Episodes (27)

Nov 09, 2006
It's the day the gang has been waiting for! They now don't have to beg their parents for allowances and can get their own jobs. Jen, who had to get a job at the only place in the mall that hired under 16's, The Big Squeeze, last year is looking to get a job at the Penalty Box, while Jude tries at the North Shore Surf and Skate, Jonesy at the Gigantoplex and etc, but finding a job is harder then they thought and Jen is the only one who has one at the end of the day. After getting advice from Jen the gang is finally able to get jobs, even Caitlin, a rich girl whose dad ...

Nov 14, 2004
Jonesy scores a job at the mall's amusement park and invites everyone to come. Everyone agrees to go accept Jen, who has just gotten off probation and does not want to skip work to go to the amusement park. The rest of the gang gets of work and devises a plan to get Jen to realize how much she needs this day off, but when Jonesy tries to help by calling the Penalty Box, Coach Halder decides to put Jen back on to probation.

Nov 21, 2004
Jen's going for her driver's license and Jude, the only one with a valid permit to drive, is giving her some tips. At first she's timid but after training at the virtual driving game in the Arcade, Jen's a lean, mean, driving machine. After Wyatt loses his lucky charm he's convinced he's doomed to a life of bad luck. Caitlin sets out to prove to him that luck has nothing to do with your successes in life... or does it? Ask Jonesy... who just got fired. Again.

Dec 12, 2004
Caitlins been slacking big time she hasnt ordered lemons in ages, she ignores customers, and her lemonade just plain sucks...

Dec 05, 2004
Christmas at the mall sucks: Line ups, impatient customers, and last-minute shopping is enough to drive anyone mad. Caitlin tries to get everyone psyched for Christmas. She has decorated the Big Squeeze and even planned a Chris Cringle gift exchange. But the whole gang is too wiped out by the Christmas rush to get into the mood and eventually even Caitlin gives up. When Jonesy (who gets fired from his Elf gig in Santa's Village) gets them all locked inside the mall after closing, however, the gang discover the true meaning of Christmas at the mall.

Dec 12, 2004
When Jen finally gets Caitlin a date with Kyle, the hot guy shes been crushing on, Caitlin has GOT to find the perfect outfit...

Dec 19, 2004
Jen is shocked when the gang reveals that they all skim a little off the top at work. A free drink here, free demo CD there arent they terrified that theyll get fired?...

Dec 23, 2004
Jen falls instantly in love with Coach Halders son Corey, who has just started working at The Penalty Box...

Mar 12, 2009
Nikkis sales pull sucks, and Chrissys Manager-of-the-Month award is on the line. If she cant pull Nikki up to speed, shell never get the title shes longed for...

Jan 09, 2005
Star Contest comes to the mall, and when Wyatt performs his original song about how awesome his friends are, he wins the regional finals...

Jan 16, 2005
Jen tries to impress Charlie Dobbs, a new employee at the Penalty Box, by making him jealous. She finds herself a "fake date" to make her plan work, and Jude is the one who must become her boyfriend for a couple of hours. Nikki and Jonesy get stuck in an elevator.

Feb 20, 2005
With the impending doom of being forced to sit at the kiddie table at her cousin's upcoming wedding, Jen turns to the gang to help her find a date.

Feb 27, 2005
Caitlin and Jen are beside themselves Dog Sled Fiasco, the COOLEST boy band EVER, are coming to the mall to shoot their next live video and theyre auditioning local kids to put one lucky fan in the video on stage!...

Mar 06, 2005
When Jonesy is fired from yet another job, Nikki goes out on a limb and scores him a job at The Khaki Barn. But her not-so-subtle plan to get more one-on-one Jonesy time isn't going as smoothly as she'd hoped. The gang is on to Jonesy and Nikki - even though they won't admit it, they LIKE like each other.

Mar 27, 2005
Wyatt asks Serena out for Valentines Day and makes tons of traditionally romantic plans for the big night flowers, candy, reservations the works?

Apr 10, 2005
Caitlins a shoe-in for Khaki Girl, a real girl chosen every year to represent The Khaki Barn and take home a free KB wardrobe?

Apr 17, 2005
Wyatt has taken Serena out on a few dates now, but their relationship is yet to be defined, and Wyatt finally gets up the courage to ask her if shed like to be his girlfriend?

Apr 24, 2005
When Jonesy starts working at The Penalty Box and doing a much better job at sales than Jen, Jen is furious?

May 08, 2005
Jonesys hired as The Mall Special Events Coordinator and his first guest appearance a famous Sooth-saying Swami is a no show?

May 15, 2005
Jonesys new gig as the production assistant for local cable access isnt moving his new film career forward as quickly as possible, so he decides to film his own show, Prank T.V?.

May 29, 2005
Wyatts sixteenth birthday has arrived and no one could be less thrilled than Wyatt?

Jun 05, 2005
The guys have a bit of a shock when all three girls cycles synch up and they all start behaving well differently?

Jun 12, 2004
The gang is in agreement - Jen is always butting into everyone else's business. In fact, they're convinced that it is physically impossible for Jen to keep her opinions to herself for 24 hours. Jen, being competitive in nature, decides to take that bet.

Jun 19, 2005
Jen's big sister is back from College and Jen is horrified when she starts hanging out with her gang. As usual, Jen has landed smack dab in the middle of her big sister's shadow - Courtney is prettier, sexier, more stylish, has more money to buy clothes, is funnier, and better traveled.

Jun 22, 2005
Serena breaks up with Wyatt via text message, and the gang tries to help Wyatt get over it.

Jun 19, 2005
Halloween is usually a spooky time at the mall... but it's about to get downright frightening when Jonesy hosts a Midnight Madness movie marathon in the atrium of the mall.

Jun 19, 2005
One by one, patrons and staff alike are succumbing to an unknown virus and acting very strange. The customers at The Khaki Barn seem much pastier than usual. Wyatt finds a human thumb in his taco. Coach Halder has taken to biting customers, and Caitlin's new boyfriend has turned pasty gray and has really nasty breath - eww! And we won't even mention what becomes of poor Pokey the Panda. It doesn't take the gang long to realize what's happened - the mall has been overtaken by ZOMBIES!
6Teen Season 1 (2004) is released on Nov 09, 2006 and the latest season 4 of 6Teen is released in 2009. Watch 6Teen online - the English Animation TV series from Canada. 6Teen is directed by Karen Lessman,Gary Hurst and created by Jennifer Pertsch with Christian Potenza and Jess Mal Gibbons.