Episodes (8)

Nov 27, 2011
Chris receives a message from a beautiful nineteen year old woman named Kaylee, who wants to have dinner with him. Chris, who is more than twice her age, is excited about what he considers a sure thing regarding another notch on his bedpost. But Kaylee has another reason for wanting to meet Chris: she believes he is her biological father. Kaylee's mother was not very sexually active during the time she would have been conceived, meaning that the possible list of men who could be her father is small. To make things worse for Chris, Kaylee tells him that she's a new mom...

Dec 04, 2011
Chelsea pulls another of her email pranks, using Jiffy's account to send an email to Sharon Osbourne, an upcoming guest, and Lately executives, insulting Sharon. Chelsea feigns ignorance about the email. Jiffy knows Chelsea did it, and Sue and Gary know Chelsea did it, but as Chelsea is the star, Jiffy has the take the blame, which he doesn't appreciate. It gets worse for Jiffy when Sharon wants to speak to him about the incident after her appearance on the show, she who is known to have a temper. Meanwhile, Sarah catches a glimpse of Brad naked, of which Brad is unaware. She is ...

Dec 11, 2011
Chelsea has brought in a Denver based super fan, a wheelchair-ridden physically disabled eighteen year old named Jordan, to be guest assistant in Chuy's place for a show. After Brad learns that some of the show's interns took Jordan out for a sedate night on the town the previous night, Brad convinces Chris and Josh to join him in taking Jordan out this evening, each of the three staffers who has his own motivation for wanting to be part of the outing. They may all regret it when each assumes that one of the other two saw Jordan back to his hotel at the end of the ...

Dec 18, 2011
Eva, Chelsea's assistant, has taken it upon herself to organize the staff gift for Chelsea's birthday. Since Chelsea's mother passed away three years ago, Eva wanted to put together a book of photographs of the staffers with their own mothers, the belief that it will be a sentimental reminder of her loving relationship with her own mother. Although none of the staffers talk to Eva about it, half like the idea, while the other half believe it is a terrible idea since it will make Chelsea sad about her mother's passing. Even Roy believes Chelsea will either really like ...

Jan 01, 2012
The writing staff is having problems with the show's young male production assistant, who won't do anything they ask him to do, while he does whatever he wants. Some of the staff believe that he's just misunderstood, until they deal with him directly, after which they all think he's an a**hole. They have to figure out a way to get rid of him while not tattling on him to either Gary or Chelsea. Meanwhile, James Van Der Beek is today's guest on the show. He comes in sporting the same shirt that Chris is wearing, which may be a problem since Chris is scheduled to appear on the round table...

Jan 08, 2012
After a wild office party, a hungover Heather has no idea what happened at it or how she ended up on a couch outside the Lately offices the morning after. But what's worse is that she has no idea how she got a hickey. Peter wasn't at the party, which means to her Catholic sensibilities that she cheated on him, most-likely with one of the lowlife crew members. Sarah and Jiffy try to help her figure out which of the crew members she cheated with. One of the staff members knows more than he/she lets on. Meanwhile, Josh intercepts a parcel addressed to Sarah. With Chelsea...

Jan 22, 2012
Chelsea has asked her friend Reese Witherspoon to make the presentation to her of a Women in TV award. As such, Reese will be in the Lately offices for two days to work with the writing staff on the speech, which may not sit well with the writers, who clashed with Reese because of her overbearing personality the last time she was on set. Reese is well aware of the conflict, which she tries to smooth over for the two days. In doing so, Reese makes another enemy, namely Chelsea, who doesn't know if she can stand two days of Reese let alone having her make the speech at the awards ...

Jan 29, 2012
Chelsea thinks that her assistant Eva's characterization of a girl with a lisp is hilarious, and wants the writing staff to write a sketch for Eva using this character. The problem is is that none of the writers think the character and her situation is funny. They just hope that if they ignore Chelsea's request, Chelsea will just forget about it. But Chelsea doesn't forget. Visiting on-set, Chelsea's friend, Jennifer Aniston, also thinks the characterization is not funny, tells the writers as much, and encourages them to tell Chelsea to her face, which they feel could jeopardize ...
After Lately Season 2 (2011) is released on Nov 27, 2011 and the latest season 3 of After Lately is released in 2013. Watch After Lately online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. After Lately is directed by Johnny Milord,Jay Karas and created by Tom Brunelle with Chelsea Handler and Chuy Bravo.