Episodes (24)

Mar 06, 2010
Choi Kang Ta, aka Michael King, has lured the man who murdered his father to Hawaii. Now he has him under top surveillance.

Mar 07, 2010
Bo-bae tries to get more details from Woo-Hyeon and he lets her know that Chairman Kang met an impostor on the yacht who killed him. She goes to Kang's Funeral and notices Vivian and Michael after causing a problem at the funeral (though she doesn't realize it was them). Vivian asks Michael whether they should get rid of her but Michael dismisses the idea and instead focuses on targeting Jang family by using Vivian and himself to go after the the children.

Mar 13, 2010
Michael takes Bo-Bae home where she is met up by some thugs the Jong family sent after her. Michael easily defeats them not realizing Woo-Hyun is watching them from a distance. Vivian and Michael start to put their plan into motion by targeting the Jang children hoping to win them over romantically. Bo-Bae goes to get more information from Vivian but is ignored. While at Vivian's office she learns that they will be going horseback riding so she makes Woo-Hyun take her too hoping to get more information.

Mar 14, 2010
Michael decides to scare Jang Yong to get him to cooperate by slowly stripping away his peace and sense of security. He starts by interrupting a phone call and blowing the office that he was on the way to. Making sure that he has an alibi he stays with the Jang Children the whole time. Bo-Bae goes with Woo-Hyun to the crime scene and takes a list while no one else is looking. She gets kicked off the crime scene and notices that Woo-Hyun takes a safe into his custody but something doesn't look right. Woo-Hyun starts to display a darker side to him that we only got ...

Mar 20, 2010
Vivian Invites Jang father and son and presents them with a gift. Both Michael and Vivian are getting closer to getting the Jang siblings under their control. Michael's team finds out about the safe that Jang has at his house and Vivian breaks in but fails to open it. Same goes for Woo-Hyun who has no luck opening the safe with the expert he's hired. Desperate to open the safe the Jang family and allies kidnap a girl in order to coerce her grandfather to open the safe.

Mar 21, 2010
After repeatedly saving Deok-Bo's and his granddaughter, Deok-Bo gives Michael a USB drive he took from the safe that he kept in case he needed it. Bo-Bae lets Woo-Hyeon know about her kidnapping and how she thought it was Secretary Pyo but he tells her shes mistaken to cover up for Jang. As Bo-Bae and Michael get closer, Vivian becomes jealous of their intimacy and tries to figure out a way of getting rid of Bo-Bae. Elsewhere, Woo-Hyeon looks into Michael's dad and his family trying to understand why someone is targeting the Jang's.

Mar 27, 2010
Michael kidnaps Justice Lee and tries to scare him into arresting Chairman Jang and his son. Lee tries to find a way out from Michael only to realize that Michael seems to know everything that happens. Michael give Jang-Mi advise on her foundation and Jang-Ho goes to jail over fraud because Justice Lee is unable to help get him out. While getting close to Jan-Mi for ulterior motives Michael is also getting closer to Bo-Bae even though she is not part of their mission.

Mar 28, 2010
Woo-hyeon is assured that Peter Pan is Choi Kang-ta who was adopted to the United States 25 years ago.

Apr 03, 2010
Minister Lee is murdered and the culprits decide to frame Peter pan for it hoping this will get him to stop coming after them or that he gets caught. Dectective Seo Mi-Su seems to be suspicious of the story that Woo-Hyun tells but has no real evidence against it. Vivian is trying to wrap up their mission soon so she can get Michael away from Bo-Bae and is upset when Michael doesn't commit to finishing the mission quickly and decides to take matters into her own hands in regards to Bo-Bae. Woo-Hyun starts to get more upset with Michael because he is always by Bo-Bae's ...

Apr 04, 2010
Woo-Hyeon tries to get Deok-do to give Peter Pan up or at least provide him with a description but he refuses and gets himself out of the interrogation. Jang-Ho finds out that his watch had a tracking and listening device and confronts Vivian who is able to convince him she had no choice. Woo-Hyeon sets up a trap for Peter Pan only to fail and get caught up in his own trap. Peter Pan's group put the next phase of their plan in motion and go after a target.

Apr 10, 2010
Michael finds out a secret about Woo-Hyeon's dad and realizes that he can use this information for his own benefit. Peter Pan's team looks into the history of Woo-Hyeon's dad to figure out his motives as well as more about his condition. Woo-Hyeon tries to get help from Michael and Vivian taking Su Mi with him and she notices the injury on Michaels shoulder making Woo-Hyeon suspicious. Vivian finds out a secret about Chairman Jang that she thinks she can use to her advantage and finally get Michael back on her side.

Apr 11, 2010
Vivian is enraged when she tells Michael Chairman Jang's secret and he decides not to act on it. She then goes to Woo-Hyeon and tells him the whole truth and a history on her and Michael's relationship. In return for betraying him she wants immunity and her business to stay untouched by law enforcement. They set up a trap for Peter pan and lure him to it with the help of Vivian. Peter Pan's team tries to repair the relationship between him and Vivian but don't realize its too late for that.

