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Episodes (40)

Feb 12, 2008
The emergency department staff continue to be held hostage by James Byrne which challenges Frank's leadership of the department leading him to make a shocking statement on the administration of the hospital.

Feb 19, 2008
Jack and Erica deal with an uncommunicative beating victim, Von struggles to come to terms with her feelings about the hostage taking, and a mistake in pathology results puts patients at risk.

Feb 26, 2008
A routine homecare visit turns into a trauma for Von. And Steve and Dan learn a lesson about the human side of medicine as they take care of a homeless man.

Mar 04, 2008
Von realises an incident from her past is not dead and buried when her homecare patient, Dominic, arrives with a bad infection resulting from poor follow-up care.

Mar 11, 2008
Ann-Maree, suffering considerable pain, is still refusing to contemplate any further invasive treatment for her cancer. All she wants is for Bart to hold her hand and be her loving partner.

Mar 18, 2008
Teenager Kimberly Dyer is brought into the ED in the throes of a seizure. While Charlotte and Erica fight to stabilise the girl, they quickly realise there's more going on here than meets the eye.

Mar 25, 2008
Zoe is caught liaising with the Director of Medicine who is gunning for Frank's scalp. Has she accepted his offer to replace Frank as the Director of Emergency Medicine?

Apr 01, 2008
Frank is called to the dying Ann-Maree's bedside by Von who is very conscious of the fact that Bart is unable to say good-bye and give her permission to die.

Apr 08, 2008
Bart comes into the ED to announce that Ann-Maree died the night before and the ED is stunned to learn the news about Frank's sudden resignation.

Apr 15, 2008
Zoe, Jack and Dan fight to save the life of a young burns victim, having no idea how complex the situation will get when his mother arrives in the ED and asks them not to take further action to actively resuscitate him.

Apr 22, 2008
A high profile athlete is found badly injured from a vicious hammer attack. When he later accuses his team mate of being the attacker, Jack and Steve take sides over what should be done with the information.

Apr 29, 2008
Cody Frost is delivered to the ED on his birthday after being hit by a car. What appears to be a fairly straight forward case becomes a medical mystery with the patient declaring his long list of bad luck is the result of a curse.

May 06, 2008
Jack and Charlotte attend a man who is lucky to be alive after a serious accident at work. Elsewhere, Dan's wheelchair bound brother Luke checks into All Saints and Jack looks for a new place to live.

May 13, 2008
Finn is an uncooperative and abusive heroin addict who is into the ED after being bashed. Steve is happy to ship him out of the ED so he's someone else's problem. However when tests come back it is clear that Finn is very unwell.

May 20, 2008
Steve and Jack clash over the treatment of an injured couple but is it really because Steve is jealous of Jack's friendship with Gabrielle? Dan's brother Luke is uncomfortable about disrupting Dan's life.

May 27, 2008
A woman comes in having collapsed in the middle of an exam. The news that she's pregnant throws all her plans into chaos. The team are faced with a moral and ethical dilemma when they discover who the father is.

Jun 03, 2008
Steve is arriving for work when a young man, Gary, drives up the back of his precious ute. Gary is slumped unconscious behind the wheel and is rushed into the ED where Gabrielle, Bart and Steve work to find out what has happened to him.

Jun 10, 2008
An apparently psychotic man is brought in hearing 'Helicopters' in his head, convinced they're trying to kill him.

Jun 17, 2008
Despite facing an accusation of sexual harassment, Charlotte throws herself into her work, looking after an elderly woman with Alzheimer's and advanced pneumonia.

Jun 24, 2008
Von is approached for help in the Hospital car park but when she finds herself in an abandoned tram factory, she has reason to regret her decision.

Jul 01, 2008
Rhiannon convinces Charlotte to meet her away from All Saints in the hope of finding a way to reconcile their differences. Their showdown is interrupted by a brutal hit and run accident that will ultimately bring tragedy to the ED.

