Episodes (6)

Oct 29, 2017
In the first episode, we have the fanciful ideas of that rep's most funny and articulate guy, the BIRD, a.k.a. CAIO GUEDES. The guy shows that, besides being always ready for the mess, he is an expert cook and expert in taking some residents out of the seriously.

Nov 05, 2017
There are things you only discover when you move into fraternity. People often think that living in a fraternity is synonymous with total freedom, life without consequences, and doing everything they want without worrying about anything. However, they usually forget the "boring" part, such as washing dirty dishes. In this episode we meet the most famous character of fraternities, the Dirty Dishware. The rush with college makes students have to eat fast, most of the time leaving a huge mountain of dirty dishes. In Rep Zeppelin the locals do not care to leave the dirty ...

Nov 12, 2017
The residents of Rep Zeppelin are worried that the radio turns on alone. As the most fearful, Pestana is suggesting that the house is haunted, but he is serious right. Everyone still suspects the Bird, except Vitinho.

Nov 19, 2017
All the locals came together to organize a party! The presents were the closest friends. About 30 people. Several games are practiced, such as: The Final of the first Rep Zeppelin Biribol tournament between Kraus brothers vs. Rest of the Rep. And, 1st UFC Cachaça! All with the same intention, make sure no one stands up.

Nov 26, 2017
Several strange things have happened in the house the last days. The sound that turns on alone, the disappearance of Vitor, the attempt of assault against the Birds and the appearance of something unidentified. But something really strange happened this week.

Dec 03, 2017
INVADED THE HOUSE !!! After hearing this strange tape, everyone decided to leave each one to their home. No one is in the mood to stay in a place where a murder happened. Dolly and Birds only stayed in the house. And yet the house was INVADED by strangers.
A República Season 1 (2017) is released on Oct 29, 2017. Watch A República online - the Portuguese Comedy TV series from Brazil. A República is directed by Antônio Cortez,Ricardo Fillet,Murillo Guedes Manalischi and created by Murillo Guedes Manalischi with Alcides Dall'Agnol Jr. and Caio Guedes.