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Episodes (22)

Oct 13, 2012
A boy flushes the toilet too soon during a goldfish funeral; animals make strange sounds; frightened people on amusement park rides.

Oct 06, 2012
A boy flushes the toilet too soon during a goldfish funeral.

Oct 20, 2012
Family members do embarrassing things not realizing they're being taped; a hen tries to hatch light bulbs; dog park.

Oct 27, 2012
A Halloween-themed episode includes a montage of dogs in costumes!

Nov 03, 2012
People dressed as superheroes; people learn loved ones are pregnant; talking pets; Pick the Real Video.

Nov 10, 2012
Celebrating the show's 500th episode!

Nov 17, 2012
Six former winners compete for $100,000; videos include a dog who howls with a toilet paper roll in his mouth, a 14-month-old boy who has been hiding his father's credit cards, a boy who scares his younger brother with a mask.

Nov 24, 2012
Segments include: Cranky dogs, funny blondes, dancing animals, practical joke backfires, "Great Moments in Bad Ideas", "Kids who Smear Stuff All Over Themselves", 29 people falling off 29 horses in 29 seconds. Carrie Ann Inaba makes a guest appearance to play "Who's Makin' that Racket?" and receive a pratfall award for her Dancing with the Stars mishap.

Dec 01, 2012
Wet willies; Name That Sound; a bear breaks into a parked car; Too Far, Too Short, Just Right.

Dec 08, 2012
A family finds the missing remote control in a wrapped Christmas gift.

Jan 12, 2013
A dog stares at an aquarium; a man finds a squirrel has filled his golf bag with nuts; kids react to learning they have a sibling on the way.

Jan 19, 2013
A teen waxes her lip for the first time; a dog gets into the garbage despite his owner's best efforts; cooking mishaps.

Feb 09, 2013
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 16, 2013
A woman reacts to news that she is going to be a grandmother; a girl thinks she is talking to Santa on the phone; sisters record a video for their dad; a man scares his son; a girl rewrites a nursery rhyme.

Mar 02, 2013
A teenager attempts a handspring; cats and dogs make mischief.

Mar 09, 2013
Videos include a dog who calls his owner by name, dogs walking on two legs, funny babies and a marathon runner who has a surprise for his girlfriend.

Mar 23, 2013
A boy confesses to lying to get out of school; a family discovers its new hamster has babies; people getting sprayed by a kitchen sink hose.

Apr 20, 2013
Funny signs; people on crutches; a dog reacts to wearing little booties.

Apr 27, 2013
A soldier surprises his girlfriend; a Marine with an unusual way of cutting cake at his wedding; dogs eating with human hands.

May 04, 2013
Sisters react when their mom reveals she's pregnant.

May 11, 2013
A boy sneaks food while pretending to pray; a girl asks if a pregnant woman ate the baby; a girl makes animal faces and sounds; two men try to catch a spider; a tired toddler tries to stay awake.

May 18, 2013
The makers of this season's funniest video win a vacation for four.
America's Funniest Home Videos Season 22 (2012) is released on Oct 13, 2012 and the latest season 32 of America's Funniest Home Videos is released in 2022. Watch America's Funniest Home Videos online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. America's Funniest Home Videos is directed by Vin Di Bona,Steve Hirsen,E.C. Pauling,Averill Perry and created by Todd Thicke with Jess Harnell and Tom Bergeron.
"America's Funniest Home Videos" was inspired by a series of successful TV specials, where home viewers were invited to send in videotapes of their "funniest" moments. In "AFHV," host Saget provided commentary to the home videos which often showed wedding and sports bloopers, children and pets either being themselves or getting into trouble, furniture or other objects giving way (usually contributing to someone's fall) and "comical" reactions to getting inadvertently hit (usually in the groin). Sometimes, certain videos were grouped into themes, such as Christmas or a summer vacation, or had sentimental value to them, such as a marriage proposal; other times, videos were set to classic rock tunes. The top three videos of the week as selected by the producers were eligible for each week's $10,000 top prize; the audience would electronically vote for their one favorite video. Weekly winners got to compete in a later special for a $100,000 top prize.