Episodes (29)

Eve - A Command, Her Choice, The Consequences
S01E01 · Eve - A Command, Her Choice, The Consequences

Apr 01, 2020

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Mrs. Noah - A Life Lived in Quarantine
S01E02 · Mrs. Noah - A Life Lived in Quarantine

Apr 01, 2020

Mrs. Noah, an unnamed woman of the Bible who truly understood the concept of social distancing and living in isolation. Though we're never told her name, we can a lot from Noah's wife in Genesis chapters 6 through 8. Her story is especially relevant given today's period of social isolation.

Sarah - A Woman With a Plan
S01E03 · Sarah - A Woman With a Plan

Apr 01, 2020

Sarah was a woman who had a plan for all occasions. Unfortunately, sometimes her plans got ahead of God's plans. Most women in the Bible have a chapter or two at most dedicated to their story. Many women have merely a verse or two. Sarah's story, however, encompasses thirteen chapters in Genesis, plus mentions in Isaiah, Romans, Hebrews, and 1 Peter.

Hagar - A Woman Not Forgotten
S01E04 · Hagar - A Woman Not Forgotten

Apr 08, 2020

Hagar was a victim caught up in circumstances beyond her control, but hers is a story of hope, a reminder that whoever we are, wherever we are, we are never invisible to God. God saw her fearful exit and met Hagar in the desert. Even though she was an Egyptian slave, and not a child of God, God loved her and cared about her enough to personally reach out to her and encourage her with a word of prophecy.

Rebekah - A Woman Who Loved, Lied, and Lost
S01E05 · Rebekah - A Woman Who Loved, Lied, and Lost

Apr 15, 2020

Many consider the love story of Rebekah and Isaac to be one of the most beautiful in the Bible. It's a story full of faith and romance, but it's a story that ends in betrayal and disappointment. Something happened along the way in their lives where they lost sight of the love they once shared.

Leah and Rachel - Contented or Clamorous
S01E06 · Leah and Rachel - Contented or Clamorous

Apr 22, 2020

Rachel and Leah, two sisters, caught up in a web of deceit by their father's scheme, forced to live the rest of their lives as sister wives. Both were victims, but one moved on and made the best of a bad situation, and one remained a victim for the remainder of her days.

Shiphrah and Puah - They Made the Right Choice
S01E07 · Shiphrah and Puah - They Made the Right Choice

Apr 29, 2020

In today's episode of All God's Women we look at Shiphrah and Puah, two midwives placed in a terrible position by their boss, the pharaoh of Egypt. To disobey his command meant they could be killed. To obey, however, meant they themselves would have to kill. As women positioned in a life and death situation, they chose life, even if it resulted in their own death.

Moses Two Moms - A Mother's Day Tribute to Moms and Stepmoms
S01E08 · Moses Two Moms - A Mother's Day Tribute to Moms and Stepmoms

May 06, 2020

In a most unusual family situation, Moses' birth mom was paid by his adopted mom to nurse him and take care of him during the early years of his life. Then when the time came for him to be weaned, Jochebed took Moses to the palace where he was to remain for the rest of his growing up years and early adulthood.

Miriam - Pride Came Before Her Fall
S01E09 · Miriam - Pride Came Before Her Fall

May 12, 2020

Miriam was blessed to be a leader in a time when women had little or no authority. She was one of only 5 women in the Old Testament to be called a prophetess, and she was the first. It was an honor bestowed by God, but with that position came a greater level of accountability. Because the other women looked to Miriam for wisdom and guidance, it was especially important that she be an acceptable role model. When she got cocky, God had to put her in her place.

Zelophehad's Daughters - The Fought for Women's Rights
S01E10 · Zelophehad's Daughters - The Fought for Women's Rights

May 19, 2020

When you think of women's rights activists, who do you think of? Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Gloria Steinem? Do you picture women picketing, holding signs, staging protests? What about Bible women? Can you imagine women in biblical times taking a stand for women's rights? What about Old Testament women, early women, back in the days of Moses? Last week we looked at Moses's sister Miriam, a prophetess and a leader among the Hebrew women. This week we study the daughters of Zelophehed, five young women who took a stand and set a legal precedent for ...

Rahab - A Woman at the Right Place at the Right Time
S01E11 · Rahab - A Woman at the Right Place at the Right Time

May 27, 2020

Rahab's one of the bad girls of the Old Testament, a harlot, a prostitute in a pagan city. Many Christians find it disturbing that this woman of ill repute is included in Jesus' genealogy. They argue that surely she was merely an innkeeper. But that's not what the Bible tells us. The word used to describe her can only mean one thing, and it's not an innkeeper. So why her? Why did God not only use her to help save the Hebrews but then go on to include her in the lineage of His son?

Deborah - A Voice of Calm in the Midst of Chaos
S01E12 · Deborah - A Voice of Calm in the Midst of Chaos

Jun 04, 2020

We find Deborah's story in the book of Judges. If you're looking for an uplifting read, the book of Judges is probably not for you. It's a gory book filled with vile behaviors. It covers a time period much like modern days.Judges opens with the death of Joshua and explains how the Israelites failed to follow God's instructions to defeat the enemy nations but instead chose to intermingle, to intermarry, and to intertwine with the pagans. They lost sight of who they were, and God allowed them to become oppressed by their enemies. For over 200 years, the children of ...

Samson's Mom - Parenting a Strong-Willed Child
S01E13 · Samson's Mom - Parenting a Strong-Willed Child

Jun 16, 2020

The Angel of the Lord appeared to an unnamed woman, wife of Manoah, and told her she would conceive a son. This in itself was great news, as she'd previously been unable to conceive. But God didn't end there. He gave her specific instructions for what to do during her pregnancy. She was not to drink any alcoholic beverages or eat anything unclean. And when the child was born, she was not to ever cut his hair because he would be a Nazarite to God from birth. Oh, the pride she must have felt when she found out not only was she to have a child, but that he would be a ...

