All Hail King Julien Trailer & Clips
All Season (5)

King Julien and his trusty advisers race to save the kingdom from secret agents, stampeding clones and more -- while keeping the party going strong.

In Season 3, King Julien has his paws full, as he escapes from pirates, reunites with his parents, meets aliens and, of course, shakes that booty!

Romance and bromance are in the air in Season 2, as King Julien meets new friends, struts the runway in a diaper and pumps up the jungle party fun.
Cast & Crew
All Hail King Julien is released in 2014 and the latest season 5 of All Hail King Julien is released in 2017. Watch All Hail King Julien all seasons full episodes online - the English Animation TV series from United States. All Hail King Julien is directed by Matt Engstrom,James Wootton,Emmanuel Deligiannis,Stephen Heneveld and created by Steven Altiere with Danny Jacobs and Andy Richter. All Hail King Julien is available online on Netflix and Apple iTunes.
King Julien is here to party, and no one can stop him from ruling with an iron fist... in the air, wavin' like he just doesn't care! ALL HAIL KING JULIEN brings the wild world of Madagascar to a totally original, totally hilarious and totally insane television series in which the king takes on the craziest adventures the jungle has to offer. A new cast of fantastic, colorful characters joins King Julien himself, along with his second-in-command, Maurice, and his longtime devotee, Mort. It's a riot of color - not to mention a laugh riot - when viewers ALL HAIL KING JULIEN!