Episodes (14)

Feb 24, 2018
The escape to Zehra's family and freedom began. What will Zehra, who will begin to live a life she does not know in a place she never knows?

Mar 03, 2018
Will Zehra stop telling lies and confess the facts? Sermin will come to face Zehra at a moment she never expected.

Mar 10, 2018
A document brought by Serkan changes everything, while Zehra, who goes to the police station and tells what happened to her, and confesses that she will fix everything in this way. Things have become more complicated for Zehra. Does the Kurdoglu Family know that she is not Hande? Even the cops in police station did not believe her, even though she told everything. Serkan told his sister that she had psychological problems and forced Zehra to meet with a psychologist. What will Zehra do and get rid of this situation?

Mar 17, 2018
Sule can not get rid of her conscience. Zehra is determined to learn what happened to Hande. What happened to Hande?

Mar 24, 2018
Sule, who get angry after Bayram's words, takes action to find out who follows Zehra. Sule will face Bayram. Zehra is now convinced that Hande is a bad thing in this house. She's ready to do anything to find out what happened to her and where Hande went. Zehra, who continues to behave like Hande, will climb out of her clues.

Mar 31, 2018
Serkan shoots Salih to save Zehra's life. Serkan is taken to the police station with Zehra and sent to prison as a prisoner. Sule, unable to digest her son's entrance into prison, will do her best to get Serkan out. Also Sule learns the facts hidden from her. She does not know what she will do and asks Bayram for help. Zehra learns a shocking truth about Hande.

Apr 07, 2018
When Zehra finds out that Hande is pregnant before disappearing, everything around her begins to question. After Hayal tells her, Zehra, who is even suspicious of Genco, will try to find out what happened to Hande and baby. Sule is somewhat relieved by Serkan's exit from prison, but the facts she has learned about Zehra have begun to disturb her. However, Zehra also decided to reach out to Hande's video and find out what happened to her. Will Zehra be able to find out what it is at home?

Apr 14, 2018
Zehra, who is living the shock of the facts she has learned about Serkan, actually has new questions. She talk to Hayal and the two young women decide to act together. Something Hayal can remember will help solve the mystery of Hande. In addition, Zehra continues to get close to Genco. Because Genco has a surprise for her. Ceren learned that Serkan was deceiving herself. Ceren began to make plans for revenge.

Apr 21, 2018
Genco and Zehra came across a shocking scene when they returned home. Nadir, who remains in the blood, is taken to the hospital. Will Nadir come to himself? What will Sule and Nadir talk about? Zehra wonders the answer to these questions. She makes a plan with Hayal to find out who Mine's real parents are. However, the shocking development experienced by Sule's counterattack will disrupt Zehra's plans.

Apr 28, 2018
After Leyla's surprise departure Zehra's mind is re-mixed. Sule has once again managed to pull the suspect over Nadir and protect her son. However, Leyla's claim with Mine causes Ceren to get angry. Ceren who wants to divorce, this time will open a different trouble to Serkan and Sule. Mine is between Leyla and Ceren.

May 04, 2018
Zehra is now confident of what Nadir is doing, but how will she prove it? Is Serkan and Sule aware of this? For this reason, Zehra takes action to find out what Sule and Serkan are hiding. Ceren is still concealing from Serkan that it will be a baby. She is determined to start the divorce process. Kadir is now exhausted, making a surprise plan to regain Zehra. At the end of this plan, Zehra will have to make a difficult decision.

May 12, 2018
Serkan, who received the diary from Zehra, now understands who is the chief of what happened to his brother. This is nothing but Nadir. What will the Serkan who pierces the rage now? Recognizing that Serkan has learned everything, Sule once again makes a big plan to protect her son. On the other hand Hayal confronts Bayram, his father-in-law, whom she learned to kill her family. Why did Bayram do this, who wanted it from him? Is Bayram going to tell everything?

May 19, 2018
Kadir pushes Zehra thoroughly into the corner, forcing her to marry. No matter how deeply Zehra feels toward Genco, there is only one purpose. Find out what Hande is. Serkan makes a plan to take him brother's revenge. Serkan and Nadir will have a great confrontation. However, something unexpected emerges. Hande's grave.

May 26, 2018
When Nadir says, "If anything happens to me, you will never know where Hande is", Serkan pursues his brother's chances of survival. Sule is carrying hope again after many years. Because Hande's tomb is empty. Where does Hande really live?
Adi: Zehra Season 1 (2018) is released on Feb 24, 2018. Watch Adi: Zehra online - the Turkish Drama TV series from Turkey. Adi: Zehra is directed by Taner Akvardar and created by Murat Emir Eren with Günes Hayat and Ali Meriç.