Delilah - Charm is Deceptive
S01E14 · Delilah - Charm is Deceptive

Jun 23, 2020

We all know the story of Samson and Delilah. Interestingly, though, in studying her, I found Bible scholars have differing opinions of who she was. Some call her Samson's wife, but though he did marry a Philistine woman when he was young, the Bible makes no mention of Samson marrying again. Others call Delilah a harlot, but though he did sleep with a harlot, it was not Delilah. All the Bible tells us about Delilah is that Samson loved a woman in the Valley of Sorek whose name was Delilah. We don't even know for certain that she was a Philistine, although we can assume...

Naomi - A Woman With a Late Life Surprise
S01E15 · Naomi - A Woman With a Late Life Surprise

Jun 30, 2020

Naomi, who thought her best days were over, had a surprise plot twist that gave her a baby to treasure, and not just any baby, but a baby who was the father of Jesse, the grandfather of David, and, in the direct lineage of Jesus.

Ruth - A Simple Woman With a Servant's Heart
S01E16 · Ruth - A Simple Woman With a Servant's Heart

Jul 07, 2020

The story of Ruth is such a refreshing story of the Bible. In the midst of times of violence and corruption, we have this sweet love story about an unpretentious pagan woman who takes care of her mother-in-law and ends up in the lineage of Jesus. In today's times of confusion and chaos, it's easy to assume that God is looking for super heroes to perform magnificent tasks. But what if God just needs sincere women with servant hearts to take care of those around them?

Hannah - A Model Pray-er
S01E17 · Hannah - A Model Pray-er

Jul 14, 2020

In today's episode of All God's Women we look at Hannah, a devout woman who truly understood the power of prayer and the way God designed prayer to work.

Ichabod's Mom - The Glory Departed
S01E18 · Ichabod's Mom - The Glory Departed

Jul 21, 2020

In today's episode we look at a nameless woman married to a corrupt man of God, and though we know little about her, we know that she placed her faith everywhere but where it needed to be, and that's in God Himself.

Michal - A Princess With a Tragic Ending
S01E19 · Michal - A Princess With a Tragic Ending

Jul 28, 2020

In today's episode of All God's Women we look at Michal, a true princess who married her Prince Charming, who later became king. And yet, Michal's life was anything but happily ever after.

Abigail - A Light Shining in the Darkness
S01E20 · Abigail - A Light Shining in the Darkness

Aug 04, 2020

In today's episode of All God's Women we look at Abigail, a beautiful woman married to a wealthy man, but her home life and her marriage were anything but picture perfect.

The Medium of En Dor - An Unexpected Lesson
S01E21 · The Medium of En Dor - An Unexpected Lesson

Aug 11, 2020

In today's episode we look at one of the most unusual stories in the Bible. We meet the Medium of En Dor, a kind woman engaged in a dangerous profession

Mephibosheth's Nurse - A Hero Who Tripped and Fell
S01E22 · Mephibosheth's Nurse - A Hero Who Tripped and Fell

Aug 18, 2020

In today's episode of All God's Women we look at Mephibosheth's nurse, a woman who acted heroically but tripped and fell in the midst of her heroic act.

Bathsheba - A Woman Caught in a Scandalous Situation
S01E23 · Bathsheba - A Woman Caught in a Scandalous Situation

Aug 25, 2020

In this week's episode of All God's Women, we look at Bathsheba, a woman caught in a scandalous situation. Was she an innocent victim or a willing participant? Either way, we can learn from her life's experiences.

Tamar - An Innocent Victim
S01E24 · Tamar - An Innocent Victim

Sep 08, 2020

In today's episode of All God's Women we look at Tamar, daughter of a king, yet an innocent victim of a horrific crime.

The Woman of Tekoa - A Gifted Actress
S01E25 · The Woman of Tekoa - A Gifted Actress

Sep 08, 2020

In today's episode of All God's Women we look at an unnamed woman from the city of Tekoa and see how God used her acting skills to bring together King David and his exiled son.

Woman of Abel
S01E26 · Woman of Abel

Sep 15, 2020

In today's episode of All God's Women we look at an unnamed woman from the city of Abel. When Abel was under siege and no one knew what to do, she stepped up and took charge.

Rizpah - A Testimony of Unwavering Vigilance
S01E27 · Rizpah - A Testimony of Unwavering Vigilance

Sep 22, 2020

Rizpah, concubine of King Saul, was the victim of national gossip and then watched helplessly as her two sons were hanged for the sins of their father. And yet, through it all, she held her head high and reacted with dignity and strength.

Two Harlot Mothers - The Power of Maternal Instinct
S01E28 · Two Harlot Mothers - The Power of Maternal Instinct

Sep 29, 2020

In today's episode of All God's Women we look at two mothers and their dramatic court battle over custody of one of their children.

The Queen of Sheba - An Extravagant Quest for Wisdom
S01E29 · The Queen of Sheba - An Extravagant Quest for Wisdom

Oct 06, 2020

In today's episode of All God's Women we look at the Queen of Sheba, a woman who traveled thousands of miles to find answers to her most pressing questions about life and God.


All God's Women Season 1 (2020) is released on Apr 01, 2020. Watch All God's Women online - the English Documentary TV series from United States. All God's Women is directed by Sharon Wilharm and created by Sharon Wilharm with Sharon Wilharm and .

As know as:

All God's Women


United States



Production Companies:

Mainstreet Productions

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