, 2003
The crew encounters some ships, the remainders of the Commonwealth Fleet. The leaders went into hiding when the fighting broke out. They need to find them to restore order to the Commonwealth.

Oct 06, 2003
The governing body of the Commonwealth has voted "no-confidence" in triumvir Tri-Jema, she sends Dylan to get the Andromeda refitted and visit an augur, who is told to be infallible. This augur, dubbed Citizen Eight, aims to take Tri-Jema's place as triumvir and, according to the triumvir, remove Dylan from command of the Andromeda. The robots sent to the Andromeda to start pre-upgrade repairs turn against the crew, forcing Dylan and Harper to shut them down. Dylan must deal with Citizen Eight before he can bring down the Commonwealth from within.

Oct 13, 2003
Dylan's sent on a mission, but isn't informed of the danger he faces. Andromeda's captured by a gravity field which is the target of their mission. Dylan discovers the moon's the base of Kroton, a half-human, half-android genius which created the Magog world-ship.

Oct 20, 2003
Andromeda investigates the site of a reported Nietzscheanattack on a Commonwealth battleship, but find no sign of any conflict having occurred.l. Dylan must deal with the Nietzscheans in order to uncover the truth of what happened in orbit.

Oct 27, 2003
Andromeda comes between two Nietzschean siblings. One has a weapon which can eliminate higher brain function, whereas the. other has her nephew hostage,

Nov 03, 2003
Tyr returns and he's sided with the Collectors against his former crew. He wants the map for the Route of Ages.

Nov 10, 2003
The collectors tell Tyr why they need the map for the Route of Ages. It's a map to the Abyss, and hopefully a way to contain it. Tyr has Beka and the crew has the map. Now it's a race to the Route of Ages. Tyr makes a deal with the Abyss, and a final confrontation will ensue.

Nov 17, 2003
Andromeda receives a distress call from a Commonwealth prison, experiencing a riot the likes of which they've never dealt with before. Rommie discovers a now-missing prisoner was not recorded in the logs, meaning they was a mole, and Dylan and the others go in search of them.

Jan 12, 2004
Harper's key note speaker at a conference on dealing with the Magog threat. When a scientist is kidnapped, and others are killed, the crew must figure out who's responsible. Meanwhile Dylan's kidnapped by the Collectors, who make him an offer.

Jan 19, 2004
The daughter of a King is kidnapped by a ruthless renegade. But when the crew finds her, she says her father tried to kill her, and the Renegade is actually a hero. Who's telling the truth?

Jan 26, 2004
Dylan and the crew are put on trial by the Commonwealth. The Collectors now control the Commonwealth. The crew wants to escape, but Dylan wants to stick out the trial, to determine if he still has ANY allies in the Commonwealth he helped to rebuild.

Feb 02, 2004
Andromeda captures a smuggler with a shipment of bioarmour. They try to track down the origins of the armor., but there's more to the living armor than they realise.

Feb 09, 2004
When Dylan activates an experimental cloaking device, he gets swept into an alternate dimension, in which Harper's commander unknowingly working for the Abyss, and he's overthrown the Commonwealth,. Dylan looks for allies to oppose Harper,, and to find a way to get back to his own dimension

Feb 16, 2004
The Andromeda encounter 2 ships with depleted engines and weapons. They come from a planet, where the two sides have been fighting for as long as anyone can remember. One side is suffering from a disease, they claim the other side is using biological weapons, but the other side says they didn't do it. When Dylan becomes infected, the crew must figure out the source of the virus to save the captain.

Feb 23, 2004
Andromeda's contacted by Rev.Bem, who knows of a weapon which can be used against the Abyss, but will only show Dylan. Dylan's captured, and stranded on a dead warship, heading towards a black hole. The crew searches for him, and finds an unexpected ally.

Apr 05, 2004
Beka's recent behaviour's explained; she's been infected by the Abyss, and the crew must find a way to free her of it.

Apr 12, 2004
Half the crew's captured. Harper works on a time bridge for the Partriarch. The other half tracks down a smuggler.

Apr 19, 2004
An emissary from Tri-Jema arrives, claims her planet's itill on the crew's side, despite the current circumstances.

Apr 26, 2004
.Andromeda's starts to run a complete diagnosis on Rommie, after it determines her inability to remain emotianally detached is detrimental to her functions, and cuts off her access to bring the avatar under control. At the same time, the crew's under a Magagog attack, and this takes away their ability to use most of the ship's defence resources. and they're left defending Andromeda without aide from the AI.

May 03, 2004
A man from Beka's past posing as a Wayist's killed by agents of the Abyss. The crew must find what he was hiding before the Abyss.

May 10, 2004
An ambassador returning from purportedly successful peace talks with the Magog's aboard a Commonwealth ship when it's attacked. The only survivors are the seriously injured ambassador, and the pilot; a Nietzschean from a supposedly extinct pride,

May 17, 2004
With the Magog worldshp fast approaching, time's running out for all; Dylan must defend Arkology as one of the Paradine, beings who allegedly witnessed the creation of the universe. Beka makes her decision to leave the battle while she still can. Harper and Rommie try to get Arkology slip-capable again before it's too late.
Andromeda Season 4 (2003) is released on Sep 29, 2003 and the latest season 5 of Andromeda is released in 2004. Watch Andromeda online - the English Action TV series from Canada. Andromeda is directed by Jorge Montesi,Allan Eastman,Richard Flower,David Winning and created by Gene Roddenberry with Kevin Sorbo and Lisa Ryder. Andromeda is available online on VUDU Free and Tubi TV.
After being frozen in time for 300 years, captain Dylan Hunt and his sentient warship Andromeda sets out to restore peace and civilization to the known universe. With him is the crew of the ship that, with profit in mind and unknowing of her captain still being alive, salvaged Andromeda from the black hole keeping her suspended in time. Andromeda originally hid in the black hole after a big battle. When Captain Hunt wakes up he realizes that this battle was the beginning of an epic war and that the great civilization he was defending, the Commonwealth, has been eradicated from existence. He and his unlikely and sometimes unpredictable crew starts on a mission to once again bring hope to the galaxy.