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Episodes (12)

May 14, 2008
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#208 Semi-cide" a man is run over by a semi and cut in half, "#422 Construction Accident" a man buried alive in three tons of sand, "#92 Fang Banged" a man who fell on a poisonous rattlesnake and was bit on the chest, "#832 Lesbocution" a woman who is electrocuted by walking barefoot into an electrified puddle, "#125 Love Bugged" a reptile and insect collector who was bit by a black widow spider, and "#640 Tumble Die" a hospital repairman is caught in a industrial strength dryer. It also looks at the case of a paramedic ...

May 21, 2008
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#293 Freeze Died" a man is locked in a freezing meat locker, "#713 Dive Bombed" three men who die after flying a private plane after scuba diving, "#91 De-Coffinated" a Haitan man is buried alive while by a paralyzing by a Voodoo toxin, "#606 Wet Dream" a man who died of heat stroke in a homemade diving suit, and "#112 Fur Burger" an ancient method of execution that involved rapping a man in an animal skin, tying him to a tree, and letting him be eaten alive by vultures. It also looks at the story of Shayna Richardson ...

Feb 08, 2009
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#316 Butt F***ed" a hospital patient suffering from burns accidentally sets his bandages on fire when having a cigarette, "#818 Frightmare" a woman with recurring nightmares dies of sudden unexpected death syndrome, "#97 Oprah Winfried" a death row inmate accidentally electrocutes himself when sitting on a metal toilet, "#412 Em-Bear-Assed" a man tripping on mushrooms encounters a furry orgy and gets mauled a bear, "#625 Midnight Choker" a man who chokes when he accidentally swallows a billiard ball, and "#269 Window ...

Feb 08, 2009
Sex-crazed beauty works out a fantasy with some fresh-produce. Attorney jumps out of the conference room window on the 40th floor! Young couple has their last "quickie" in a helium-filled deathtrap.

Feb 15, 2009
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#504 Wel-Dead" an adrenal junkie is accidentally electrocuted by a welding machine, "#230 Trailer Trashed" a man poisons himself when he pours bleach in his mobile home's toilet, "#171 Nite Capped" a man is shot and killed by a bullet shot into the air on New Years, "#385 Sh*t Faced" a man with a throat operation dies after an alcohol enema, "#197 Dead Eye" a gym instructor accidentally impales himself through the eye, and "#319 Domin-a-Dead" a 32-year old virgin dies of an allergic reaction when he is put in a latex ...

Feb 22, 2009
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#610 Deep Fried" a man with anger issues falls into a vat of hydrochloric acid after attacking his former boss, "#892 Gorgeous Gorge" a supermodel with bulimia dies after an eating binge, "#347 Re-Tired" a pornography addict impales himself after overfilling a tire until it explodes, "#652 Botoxicated" a woman worried about wrinkles dies after a bad Botox injection, "#498 Choke-A-Lot" two kitchen workers die after inhaling coco powder, and "#629 Sex Ray" a patient dies after being left in an X-ray machine by his over ...

Mar 01, 2009
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#314 Dung For" a man sleeping with a farmer's daughter dies after being buried in manure, "#622 Brain Worms" a couple gets infected by parasites after eating a dinner of live snails, "#401 Abracadaver" a magician dies after his assistant shoots him during a bullet catch, "#429 Weed Whacked" two stoners die after smoking poison sumac, "#221 Rebel Without a Pulse" a Civil War deserter dies of a heart attack after a firing squad misses him, and "#510 Kill Basa" a man dies of a blood clot after hiding a sausage in his disco ...

Mar 08, 2009
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#770 Face Offed" a showgirl dies of flesh-eating bacteria after she cuts herself when shaving her legs, "#47 Re-Coiled" a survivalist is shot in the heart when a snake accidentally wraps around the trigger of his rifle, "#301 Sucked Offed" an escaped prisoner is killed by leeches after hiding in a river, "#312 Re-Formed" a burglar is crushed to death after hiding in a dumpster that is emptied into a garbage truck, "#963 Fin-ished" a woman chokes to death on a fish after she pulls her fishing line in too hard, and "#552 ...

Mar 15, 2009
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#502 Gas-Hole" a biker dies after drinking the gasoline in his motorcycle and throwing up in a fire, "#1 Ichiboned" a repressed Japanese couple dies from heart attacks when they first make love, #518 Jake N' Baked" a narcoleptic dies after falling asleep in an industrial oven, "#734 Die It" a woman dies after using tapeworms as a diet aid, "#499 Pained Gun" a boy is killed when a paint ball gun explode into his throat, and "#283 Deadliest Catch" an electrician fishing with a power line electrocutes himself. It also talks...

Mar 22, 2009
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#77 Red, White and Blew" a man accidentally shoots himself in the face with a homemade firecracker on the fourth of July, "#756 Bank Ruptured" a man with pica disorder dies when he eats too many metal objects, "#66 Guitar Zeros" two heavy metal fans in China fall out of a window while head banging, "#196 Radium Girls" a woman dies of cancer after painting herself with glow-in-the-dark radium paint, "#638 Oz Holed" two Ozzy Osborn fans die after trying to snort fire ants, and "#710 Tanked Girl" a deep sea diver dies when ...

Mar 29, 2009
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#117 Gut Busted" a man with serious gas dies after his girlfriend bursts his stomach with a punch, "#417 DestRoid" an amateur bodybuilder dies of a heart attack at the gym while using steroids, "#78 Text Dead" a woman who is texting is run over by a car driven by the man who is texting her, "#210 Pissed Off" a golfer is bitten by a rat that crawled up his pants leg and dies of Weil's syndrome, "#222 Car Jacked" a car thief gets caught hanging upside down on a rope and dies of a stroke, and "#201 Blown Job" an intoxicated...

Apr 05, 2009
1000 Ways to Die looks at the following cases: "#447 Water Logged" a cliff diver drowns after diving into the water and tearing his colon, "#302 Funny Boned" a man laughs for thirty six hours and dies of a heart attack, "#72 Bowed Out" a Japanese man dies of an aneurysm after hitting another man on the head during a bow, "#277 You're So Vein" a death row inmate survives a lethal injection but dies shortly after being unbuckled from the gurney, "#85 Doggie Style" a drunk chokes to death on a hot dog he tried to swallow whole, and "#403 Heart On" a disturbed man dies ...
1000 Ways to Die Season 1 (2008) is released on May 14, 2008 and the latest season 6 of 1000 Ways to Die is released in 2012. Watch 1000 Ways to Die online - the English Documentary TV series from United States. 1000 Ways to Die is directed by Alex Harvey,Tom McMahon,Mike Williamson,Thom Beers and created by Tom McMahon with Alisdair Simpson and Jules Sylvester. 1000 Ways to Die is available online on Apple TV and Google Play Movies.