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Matador is an American television series co-created by Roberto Orci, Andrew Orci, Dan Dworkin, and Jay Beattie. The series chronicles the rise of popular soccer star Antonio "Matador" Bravo, known for his exploits both on and off the field. Unbeknownst to the public and his family, he is also a skilled covert operative performing missions for a branch of the CIA.[1] The series premiered on July 15, 2014, on the newly launched channel El Rey.[2]
Cast & Crew
Matador is released in 2014. Watch Matador all seasons full episodes online - the English Action TV series from United States. Matador is directed by Nick Copus,Joseph E. Gallagher,Robert Rodriguez,Matt Earl Beesley and created by Jay Beattie with Gabriel Luna and Nicky Whelan. Matador is available online on Amazon Video and Google Play Movies.
"Matador" is centered on Antonio "Matador" Bravo, a popular soccer star and playboy whose sports stardom is a cover for his other life as a covert operative executing missions for a little known branch of the CIA. He uses his notoriety as a way of getting access to powerful and villainous types, but is forced to confront questions of his true identity in balancing his dual roles.
Their Game. His Rules.