Apr 17, 2010
After Michael is shot by Woo-Hyeon his body cannot be located causing Woo-Hyeon and Vivian to get nervous. Vivian starts to regret her decision to turn on Michael when she sees that Woo-Hyeon has killed the doctor and plans to go after all the team members. Bo-Bae finds out Peter Pan's real identity and is devastated by the realization that he is a killer. The detective goes back to her home town to see her father and stay with him but something she says triggers an reaction from him that makes it obvious he is hiding something from her.

Apr 18, 2010
After finding out Woo-hyeon and her own family killed Michael, Jang-mi loses her mind. But Michael, now going as Peter Pan, is not easily rid of.

Apr 24, 2010
Michael traps Woo-Hyeon but leaves him alive. He disguises himself and starts to go after his enemies by making deals with others to trap them. In the process, Vivian also finds out he's alive and is scared because she knows he will come after her. Woo-Hyeon gets arrested on suspicious of illegal crimes and when they search his apartment are able to find evidence of the crime. Bo-Bae and Woo-Hyeon's relationship gets even more tense when she comes closer to the truth about the crimes that were committed in the past.

Apr 25, 2010
Michael confront Tae-Jin on the whereabouts of his sister but he tell him that his sister did not make it and died. Meanwhile, Woo-Hyeon also suspects that Michael's sister is alive and takes a DNA sample from Mi-Soo to see whether she could be related to Michael. Tae-Jin's past is explored through his daughters investigation into the Choi family murder and as well as through Woo-Hyeon's fathers accounts of how they were able to use him to do some dirty work.

May 01, 2010
Woo-Hyeon sets up a trap for Michael by telling him they have found his sister only for Vivian to show up instead. Everything goes for them though and Vivian is taken as hostage by Michael in order to escape. Later Michael sets up Woo-Hyeon to make it look like they have worked together all along. Bo-Bae tries calling Woo-Hyeon but he ignores her because he got what he needed from her. Michael finds out who his sister is but there are tragic consequences for him retrieving the information.

May 02, 2010
Woo-Hyeon convinces Mi-Soo that Michael killed her father and she decides she will do anything to avenge her fathers death. Bo-Bae finds out as well but believes that all these rumors are not true but her mother forbids her from seeing him anymore. Woo-Hyeon and Mi-Soo come up with a plan to trap Michael and get him to come to them though Mi-Soo doesn't realize she is the one that is being lied to by Woo-Hyeon. Vivian decides to move back to Hawaii but Jang-Ho begs her to stay.

May 08, 2010
Woo-Hyeon captures Michael and takes him to the Jang's basement. There the Jangs, Woo-Hyeon and his dad torture Michael wanting him to hurt and scream out which he never does. Johnny gets a message with the whereabouts of Michael and goes to rescue him. While Mi-Soo realizes that Woo-Hyeon might have an ulterior motive to helping her find Michael when she finds out that he knew about Michael's whereabouts. Woo-Hyeon promises his father that at the end of all this he will make sure Michael and Mi-Soo will be dead.

May 09, 2010
Michael has put in motion a plan to ruin the Jang family and finally he sees some results from it. More than one secret from Jang and Woo-Hyeon's family gets exposed to the media. Mi-Soo still does not believe Michael is her brother and he tries to help her remember her childhood by telling her stories from their past. Bo-Bae learns who her father is from Woo-Hyeon's father and Woo-Hyeon overhears it and tries to go after her to comfort her only to be stopped by his father.

May 15, 2010
Michael leaves Jang Ho and Jang Yang in their own basement hanging from the manacles that Michael was hanging from earlier. After leaving he tries to see if Bo-Bae and Vivian are alright. At this point everyone knows who Bo-Bae's father is except Jang Mi. Mi-Soo finally realizes that Woo-Hyeon is probably the one that killed her father and is using her to get to Michael. Woo-Hyeon takes over the family business since he no longer can be law enforcement. Vivian is taken hostage and used as bait to get Michael to come save her.

May 16, 2010
Chairman Jang loses his company because of Michael's plan and he goes over to Bo-Bae to beg for help against Michael. Bo-Bae and Michael spend some time together and she tries to convince him killing is not the answer. Mi-Soo finds that Woo-Hyeon might have had meddled in cases while he was working and decides to investigate Minister Lee's murder as well as her biological parents murder.

May 22, 2010
Many of the secrets that were hidden from Jang-Mi come to light and she ends up not processing the information well. Mi- Soo comes in time to help Michael and lets him escape but lets him know this is only temporary and later on he will be held accountable for his crimes. Mi-Soo is kidnapped by Woo-Hyeon but with the help of Jang-Mi Michael is able to get her out. With this last problem Michael plans on ending things once and for all.

May 23, 2010
With there last plan to get money and back into business down the drain the Hwang and Jang family are completely ruined and on top of that they open investigation on past crimes and corruption. The two families turn on one another trying to lay blame on someone else. Bo-Bae is taking hostage to get Michael to come one last time. This final battle leaves some dead while others recover from the emotional and mental toll the revenge took on their lives.
A Man Called God (also know as Shinira bulriwoon sanai) Season 1 (2010) is released on Mar 06, 2010. Watch A Man Called God online - the Korean Action TV series from South Korea. A Man Called God is directed by Hyeong-seon Lee and created by Bong-Seong Park with Il-guk Song and Chae-Young Han.