Theodore Dreiser

Theodore Dreiser

writer, actor

Theodore Dreiser was born on Aug 27, 1871 in USA. Theodore Dreiser's big-screen debut came with Camille directed by Ralph Barton in 1926, strarring Gas-House Gleasen. Theodore Dreiser is known for Carrie directed by William Wyler, Laurence Olivier stars as George Hurstwood and Jennifer Jones as Carrie Meeber. The upcoming new movie Theodore Dreiser plays is The Window which will be released on Apr 01, 1975.

Theodore Dreiser was one of the great American writers, and a transitional figure between Victorian America and the "modern" age that was inaugurated after the cessation of hostilities after WWI and the publication of

  • Birthday

    Aug 27, 1871
  • Place of Birth

    Terre Haute, Indiana, USA

Known For

Movies & TV Shows