Jul 08, 2008
Charlotte's day in court arrives. Her plan rests squarely on the strength of her character, but while her reputation as a doctor is impeccable, it is her personal life that is called into question once she takes the stand.

Jul 15, 2008
A traumatised Charlotte brings Rhiannon into the ED after Rhiannon has attempted to end her life. As Frank, Jack and Gabrielle battle to save Rhiannon's life, Charlotte finds it difficult to wipe out the memory of her horrific discovery.

Jul 22, 2008
Erica's hens night takes a turn for the worse when a pole-dancing class goes wrong and the instructor comes off the pole and injures her wrist after what appears to be a minor dizzy spell.

Jul 29, 2008
When a homecare patient is brought in after taking a lethal drug combination, it's up to Von, Bart and Frank to work out whether or not it was an accident.

Aug 05, 2008
Brendan, a farmer, is brought into the ED after a tractor accident resulting in multiple injuries. While treating him, Steve and Mike both go down with a mystery illness forcing Frank to take over the operation on Brendan's heart.

Aug 26, 2008
Tragedy puts Erica and Dan's wedding at risk, with multiple traumas hitting the ED and Dan feeling responsible for the accident that brought them in.

Sep 02, 2008
Dan and Erica return from their honeymoon to find things tense and awkward between Gabrielle and Jack while Bart seeks to mend fences with Amy, seeing her in a new light as she deals with a difficult patient.

Sep 09, 2008
Frank and Mike come face-to-face with a cold-blooded killer in solitary confinement at a high-security prison who forces them both to reconsider where their lives are going.

Sep 16, 2008
Charlotte and Mike clash over the best way to deal with a patient, who has sustained a head injury in a road accident.

Sep 23, 2008
Dan and Jack are saddled with a charming eccentric, Timothy, who's gambled with his life by self-medicating with a highly toxic compound after tragically losing a son.

Sep 30, 2008
Von drops Paula at home to begin her home treatment. But Von quickly gets the feeling that Paula is only giving lip-service to Von's warnings over the seriousness of her condition.

Oct 07, 2008
Charlotte, Frank and Gabrielle deal with Joel Quinliven. He has epilepsy and has suffered a seizure at an all-night party. Tests reveal Joel has drugs in his system.

Oct 14, 2008
Steve and Gabrielle fight to save the life of a plastics factory worker who has suffered long-term exposure to chemicals but they won't know how to treat him until they discover what chemicals he's been exposed to.

Oct 21, 2008
When two victims of an armed robbery are brought in, the All Saints team are pushed to the limit. Already two nurses down, it's all hands on deck.

Oct 28, 2008
Bart goes with Dan on a fruitless search for Erica, following every possible route that Dan can think of. They drive through the night and early morning, with Bart increasingly aware of Dan's fragile emotional state.

Nov 04, 2008
Dan and Bart deal with a pregnant woman who, despite experiencing bleeding, is desperate to get out of the hospital as soon as she can. Suspicion is raised when her blood type doesn't match her medical records.

Nov 11, 2008
New nurse Claire is tested on her first day, full time, in the ED. Gabrielle puts Claire to work with a desperately ill, and very difficult patient. Dan prickles against Claire, seeing her as Erica's replacement.

Nov 18, 2008
A high-speed crash at a raceway leaves a young man struggling to cope with the consequences of his actions and Mike questioning the decision he makes to honour a dying patient's wish.

Nov 25, 2008
A worker from a car parts factory, brought into the ED after an explosion at her workplace, is discovered to have a bizarre but deadly injury that could spell disaster for her as well as the entire Emergency Department.
All Saints Season 11 (2008) is released on Feb 12, 2008 and the latest season 12 of All Saints is released in 2009. Watch All Saints online - the English Drama TV series from Australia. All Saints is directed by Peter Fisk,Cath Roden,Jean-Pierre Mignon,Mark Piper and created by Louise Crane with Judith McGrath and Tammy Macintosh.