Adam Ruins Everything Season 2 Trailer & Clips
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Episodes (26)

Jul 11, 2017
Adam dispels the myth about getting pregnant after 35, delves into breastfeeding vs formula, and explores postpartum depression for women - and men.

Jul 18, 2017
Host Adam Conover illustrates all the reasons low-fat diets can actually make you fatter, and why counting calories is a waste of time.

Jul 25, 2017
Adam Conover explains that inflated hospital costs have created a system that's unaffordable and unfair. Plus, the reckless prescription of antibiotics is making them worthless, and you might not need a mammogram.

Aug 01, 2017
Adam swipes right on knowledge by exposing the major flaws in dating sites. Plus, infamous alpha males - and the wolves that inspired them - don't really exist, and personality tests are a total failure.

Aug 08, 2017
Adam poses the question of what makes great art and shows why pieces visible to the masses are revered, regardless of artistic merit. He then exposes the masters as copycats and reveals that today's art market is a moneymaking scheme.

Aug 15, 2017
Host Adam Conover employs a combination of comedy, history and science to dispel widespread misconceptions about everything we take for granted.

Aug 22, 2017
Adam explains why the odds of becoming a dropout billionaire are so low, how manipulated school rankings have little to do with education quality, and why the privatization of student loans created a massive debt crisis.

Aug 29, 2017
Emily takes over to "ruin" Adam, pointing out where his facts fall short. She debunks the idea that IQ tests measure intelligence and points to information Adam has gotten wrong in the past. Plus, she explains the "backfire effect."

Sep 05, 2017
Adam Conover and his girlfriend take a journey across America, where he reveals that Mount Rushmore was built on stolen Native American land, Vegas slot machines are purposely designed to be addicting, and a whole lot more!

Sep 26, 2017
Adam explains how the idealized lawn is an unnatural monstrosity, and that the design of the suburbs is slowly killing you. Plus, the racist history of suburban planning led to today's institutionalized segregation in schools.

Oct 03, 2017
Adam explains why lobbying makes filing taxes so complicated, and why the economic numbers that are focused on do not provide the whole story; the possibility of a return of American manufacturing.

Oct 10, 2017
Adam Conover debunks the fake moon landing theory, discusses the Satanic Panic of the 1980s, and reveals how to spot a false theory.

Oct 17, 2017
Pricey "detoxifying" treatments cleanse you of cash (and may do more harm than good), while MSG's scary reputation is undeserved. Plus, the placebo effect is way more powerful than you think.

Oct 24, 2017
Adam goes trick-or-treating for the truth behind myths and misconceptions like candy poisoned by strangers, the legendary War of the Worlds radio broadcast, and psychics who claimed to communicate with the dead.

Oct 31, 2017
Adam looks at scientific funding of science in the USA and how politics can effect the pursuit of scientific knowledge.

Nov 07, 2017
Adam looks at the most perplexing dilemmas facing mankind, trying to be prepared for the future and just how cautious one should be about investments and new relationships.

Mar 20, 2018
Adam sets the record straight on everything incomplete, outdated or even downright wrong about the American Revolution.

Mar 27, 2018
The pilgrims did not break bread with the Native Americans, but did dig up their graves; no romance existed between Pocahontas and John Smith; cities in the New World rivaled London in scale before their discovery.

Apr 03, 2018
Adam Conover reveals that the US kicked off the Cuban Missile Crisis, and that you've probably never heard of the lone female politician who stood up to McCarthy! Plus, a bureaucratic mistake brought down the Berlin Wall.

Apr 10, 2018
Adam shares that it was against the rules for gladiators to kill opponents, and tells the story of a Celtic woman who brought the Roman Empire to its knees. Plus, the brave "300" Spartans numbered closer to 7000.

Apr 17, 2018
Reanimated History: Adam sheds some light on Copernicus, who was actually supported (NOT persecuted) by the Catholic Church. Plus, a rogue dwarf revolutionized what we know about anatomy, and just wait until you hear about Tulip Mania.

Apr 24, 2018
Reanimated History: Adam digs into the Panama Canal, where Teddy Roosevelt formed a new country to snag free land. Plus, one man fought to keep food from killing us, while the Spanish Flu killed more Americans than all 20th century wars combined.

Nov 27, 2018
Adam Conover is back to take aim at critics on both sides of the gun debate in America. He explains why an assault weapons ban would not be effective and demonstrates how the Second Amendment has been twisted to fit the NRA's agenda.

Dec 04, 2018
Host Adam Conover employs a combination of comedy, history and science to dispel widespread misconceptions about everything we take for granted.

Dec 11, 2018
How big tech companies like Amazon, Apple and Facebook manipulate laws, influence government policies and create marketing ploys to promote their monopolistic businesses, ignore the rules and increase their financial and social power.

Dec 18, 2018
Why free frequent flyer miles aren't free, why commercial flying was even worse before, how the airline companies created a monopoly, how the stewardesses fought for their workers' rights, and why blimps are far safer than planes.
Adam Ruins Everything Season 2 (2017) is released on Jul 11, 2017 and the latest season 3 of Adam Ruins Everything is released in 2019. Watch Adam Ruins Everything online - the English Documentary TV series from United States. Adam Ruins Everything is directed by Tim Wilkime,Laura Murphy,Matthew Pollock,Paul Briganti and created by Glenn Boozan with Adam Conover and Adam Lustick. Adam Ruins Everything is available online on HBO Max and HBO Max Amazon Channel.
Iconoclastic Adam Conover from CollegeHumor turns life as we know it on its ear by showing us how unnecessary, and sometimes horrible, things we think we know to be real and true really are.