As Três Marias full movie is released on Aug 02, 2002. Watch As Três Marias online - the Portuguese Drama movie from Brazil. As Três Marias is directed by Aluizio Abranches and created by Heitor Dhalia with Marieta Severo and Júlia Lemmertz.
In Bahia, a woman spurns a suitor she'd rejected thirty years before. In response, he and his sons sadistically kill her husband and sons. She gathers her three daughters and swears revenge, sending each to hire a killer who's to bring her the head of his victim. Maria Francisca is to hire Zé das Cobras, who eats snakes for courage and won't talk directly to women. Maria Rosa is to hire Chief Tenório, a righteous policeman currently on the hunt for a mad dog. Maria Pia is to hire Jesuíno Cruz, whom she must first spring from prison, and who cuts his victim's in half so that God and Satan get their share. Will the daughters succeed? Will justice be done?